God exists. [Trollville]
God exists. Any forums about this already? Please post.
A forum search engine would be a good idea.
Those Way of The Master guys can do some teaching of truth. I want to promote God on MySpace. If I can't get enough progress just here, I can go there also in a combination.
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I've some Ray Comfort links on there.
Ummm... Ray Comfort is a dumbass and was already totally PWNED by the RRS. Didn't you see the main page?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Actually "god" is a meaningless term and the attempted concept results in incoherency.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
All a posteriori Arguments For the Existence of God Are Intellectually Bankrupt
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
God exists?
You are going to make a statement like that without any substantiation? No arguments why you believe this to be true?
The Way Of The Master guys know how further delude people and that is it.
Thanks for the update.
Really? The last time I tried to get in touch with him he was nonexistent
. Are you going to give us some mind-blowing, ground-breaking argument, or are you going to give us the cute little, "god exists because he makes me feel special!"
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
If you are looking for threads on this look in Atheist vs. Theist.
On way of the master check out The official RRS defeats Way of the Master thread.
My God exists. Dunno about yours, though.
Sure, they can. But they don't.
Shoots Some Truth, God exists
Well at least its progress from .......
Burn the truth, God exists
Hang the truth, God exists
Maybe we should expect, nuck any truth God exists, next
It's probably be too much to expect, except the truth
Concise. Yet somehow lacking.
Here's a clue, you are at risk of having a new anal orifice forcibly rended into your corporeal self.
My Artwork![](http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e378/x_wavefreak_x/RoomWithaView100s.jpg)
Or was it just another childish remark?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.
Despite G_d having told me on numerous occasions that He does indeed exist, I'm still trying to hold open to the possibility that He's lying.
The sentence below is false.
The sentence above is true.
This sentence doesn't care.
Would you like to elaborate or shall I parallelize your statement with "I believe in magic bunnies that give people gold bars"?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Of course I'll elaborate. I posted the main part of it here.
The stuff I've listed in that thread is far from exhaustive.
It's kinda funny that the one time I actually literally had it spelled out for me was the least convincing. Most of the reasons for my belief come from counters to my little arguements against it, which are very well timed and executed. If I am simply seeing patterns in the noise, then the universe must use java's random number generator.
In my case, it's sorta like having a magic bunnies give me gold bars. It seems pretty far fetched, but the gold's real enough.
The sentence below is false.
The sentence above is true.
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No, you're right, god is talking to you, in fact, I'm god and I'm talking to you right now through Todangst's account.
Send todangst all of your money.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
This topic reeks of drive by trolling.
I find your lack of coordinating this with highly unusual events, my current thoughts, and irony unconvincing![Eye-wink Eye-wink](/modules/smileys/examples/002.gif)
Regardless of whether or not G_d exists, I'm still left with a significant number of interesting questions from the whole thing. That is, assuming you bothered to read what I linked to...
The sentence below is false.
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Are you honestly asking if there are any threads regarding the existence of god on this forum? Really?
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I also think this was another drive by.
It seem that many theist drive by posts are Way of the Master fans...wait a minute...is that you Ray?!
Polly want a cracker? Proof! Evidence! RAWK! It never ends with you people. Always doing the evi-dance. Evidence schmevidence, I say. I'm not here to convince the likes of you that what I believe is right, rather merely that it is acceptable.
In any case, if you insist on continually bringing the evidence thing up, my God is a smoothie. You'd be pretty ill-advised to argue against the existence of a physical object, I think.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Wow.. this is the most antagonistic post I've seen in awhile. Let's see what I can do with it.
If a liar tells me I'm going to go eat at Taco Bell today.. is the fact that I "parrot" him, make me a liar? Or deluded for that matter...
Heh. The evidence thing get's old because, many times, what many posters here on rrs mean by "show me evidence" is "show me evidence that can only point to one thing!".
As in many cases.. evidence rarely points to one thing and no other.
The pope is the epitome of logic and convincing ability?
I think he was joking.. could just have been me.
Hmm... I would contend that the "belief in God" has not been proven irrational. Mainly, because i"belief in God" is such a general subject that it's hard to create one all encompassing argument that proves all, or the majority, of them to be irrational.
Especially.. since the word "irrational" is used to liberally at times. Sometimes objectively used.. sometimes subjectively.. etc.
Anyways.. there's my two cents.
My smoothy talks to me... it talks to me in tender looovinessss.. and tells me it's good.
Of course.. all these tidbits I'm dropping in may be pointless and off track-- I am, afterall, merely dropping in midpoint on this thread.
Where's the evidence for a 'god'?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Read the whole topic. I posted a few more experiences.
Every time I have questioned it, I get a counter from an entity that has identified itself to me as G_d. These counter arguements generally follow immediately after the question, or when I begin to doubt it. Since I was very small, I've had strange experiences that have challenged my views on how reality acts. It opened my mind to possibilities, and brought me to a point where something like that doesn't seem to absurd. I've seen the future in a dream on several occasions, and each one followed the same format. There are obvious patterns that stick out there that would be amazingly improbable left to chance alone. Of course, that aspect is not proof of G_d.
