I get pwnd by a seminary professor

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I get pwnd by a seminary professor

I don't know how this guy found my website but he's been sending me e-mails because he was initially upset that he was forced to read my website.  I'm assuming he was forced since he said he didn't like it and continued reading.  Anyway, being bored I conversed with him when he sent me this whopper about the existence of god.

It is self-evident that there is a creator.   Let me see. Our calendar attests to Him. BC = Before Christ and AD is the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)/.It is no coincidence that Jesus is the central focus of history.
I am sorry, if you think I insulted you. I did not intentionally mean to do that. There is overwhelming evidence in nature of the creator. However, many people choose not to acknowledge, and I can not convince them, nor is it my job to convince them. Also, I do not believe that morals should be legislated, or forced on anyone. I do believe in freedom of speech, which works both ways. If you want freedom, you must tolerate others. I have much tolerance for those who think or believe differently. I do enjoy dialogue, because dialogue allows us to understand each other better. Thanks for your time,  bruce

This guy teaches at Birmingham Seminary so you'd think he'd have something better to present. At first I thought he was kidding so I brought up how the calendar also mentions numerous gods from the Norse religion and one from the Roman religion.  He's still not daunted by the fact that calendars are created by people (Muslims and Jews having their own).  His proof relies on the reference point for the year 2007.  I told him that it refers to the common era (CE) from the Julian calendar.  He is quite persistent though.

Calendars prove the existence of god. I'm only mentioning this because it has to be one of the lamest arguments I've ever heard. 

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hahaha.  that's good

hahaha.  that's good

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D-cubed wrote: Calendars

D-cubed wrote:

Calendars prove the existence of god. I'm only mentioning this because it has to be one of the lamest arguments I've ever heard.






Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar! Gift from heaven. 

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wavefreak wrote:  Sport

wavefreak wrote:

 Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar! Gift from heaven.

You make a much better case Prof. Wavefreak.

I have a Skepchick calendar myself. 

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Quote: Calendars prove the

Calendars prove the existence of god. I'm only mentioning this because it has to be one of the lamest arguments I've ever heard.

Part of me wants to laugh hysterically and part wants to cry uncontrollably.

The end result was an odd kind of hiccup and a little bile in the back of my throat.


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D-cubed wrote:

D-cubed wrote:

It is self-evident that there is a creator. Let me see. Our calendar attests to Him. BC = Before Christ and AD is the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)/.It is no coincidence that Jesus is the central focus of history.
I am sorry, if you think I insulted you. I did not intentionally mean to do that. There is overwhelming evidence in nature of the creator. However, many people choose not to acknowledge, and I can not convince them, nor is it my job to convince them. Also, I do not believe that morals should be legislated, or forced on anyone. I do believe in freedom of speech, which works both ways. If you want freedom, you must tolerate others. I have much tolerance for those who think or believe differently. I do enjoy dialogue, because dialogue allows us to understand each other better. Thanks for your time, bruce

You know people think we're making an example out of Kent Hovind as a fraud. I'm not sure I see it that way. There is a small piece of every theist that is dishonest with themselves, and there is a large group of theists who are delusional. Hovind is but a microcasm of people like the dipstick you posted about above.

 Delusional people, delusional people.  It would make a good Marilyn Manson song.  

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Quote: Delusional people,

Delusional people, delusional people.  It would make a good Marilyn Manson song.

Thanks a little.

Now I'm going to have this shit stuck in my head for the rest of the day.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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I suppose all those

I suppose all those Christmas carols can be added to the "mountain" of proof as well.

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And every time I say,

And every time I say, "Fucking Jesus Fucking Christ on a Fucking Pogo Stick!" I'm contributing to the pool of evidence.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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Reading things like this are

Reading things like this are what have made me lose my ability to tell when someone is exaggerating or telling the truth. Especialy in text, it never fails to surprise me the things some people believe.

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Yes, but there is no

Yes, but there is no question as to the existence of Fuck....

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also i still don't think it

also i still don't think it beats the level of stupidity of this argument 

Can you control planets?


god exists 

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double post

double post

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"Fuck" is proof of god,

"Fuck" is proof of god, too.

