Interesting Dialogue between an Atheist and Seeker! [Trollville]

Seeker : How are you?
Atheist : Doing fine, How about You?
Seeker: Fine, May I know your thoughts on the meaning of life, morality and God?
Atheist: With pleasure, First of all I am not a “Believer” and I don’t go by faith, We Atheists are more science driven and rational, we need evidence, hard evidence to accept anything!
Seeker: Wow! I am impressed with your position, so what do you think about meaning of life
Atheist: No God, Life has no meaning, no absolute morals; we are just dancing for the music of our DNA!
Seeker: So the only absolute truth is there is no absolute truth isn’t?
Atheist: huh…yes but you see we go by evidence so we cannot accept God. We don’t believe anything with out evidence
Seeker: Well, What do you think about the earth and the universe that we are living in, my friend claims that as best proof for an intelligent creator?
Atheist: hmmm…we ‘believe’ there was matter, energy and time….hmmm 10 to 20 billion years ago suddenly (?) there was an explosion, a BIG explosion then universe popped into existence…
Seeker: well, it sounds like a fairy tail…but what is your evidence to prove this theory
Atheist: Scientists are still working on evidences but I have faith in scientists
Seeker: Are these scientists are reliable to believe?
Atheist: Oh pretty much; however they keep changing their views and so called facts but I still ‘believe’ them
Seeker: so after your death, it is very much possible that some one can come up with a different hypothesis which is totally contradictory to what you believe now isn’t?
Atheist: hmmm…possibly
Seeker: What do you think about the origin of life?
Atheist: we believe that the early earth was so hot and hostile, there is an ocean of organic soup, and earth was bombarded by meteors and all of sudden a simple life came from amino acids
Seeker: Interesting! Is it possible to create a ‘simple’ life from lifeless chemicals? Did any one achieve it with all the modern technologies and sophisticated facilities?
Atheist: Hmm..not so far, The more we know about life , the more complex it seems to be…there were lot of attempts to simulate the condition of early earth but unfortunately the tests were proven to kill life than producing life. I believe one day we will achieve it
Seeker: Wow! You are too rational!
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Again, you put us all in the same boat, Simpleton. This isn't Atheists' Ark.
This is not a matter of faith. We do not have faith. We have scientific knowledge. Expect to be rebuffed any time you refer to atheists as one group. We do not all agree on every point, except the point that you need to read more before you write anything else.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Seeker : How are you?
Atheist : Doing fine, How about You?
Seeker: Fine, May I know your thoughts on the meaning of life, morality and God?
Atheist: With pleasure, First of all I am not a “Believer” and I don’t go by faith, We Atheists are more science driven and rational, we need evidence, hard evidence to accept anything!
Seeker: Wow! I am impressed with your position, so what do you think about meaning of life
Atheist: No God, Life has a human defined meaning what ever that maybe this varies from person to person. no absolute morals; our morals are a very useful evolved set of rules governing our social interactions. Moral are very important for us atheists, more so than for theists in fact because if we screw up morally there is not necessarily anyone that’s going to forgive us. We are responsible for our own actions.
Seeker: So the only absolute truth is there is no absolute truth isn’t?
Atheist: I would not say that. I don't think its absolutely true that there are no absolute truths that would be a rather dumb thing to say. We don’t believe anything with out evidence
Seeker: Well, What do you think about the earth and the universe that we are living in, my friend claims that as best proof for an intelligent creator?
Atheist: Well all the evidence from observation and theory suggests that there was a big bang some 13.5 billion or so years ago. So I believe this based on the evidence from observation.
Seeker: well, it sounds like a fairy tail…but what is your evidence to prove this theory
Atheist: There is a whole wealth of evidence that has all gone through the tried and tested peer review process of science. The process of peer review in science is so staggeringly successful in producing useful results that I do trust it. After all pretty much every technology we have developed has relied on this process. It works so well that only a fool would not trust it.
Seeker: Are these scientists are reliable to believe?
