Irrational Atheism [TROLLVILLE]

Atheism is irrational for many reasons. I shall point out some of them. 1. Atheists are profoundly arrogant and condescending. The pretension of intellectual superiority is extremely offensive. Nor has such hubris any scientific basis. All who deign to disagree with atheists are subject to immediate condemnation by self-styled intellectually superior atheists. Humor is often used in a vain attempt to hide the hatred. Richard Dawkins has expressed condescension and hatred in one of his most quoted lines: "Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution is either ignorant, stupid, wicked or insane." Dawkins combines hatred, condescension, arrogance, and intolerance in one single line of antiscientific nonsense. He has never retracted his vile remark. 2. Atheists futilely attempt to deny the undeniable. For example, the Anthropic Principle posits insuperable statistics of physical constants which are so extraordinarily precise that they are inexplicable unless one admits that they were set by our Creator. The only response atheists have for the Anthropic Principle is to invoke Multiverses, a fantasy so outlandish as to be grounds for insanity. 3. Atheists hatefully malign Christians primarily on the basis of the Crusades and ignorance. The former is an event of the Twelfth Century, while the latter fallacious argument is known as ad hominem. Pretending to be wise is the overweening practice and presumption of atheists. 4. Atheists have nothing to brag about in terms of their goodness and mercy. Although one argument often propounded by atheists is that they are good for good itself and not for their own redemption, in fact I have yet to hear about any Atheist Hospital, or Atheist Soup Kitchen, or Atheist Shelter for Battered Women. Lutheren Hospitals and Presbyterian Hospitals and Catholic Hospitals are common. Churches everywhere give out turkeys and gifts every Christmas. How do atheists celebrate Christmas? I hope that all of you go to work December 25. 5. Christians live longer, have lower incidences of clinical depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, divorce, and a host of other untoward maladies when compared with atheists. How many people's lives have been transformed by a belief in atheism? Who in prison has become a changed man for renouncing Christianity and embracing atheism? Imagine the laughable claim: "I was lost but now am found. I believe in nothing. There is no god. I'm here all alone, and when I die, there will be only darkness forever. What a relief. What a joy." No, nature knows only transformation, never extinction. - Wehrner Von Braun
Some atheists are like that.
And some Christians use sweeping generalizations when talking about atheists.
No he didn't.
There is far too much evidence to doubt that evolution occurs, so anyone who doesn't believe it is in fact either:
ignorant - this isn't condescenfing or insulting in any way, it means the person that doesn't believe in evolution doesn't know much about it, and about the evidence for it.
stupid - well, if you were shown the evidence, and are unable to understand, then you are pretty much stupid.
wicked and insane - if you seen the evidence and understand it then there ale little possibilities left, these are two of them. Guess you could think of something else, but there aren't much options left.
Because he was right.
Care to explain what was antiscientific about this remark?
Yeah, and can you explain why you think any of the constants even can be different?
And how are multiverses insane?
And if they are, how are they more insane then a creator?
There's more in the past of Christianity then the Crusades.
Actually I think Muslims prefer to use that against Christians, while atheist prefer throw the Spanish Inquisition in their face.
But the worst aspect of your religion, that continues to be a problem to this day is how it stands in the way of scientific progress, simply because it's affraid to be disproven.
You sure make a lot of presumptions about atheists, for someone that complains about atheists' presumptions.
I have heard of many atheist volunteering to work in hospitals or soup kitchens.
I have also heard of a few charities run by atheists, you probably also know of a certain individual called Bill Gates.
No, my workplace is closed on December 25.
But even if it wasn't, why shouldn't I be allowed to take a day off to meet my family if they decided to take a day off on this specific date?
Show the evidence for this. I haven't seen any studies for most of this. The one study I have seen, one about the relation of one's religous beliefs to the divorce rate actually showed that atheists and agnostics to have the lowest divorce rate of all groups.
Search around these or other atheist forums, you'll see that people's lives have changed dramatically when they became atheists.
Haven't heard of many such people, but that's an opportunity to show another statistic:
religous beliefs among the prison population.
Atheists and agnostics are 0.2% of the prison population while they are about 10% of the general population.
What is laughable about that?
Oh, and one more thing.
You are aware that December 25 isn't even a Christian holiday, right?
I'm glad you hold modern quantum theorists in such high esteem. You are, after all, qualified to scoff at their work, right?
As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing special about our universal constants. Assuming that they could have been different to begin with, all that means is that we (in our present form anyway) would not be here to debate this. But this is like picking a random number out of a hat. Perhaps you don't expect the number to be 666666666666666, but it has the same likelihood as any other given one. You are merely surprised by the outcome; our world is as likely to have occured as any other (granting your premise that the constants were random to begin with).