Fuck is all things.  It is an abstract concept.  It is a real action.  It is a state of being.  In the case of Kent Hovind, it is a living person.  It is every part of speech.  It is a philosophy.  It is art.  It is unattainable, yet it is a part of all of us.

Fuck is analogous to god, and therefore, is proof of his existence.  God has given us fuck to show us that it is possible to be everything and in everything, and yet be removed from everything.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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If that counts as proof,

If that counts as proof, then the fact that Wednesday is talk like a pirate day and the existance of marinara sauce prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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Hambydammit wrote: "Fuck"

Hambydammit wrote:

"Fuck" is proof of god, too.

Fuck is all things.  It is an abstract concept.  It is a real action.  It is a state of being.  In the case of Kent Hovind, it is a living person.  It is every part of speech.  It is a philosophy.  It is art.  It is unattainable, yet it is a part of all of us.

Fuck is analogous to god, and therefore, is proof of his existence.  God has given us fuck to show us that it is possible to be everything and in everything, and yet be removed from everything.



I"ll never understand omnipresence and being separate from space/time.

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Hambydammit wrote: "Fuck"

Hambydammit wrote:

"Fuck" is proof of god, too.

Fuck is all things. It is an abstract concept. It is a real action. It is a state of being. In the case of Kent Hovind, it is a living person. It is every part of speech. It is a philosophy. It is art. It is unattainable, yet it is a part of all of us.

Fuck is analogous to god, and therefore, is proof of his existence. God has given us fuck to show us that it is possible to be everything and in everything, and yet be removed from everything.



So how do you answer the paradoxical infinite regress of "Fuck God"? 

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wavefreak wrote:   So how

wavefreak wrote:


So how do you answer the paradoxical infinite regress of "Fuck God"? 


By saying it takes faith to understand?  

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Quote: By saying it takes

By saying it takes faith to understand? 

Dammit, zntneo, you beat me to the punch.

Or, we could say that since god is in everything and everything is god, that fuck is god.

That would make a little more logical sense, although it raises some issues with things like butt sex.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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Hamby,  I'll go for what


 I'll go for what even makes less sense.


You must believe it makes sense before it will make sense.  

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Quote: Hamby,  I'll go



 I'll go for what even makes less sense.


You must believe it makes sense before it will make sense. 

I wish I had $10 for every time someone said that to me and meant it.

(Inflation, you know.  A quarter each would just buy me a few nice dinners.)


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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D-cubed wrote: I don't

D-cubed wrote:

I don't know how this guy found my website but he's been sending me e-mails because he was initially upset that he was forced to read my website. I'm assuming he was forced since he said he didn't like it and continued reading. Anyway, being bored I conversed with him when he sent me this whopper about the existence of god.

It is self-evident that there is a creator. Let me see. Our calendar attests to Him. BC = Before Christ and AD is the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)/.It is no coincidence that Jesus is the central focus of history.
I am sorry, if you think I insulted you. I did not intentionally mean to do that. There is overwhelming evidence in nature of the creator. However, many people choose not to acknowledge, and I can not convince them, nor is it my job to convince them. Also, I do not believe that morals should be legislated, or forced on anyone. I do believe in freedom of speech, which works both ways. If you want freedom, you must tolerate others. I have much tolerance for those who think or believe differently. I do enjoy dialogue, because dialogue allows us to understand each other better. Thanks for your time, bruce

This guy teaches at Birmingham Seminary so you'd think he'd have something better to present.

Actually, you shouldn't think that. Having a degree doesn't make you smart, it only means you should be... as long as there are people who will listen to what you say, you don't need to worry about the goodness of your arguments... most theists are impressed by arguments from authority, no matter what the actual argument is... 

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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todangst wrote: Actually,

todangst wrote:

Actually, you shouldn't think that. Having a degree doesn't make you smart, it only means you should be... as long as there are people who will listen to what you say, you don't need to worry about the goodness of your arguments... most theists are impressed by arguments from authority, no matter what the actual argument is...

I'm assuming his degrees are strictly in Hebrew and Greek which are great acheivements in themselves but doesn't make one any more knowledgeable than a 5 year old who speaks the languages naturally.