Atheist: Oh pretty much. The thing about science is that it is constantly being updated. If they have not got it quite right then they will take on board new evidence and modify and refine the theory. In this way it homes in on the truth very well. The process works so well that it has allowed us to make computers, cars, atom bombs, rockets that fly to the moon, vaccines, pain killers, cancer treatments. Science really works very well indeed. Its successes are so many and so frequent that I don't think anyone rational would doubt its value. This is of course in contrast to religion that never changes its mind despite of the evidence.
Seeker: so after your death, it is very much possible that some one can come up with a different hypothesis which is totally contradictory to what you believe now isn’t?
Atheist: Its possible but it would also need to explain why the evidence available today was there. It could not contradict the evidence of the past. That’s the thing about science it is process of refinement. From time to time people like Einstein come along with really new theories but they always explain more and explain why the previous theories, although wrong, seemed to work at the time on the available evidence of the time. So if new evidence appeared then we may well change our scientific theories to explain it. It would be rather silly to just ignore the evidence after all!
Seeker: What do you think about the origin of life?
Atheist: we believe that the early earth was so hot and hostile, there is an ocean of organic soup, and earth was bombarded by meteors. Then by some process not yet fully understood simple life emerged.
Seeker: Interesting! Is it possible to create a ‘simple’ life from lifeless chemicals? Did any one achieve it with all the modern technologies and sophisticated facilities?
Atheist: No we are not there yet. Remember the process many have taken 10's of millions of years to get started. That’s one hell of a long time! There was a whole planet full of chemicals which is one hell of a lot of space! Also it might only occur on one in a million such planets every billion years! Give us a chance. We have managed to cure many diseases and have worked out how we evolved and by what mechanism.
Seeker: Wow! You are too rational!
Atheist: I know you should try it. Your theory of God magicking the universe and life into existence really does not add up you know.
This is a complete ad hominem, strawman, red herring.... logical fallacy mess. This is a complete misrepresentation and will be moved to trollville just like your other post.
Karma2Grace - Why don't you just start all your threads in Trollville and save the rest of us the trouble of reading your completely assinine, ludicrous posts.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
This poster is doing an excellent job of populating Trollville, isn't he/she? LOL
Now, Pariah, you will hurt his little troll feelings! We must gently pet him, allow him to feel safe, and slap him full in the face to make a clear point. I am shocked at you. You are normally so forgiving, my dear.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Wish you the same ! BTW i will give you a better Idea "Why don't you move all the christian's post to Trollville"?
1 Corinthians 1:18
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"
(duplicate post)
No, not all Christians are complete assbags like you are. Try not to fling your scat on them.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Actually, there are quite a few theists here who never go to Trollville and in fact post many intelligent posts on this forum. You do not, so you go to Trollville. It's as simple as that.
Since you feel it necessary to come here and rant your absurd bigoted opinions, I'm almost surprised that you seem offended by our reactions. Did you honestly think you could come here and insult people and have them accept it? How arrogant!
If god takes life he's an indian giver
You are the living proof to approve God's word. i.e Bible. Read again
1 Corinthians 1:18
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"
Don't throw the Bible at me, your retarded monkey. I went through Catholic seminary.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Yep, I know them. People who claim to give compulsary heaven for all atheists. Read again, I am talking about True christians not theists
Certainly not ! coz i know my atheists brothern well. Their anxity and hatred towords christians. They are the living proofs . Read again
1 Corinthians 1:18
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"
No, I don't think anyone can wake up somebody who is acting like 'sleeping'
Now, I know why you are an atheist! BTW Don't use the race of your ancestor (i.e. Monkey) in derogatory manner
If a person believes in Christ as the son of god, they are a Christian. That 'true' Christian crap doesn't work here.
Ok, so you're not just prejudiced against atheists. I see you pretty much hate everyone who doesn't abide by your rules and beliefs. How typical of one who cries that we are being hateful. I didn't seek you out and spread a bunch of vicious, insulting bullshit on your forum. You came here.