My 41 sightings also have very obvious patterns that should not be present in randomness. I've tried looking for other numbers, even looking for 41's, but I don't get the same results. Despite the large and ovious patterns, which even people near me can see, I refuse to believe in anything based on what may be coincidental number sightings.
I am a man of science. I have done everything in my power to verify and test this stuff. Everything points to there being some form of consciousness behind it, and if it is my own subconscious, then the mind is far more powerful than I'm ready to admit.
I could list pages upon pages of examples of personal evidence for why I believe in G_d. It is not based on religion, although several allusions to it have been made. I have been given the exact evidence I need, and that evidence has changed in accordance with my ever tightening requirements.
I approach it as rationally as I can. Do you think I take any of it without question? I'm constantly questioning everything, only to have my proposed alternative answers shattered the next day.
If you really wanted to, I could go over a lot of specific details, but I don't think you care. Maybe it's because you misinterpret my intentions.
I seek an understanding of this. I don't want people to believe in G_d because I feel my belief is justified. If you have no reason to believe in G_d, don't. If any of this is true, it will have a profound effect on my future. I don't know what, or how, and that's very frustrating. But whenever I doubt it, I get something like the fourtune cookie I posted. When that's happened over 20 times consistently, you've really got to wonder. It'd be simpler for me to ignore it, but that won't get me any closer to the truth.
I don't expect or want blind acceptance. I'd never expect it of myself if our positions were switched. I do, however, expect atleast some degree of objectiveness, without a presupposed conclusion.
I dunno whether or not to expect a responce, since this has been moved, but I would appreciate one.
edit: I think it's kinda ironic that the posts of a moderator merit this topic getting moved to "trollville"
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The sentence above is true.
This sentence doesn't care.
Perhaps your purpose for being on this site is to refute irrational claims, but it is not the sole purpose of everyone here, for which I am quite thankful.
I never recall claiming otherwise. If you can't get over the fact that I don't need to justify my beliefs to you in order to believe them, then it's your problem, not mine.
You didn't happen to take any reading comprehension courses while you were in school, did you? I already clearly said that I'm not here to convince you that I am right. As for His Holiness, he can do whatever he pleases as far as I'm concerned.
The likes of someone whose sole purpose in being here is to squach otherwise harmless beliefs.
You're the one slinging ad hominems. Seems to me that you are the one antagonizing the situation.
The way I see it, it doesn't matter whether I've said anything or not.
Strong words coming from someone who is telling people to stick things up their asses. Then again, I guess Mod abilities can easily bring about a certain disregard for civility on forums. After all, why be polite to someone who you could easily destroy?
Of course not. It's a smoothie, you dolt. How on earth would it talk?
Really, it's ironic that you are the one calling me childish. I'm not the one throwing a temper tantrum over something that doesn't even effect me.
Hey Froggy, I read your post and it seems pretty amazing what has happened. I would like to ask the question though, what's with g_d as opposed to god? Is there some secret meaning behind it or something?
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Nah, just Jewish tradition.
my account was deleted. I thought explaining that some non-Christians reported me as something they didn't like
This is a stolen account that was mine.
Well. How about those recordings of places that are in the Bible? Bible has history.
I'd like to do a miracle. If I did, you would believe. I'd like to. The Bible has about prayer. There are storms that can be explained that evil people are doing something wrong. A biblical thing. I thought maybe not all of them.
I decided not to commit suicide somewhat because my parents spent a bunch of time to try to support me. It would be waste of resources for me to have shot myself. I also thought about God.
I noticed that my brain sets to certain numbers like 69 and 89 on downloads and such, more of a brain capability really.
My life would be without some meaning if I believed God didn't exist. I believe good works matter. I'm motivated to do work more than non-Christians would be. Ethics have more value. Believing a God exists allow you to become more effective in life.
I read and/or heard of evidence of the Bible. That helps. I'd like to engage in sexual immorality except I believe it's wrong so I'm trying not to.
I thought I could add more later if I cared enough. I could have provided information for you because eternity is important. Believe and do the eternal salvation prayer before death. Some think you can't lose eternal salvation if you already got it. I figured that to not be so.
I'll save this text on a document just in case it is deleted.
If you delete your text by clicking undo, you won't be able to get it back.
Spider Man comics take place in New York City. Does Spider Man really exist?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I decided not to commit suicide because I realized that I was worth something. I didn't think about god. My parents never supported me, because they don't care. And yes, they are Christians.
(gasp!) The Bible says that once you have salvation you can't lose it. Are you trying to contradict what you believe in?
I've heard of evidence that Islam is true. Does this make it true? No.
I'd like you to do a miracle too. If you were able to do one, I'd believe you. Unfortunately, I doubt it's going to happen.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
If you have not saw, this is the RSS not TCT.
"[The Bible is] a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology." Mark Twain and the Bible
If you want to know more about god, try killing yourself, and go from there. Thats also a good idea to get closer to god, too.
I'm infallible. I don't know why you can't remember that.