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
Really? And shoving religion down our throats, through legislative hijacking isn't? hmmm.. I think you have to redefine what you mean by arrogance. The fact that you have to place the 10 commandments and crosses everywhere so that we are forced to view it on public taxpayer money that I contribute to is not offensive or conducive to a superiority complex? You guys are now getting all pissed off because atheists are actually organizing against your propaganda and irrationality. This is not an attempt to humur either. Yes I am intellectually superior to you, because I have the capabality of understanding that imaginary unicorns are on the same level as god. How's that for some arrogance?
He shouldn't retract this remark, because it is the truth, it is not vile. By all definitions of reality..he's right on point. YOu're just angry..because you don't want to believe it.
no...this is a fallacy because these "astounding" statistics you speak of do not take into account the expansiveness of the universe and the time it took for it to be created. Along with the fact that perhaps the universe could have taken a different direction, your claim also, is debunked by the fact that there is evidence of extraterrestrial life. and if this so-called god had humanity in mind as the center of creation, you'll have to explain the statistical evidence on why there are viruses and extraterrestrial bacteria alogn with the reason why we have cockroaches and sea urchins and chemo-synthetic organisms. Your theory fails to pass the test of reason. Even if a god was teh creator, then you cannot deny it may have been created himself, using the same statistical idea. It would be impossible then, for a god to have been just "evolved".
It is ironic you would call mulitverses outlandish but the idea that a god said poof let there be life with something that is plausible. YOu need to check your head. How bout that for some more arrogance?
I'll show you ad hominem, it is the fact that christians rate atheists lower than homosexuals in public polls. Not to say there is anything wrong with homosexual. But to apply the xtian irrationalities of hate...that puts us in pretty bad shape in the eyes of christians. and Twelfth Century still alive's just expressed differently. IN the mean time, you never saw in history any one killing int he name of atheism.
ARe you kidding me? where do you live?
There are plenty of atheist hospitals..I work at a secular hospital. But let's address hospitals here for a second. It's ironic I think that xtian hospitals use science in order to cure people. Your claim would be better set if the hospitals you describe would cure people with prayer only. It is the basic principles of science that have led to the discoveries of medicine. And EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY is where most of the progress in medicine has been made. Without the basic tenets of evolutionary biology, we would not be where we are today.
Also, where I live we have atheist/anarchists who feed the poor. We have secular clinics for the poor. We have secular homeless shelters and you call us atheists arrogant? Where do you come off, being god's gift ot altruism, you need to check your head for your ego has blown up. The bullshit here is that your christian hospitals are FOR PROFIT something the church knows much about MONEY AND POWER. I don't see these hospitals giving free health care, but the secular free clinics do. The reason why perhaps secular clinics are not as widespread is because it takes funding. The irony here is that the xtian right wing fuckheads like to take money away from public social programs and instill them in FAITH BASED INITIATIVES OR TAX CUTS FOR THE FUCKING RICH. So don't sit here on your high and mighty altruistic horse. It's like the missonary missions.. we'll give you food if you convert to xtianity.. don't work with this atheist.
The goal of xtian altruism is conversion, not good will. If you don't know that, then you are either ignorant, stupid, wicked or insane. (more arrogance) Morality is not tied into all...that is arrogant to I will respond with arrogance.
I celebrate christmas by teaching people that the true meaning of christmas is a pagan holiday celebrating the winter solstice. It's ironic how much truth you claim to have about jesus, when you theists can't even seem to get his birthday right, and have to make up one to coincide with the pagan holidays. Ironic eh?
Really now, can you show me some evidence or are you blowing this out of your ass...come one show and tell buddy. umm..ahem think you may have your statistics backwards.
Mine for one and the rest of the couple of thousand atheists that visit this site AND GROWING.
It's funny you mention prison. because there are more christians in prison than there are atheists by comparison.
And let me add, that its' so easy to doctrinate those who are downtrodden. Get 'em while their down. This is part of a systematic doctrination process. Designed to take advantage of those who are weak and ignorant in prison. Yeah..don't fool me there either. People become born again in prison because they are specifically targeted by the church.
I have finally realized that life on earth is worth living without the everyday fear and agony of buring in a hell. I have realized that the freedom I have received from destroying my mental chains is so encouraging, that I will try to help my fellow man do the same. To renounce the fear of punishment from an all loving omnipotent, omnisceint god who created us in his image and who knows we will sin none the less so that he can send us to hell, is almost spiritual.
To realize that the earth is a jewel among the cosmos and to cherish it as we should cherish all life on earth is somethign that has given me great hope. Life is beautiful I will live it to the fullest because when I die, that's it.
I will leave you with this quote:
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."-- Charles Darwin
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
"Hey, look I can use the broad brush lol"
Comeback when you have an actual argument, and not C&P bullshit!
I like celebrating winter solstice. It, unlike Jesus, actually exists.
I rest on the arguments of Ivan and Larry. Good job guys!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Yeah, I find I've actually been looking forward to the days getting longer. I'm sick of winter and darkness...