Here are some other gems from the professor:

 2007 AD is latin,meaning the year of the Lord (ie. Lord Jesus Christ) BC refers to Before Christ.  Today we live in AD 2007.  However you slice it Jesus Christ is the central figure of history.

 He created the waters, so it was no great feat (or feet) for him to walk on water.

and one of my favorites:

To be scientific, there must be empirical observation. Who observed evolution? No one can repeat anything claimed by so-called scientists, therefore science is at best wishful thinking, based upon faulty starting points and presumptions. Thanks for opportunity.

 Truly a winner.  The guy seems obsessed with me though sending me numerous e-mails through the day.  Personally I think it's his first conversation with an Atheist because the arguments are some of the lamest I've ever heard.  He just through me an argument through popularity for why Thor doesn't exist but Jesus does.

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Ask him to explain birds. If

Ask him to explain birds. If he doesn't believe in evolution then he shouldn't believe in birds.

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CrimsonEdge wrote: Ask him

CrimsonEdge wrote:
Ask him to explain birds. If he doesn't believe in evolution then he shouldn't believe in birds.





but anyway...

Yes, look at the calander, specifically at the days, or the fact that AD and BC are being replaced by CE and BCE. or the fact that this celender hasn't been everywhere for that long.

and even then, Jesus was born on xmas, right? So why is the new years AFTER?

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

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Ophios wrote: CrimsonEdge

Ophios wrote:

CrimsonEdge wrote:
Ask him to explain birds. If he doesn't believe in evolution then he shouldn't believe in birds.





but anyway...

Yes, look at the calander, specifically at the days, or the fact that AD and BC are being replaced by CE and BCE. or the fact that this celender hasn't been everywhere for that long.

and even then, Jesus was born on xmas, right? So why is the new years AFTER?

Just tell him you're from the New World and whip out a Mayan calendar. By his logic, the Mayan calandar is evidence that Jesus doesn't exist. 

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wavefreak wrote: Just tell

wavefreak wrote:
Just tell him you're from the New World and whip out a Mayan calendar. By his logic, the Mayan calandar is evidence that Jesus doesn't exist.

I wonder if he goes "HAIL Caesar!" all through July? 

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

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Ophios wrote: Yes, look at

Ophios wrote:

Yes, look at the calander, specifically at the days, or the fact that AD and BC are being replaced by CE and BCE. or the fact that this celender hasn't been everywhere for that long.

and even then, Jesus was born on xmas, right? So why is the new years AFTER?

I did mention that since I never referred to the BC/AD (is that a band?)  As fundies typically go they ignore whatever is said, it's like some knowledge filter that keeps facts out.  This was his response:

2007 AD is latin,meaning the year of the Lord (ie. Lord Jesus Christ) BC refers to Before Christ.  Today we live in AD 2007.  However you slice it Jesus Christ is the central figure of history. 

I've read plenty of history books and they really didn't focus on Jesus except for the Holy Reich book I'm reading about Christianity and Nazis.  He didn't care much for that and is currently on a kick about how I can't be the judge of anything and actually made some reference to whether or not I'm the judge on the price of eggs in China:

What issues have you brought up? Who made you judge? Are you the center of the universe? Are you the designer of it all? Did you create the mountains? Did you have anything to do with the price of eggs in China? I think not. What criteria do you have to question the historical claims of eyewitnesses who recorded what they saw and heard? Like I said, who made you judge? You can not decide the historical accuracy based upon your biased views against events. Some people deny the holocaust and other events that they prefer to not be confronted with. 

Only fundies are able to use the brains in this matter.  If a person can't decide whether something is false then they can't determine if something's true.  I doubt he catches the contradiction.  He won't answer my question about whether or not I'm the first Atheist he's ever talked to.  He's in his 50s or 60s so it's sad to think he went through so much of his life without any intellectual challenge. 

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Quote: It is self-evident

It is self-evident that there is a creator.
If that is so then why is the creator a Christian one or is that self evident too?  Many others would disagree.

Let me see. Our calendar attests to Him. BC = Before Christ and AD is the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)/.It is no coincidence that Jesus is the central focus of history.
Our history?  Whose history?  How about the history of the Ancient Egyptians or the Romans.