Riiiiight. That makes no sense, but then again, very little of what you say does.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
And it is a good thing we have you here to represent what a true christian is, arrogant, hateful, ignorant, hard headed, lacking in reason, no interest in discussion, whiny, crying, logical fallacy filled, mentality of a four year old, jackass.
(you are aware that the depiction of others as "not true christians" is a logical fallacy called the 'no true scotsman', try looking it up)
*New and Improved. Now with more bigoted goodness.*
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
So how old are you? Looks like too old as you know all words of hatredness...atheist for long time?
K2G : How are you?
Roisin Dubh: Doing fine, How about You?
K2G: Fine, May I know your thoughts on the meaning of life, morality and God?
Roisin Dubh: With pleasure, First of all I am not a “Believer” and I don’t go by faith. Morality is derived from what a society deems as acceptable behavior, and always has been. I am not aware that life has any "meaning." I realize that concept is virtually impossible for theists to get their heads around, because many theists want to think they're special, and can't survive without their Mr. Rogers Daily Affirmation. Weak-minded, they are, and also have spines made of jello.
K2G: Wow! I am impressed with your position, so what do you think about meaning of life
Roisin Dubh: I just answered that question, dope. Learn how to listen/read.
K2G: So the only absolute truth is there is no absolute truth isn’t?
Roisin Dubh: What does this question even mean? Is English your first language?
K2G: Well, What do you think about the earth and the universe that we are living in, my friend claims that as best proof for an intelligent creator?
Roisin Dubh: Your friend's as ignorant as you are. What do I think about the Earth? About the universe? What do you mean, "what do I think about it?" Could you specify what type of answers you are looking for?
K2G: well, it sounds like a fairy tail…but what is your evidence to prove this theory
Roisin Dubh: I appreciate our conversation, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. If you can't see the irony in calling the Big Bang theory a fairy tale, then you have the IQ of moss, and should be sterilized immediately. The evidence for the big bang is overwhelming, go look into it before making these idiotic claims.
K2G: Are these scientists are reliable to believe?
Roisin Dubh: Yep. They're not infallible, and they will alter theories if new evidence warrants it. That's the nice thing about science. If we simply adhered to the nonsensical dogma found in your bible, we'd still think the earth was the center of the universe.
K2G: so after your death, it is very much possible that some one can come up with a different hypothesis which is totally contradictory to what you believe now isn’t?
Roisin Dubh: hmmm…possibly, but one that TOTALLY contradicts the big bang theory? Not likely.
K2G: What do you think about the origin of life?
Roisin Dubh: I think nobody knows yet. But we will find out someday.
K2G: Interesting! Is it possible to create a ‘simple’ life from lifeless chemicals? Did any one achieve it with all the modern technologies and sophisticated facilities?
Roisin Dubh: Since we don't know how life originated, we wouldn't know how to re-create it.
K2G: Wow! You are too rational!
Roisin Dubh: You're not!
"The powerful have always created false images of the weak."
Quoting the BuyBull won't impress us any more than quoting from a Spiderman comic book will convince us that Spiderman is real. I agree he should just start all his posts in trollville. Maybe give him the "asshat" badge, too.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
That i know...
I realize your Love (from you kind words) for me though i am not abide your rules and beliefs
Sleep well! Good night
Hatredness?!?! I have spoken the Queen's English for many years and know this to not be a word. You are either an imbecile or very young. How old are you?
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
HAHAHAHAHAH! Utterly hysterical. We should do all of our writings in this absurd, disputation format!
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Yes, It looks good! I can see that behind you in your icon. Suits best !
I can still acquit you of many of the absurd things you have said. All you must do is tell me how old you are and what your native tongue is. Clearly, you are young and speak some other as your primary language. Let me help you. I can see that your picture of Jesus has a little lion with it. I think that's cute too. I can help you, but you must let me. Do let me help you.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
LOL! What he had said was, "Dude you for 4 points
I think he realized it was a completely incomprehensible comment. Pity I saw it before you deleted it, no?
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Crazy, drunk or high?
If god takes life he's an indian giver