"How many people's lives have been transformed by a belief in atheism?"
wow you are new to this community
I honestly don't see a need for those especially if there already establishments in place. I was a volunteer for 3 years at a Christian organization mentoring kids from low income and broken homes. People knew I was not a Christian but it didn't matter, we were all working towards the same goal. I guess I have nothing to brag about for goodness and mercy, I'm an atheist after all eh?
LOL! Your attacks get more lame each time. It be nice for you to actually address the responses you get instead of running like a coward.
Once again, the true contest is in the arena of logic. The logic of god. A god that cannot survive logic is no god at all. See i think us atheists are giving xtians TOO MUCH POWER. TOO MUCH ATTENTION. The fight must be taken to realms higher than just "GOD" because the xtian god is but one of many. we must show this. we must expose that all theists are the same when it comes to belief and that that belief is irrational, illogical, and ill suited for the 21st century and the progression of mankind.
Greydon SquareRational Response SquadGrand Unified Theory
Greydon SquareRational Response Squad Grand Unified Theory"The Best Cure For Christianity is the Bible."
Yay GreydonSquare is in the house. I love your youtube videos.
Wow! I don't think I've seen so much B.S. since I watched Faux News. Most of the best arguments have already been used, but as a famous example of someone being transformed in prison and becomming an Atheist, I believe Ellie Wiesel remains an Atheist after his experiences living in a concentration camp. So if you actually need one famous example, there you go. And of course, my life has been greatly changed by my acceptance of rational non-theism. And every doctor I know is an Atheist. I mean, when you experience that much death and suffering, how could you not be? And while I've met my share of arrogant atheists, i don't think I've ever come across someone so completely arrogant, condescending, self-righteous, and smug as you. Congratulations! You're the biggest douche ever.
"Atheists are profoundly arrogant and condescending."
Hypocrite. You think religious types aren't?
"The pretension of intellectual superiority is extremely offensive."
*Shrug* Truth hurts I guess.
"Nor has such hubris any scientific basis."
Yes it does.
"All who deign to disagree with atheists are subject to immediate condemnation by self-styled intellectually superior atheists. Humor is often used in a vain attempt to hide the hatred."
A lie. Most of the time we're willing to intellectually discuss something. 99 times out of 100 though, we're attacked for our dis-belief, and respond in kind. If you don't like the backwash, don't start it.
"Richard Dawkins has expressed condescension and hatred in one of his most quoted lines:
"Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution is either ignorant, stupid, wicked or insane."
Dawkins combines hatred, condescension, arrogance, and intolerance in one single line of antiscientific nonsense. He has never retracted his vile remark."
I tend to agree with him. So would you if you agreed with the basis. It would take ignorance, stupidity, or insanity to believe the earth was flat. Or that humans are purple. Same goes with religion. I'll assume the wicked part was referring to people within religion that believe in evolution(or disbelieve religion entirely) but decry it to gain followers. Possible I suppose, but hard to prove. Either way, they aren't believing, so it's a misnomer.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Hit post a bit quick there. To continue...
False. I have yet to see a single thing brought forth from any creationist that comes even remotely close to being possible only if there's a god. Feel free to try though.
You believe in religion yet claim a multiverse to be an outlandish fantasy? You are a walking definition of contradiction. Beyond that, anthropic principle is a falsehood desperately generated by religiously devout in the face of overwhelming evidence that religions are wrong. Anything they can do to slow their descent into irrelevancy.
While the crusades are a prime example of what happens when you have religion, most atheists attack theists for spreading a falsehood. I am quite tired of having religion shoved down my throat, and think it's high time I returned the favour by shoving anti-religion into the faces of the religious. If you have a problem with that, then I advise you to shut up, and get all your fellows to shut up as well.
Same religion, different time period. Murder doesn't have a statue of limitations. And the latter applies to yourself, not the atheist.
Officially the dumbest thing you've said yet. Did you even think about this for a minute before you posted? Why would there be an atheist hospital? We aren't a religious group. Though I know for a fact many atheists are in fact involved in charity. The simple reality is that atheists are less arrogant than theists, and don't feel the need to force our beliefs or lack thereof down everyones throat who walks through the door. We target theism, not people.
Churches that believe in your religion sure. What about the Jews? Or the Moslems? I've never seen them handing out turkeys on your holiday. Or should I say, what used to be your holiday, before commerce stole it from you.
Actually I did. Though that has nothing to do with my lack of religion. Besides, if people are dumb enough to pay me 2.5 times what I normally make simply because it falls on a religious day, then I'll take it. It won't stop me from trying to remove the holidays religious connotations however.
They also have a higher tendancy towards pedophilia. So I'll take the drugs thanks!
Are you serious? Since when is atheism a philosopical way of life? Since you know, do you care to show me where it's all laid out?
Oh wait, that would mean it was a religion. Never mind. Catch 22.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.