There is overwhelming evidence in nature of the creator.
Where? what? how?

However, many people choose not to acknowledge, and I can not convince them, nor is it my job to convince them.
He means, "Err, I have no argument".  Many people choose not to acknowledge the flying spaghetti monster, but I cannot convince them nor is it my job to convinve them.

Also, I do not believe that morals should be legislated, or forced on anyone.
So do as you want.  Is that anarchy?  Where do we get our laws from?

I do believe in freedom of speech, which works both ways. If you want freedom, you must tolerate others. I have much tolerance for those who think or believe differently. I do enjoy dialogue, because dialogue allows us to understand each other better.
Is this a moral?  Why should we all have freedom of speech?  Is the US constitution (with regard to free speech) a moral law?

Thanks for your time, bruce
Yes, you have wasted it.

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D-cubed wrote: I don't

D-cubed wrote:

I don't know how this guy found my website but he's been sending me e-mails because he was initially upset that he was forced to read my website. I'm assuming he was forced since he said he didn't like it and continued reading. Anyway, being bored I conversed with him when he sent me this whopper about the existence of god.

It is self-evident that there is a creator. Let me see. Our calendar attests to Him. BC = Before Christ and AD is the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)/.It is no coincidence that Jesus is the central focus of history.
I am sorry, if you think I insulted you. I did not intentionally mean to do that. There is overwhelming evidence in nature of the creator. However, many people choose not to acknowledge, and I can not convince them, nor is it my job to convince them. Also, I do not believe that morals should be legislated, or forced on anyone. I do believe in freedom of speech, which works both ways. If you want freedom, you must tolerate others. I have much tolerance for those who think or believe differently. I do enjoy dialogue, because dialogue allows us to understand each other better. Thanks for your time, bruce

This guy teaches at Birmingham Seminary so you'd think he'd have something better to present. At first I thought he was kidding so I brought up how the calendar also mentions numerous gods from the Norse religion and one from the Roman religion. He's still not daunted by the fact that calendars are created by people (Muslims and Jews having their own). His proof relies on the reference point for the year 2007. I told him that it refers to the common era (CE) from the Julian calendar. He is quite persistent though.

Calendars prove the existence of god. I'm only mentioning this because it has to be one of the lamest arguments I've ever heard.

What gets to me is how West-centric this is. There are other calendars (the Islamic and Chinese come to mind) that have nothing to do with Jesus. Not to mention that BC/AD or BCE/CE were retroactively named about 500 years AFTER Jesus was supposedly born. Did you mention this?

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CrimsonEdge wrote: Ask him

CrimsonEdge wrote:
Ask him to explain birds. If he doesn't believe in evolution then he shouldn't believe in birds.

I can send him a picture of a bird that proves the existence of the FSM:

Pasta-Loving Parrot Proves Providence of FSM:


Pirates exist.
Pirates are the chosen people of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Parrots exist
Parrots are the chosen pets of Pirates.
Pasta exists.
Pasta is the chosen communion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Parrots love pasta (photographic proof).
The FSM exists.
Only a deity could exist to set events in motion to cause the previous 4 statements to be true. The only proposed deity to link all these statements is the FSM.
Therefore, the FSM exists.

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D-cubed wrote: todangst

D-cubed wrote:
todangst wrote:

Actually, you shouldn't think that. Having a degree doesn't make you smart, it only means you should be... as long as there are people who will listen to what you say, you don't need to worry about the goodness of your arguments... most theists are impressed by arguments from authority, no matter what the actual argument is...

I'm assuming his degrees are strictly in Hebrew and Greek which are great acheivements in themselves but doesn't make one any more knowledgeable than a 5 year old who speaks the languages naturally.




Here are some other gems from the professor:

2007 AD is latin,meaning the year of the Lord (ie. Lord Jesus Christ) BC refers to Before Christ. Today we live in AD 2007. However you slice it Jesus Christ is the central figure of history.

He created the waters, so it was no great feat (or feet) for him to walk on water.

and one of my favorites:

To be scientific, there must be empirical observation. Who observed evolution?

Another moron who's never learned what the scientific method actually is... empiricism is not 'real time observation', by that logic, there would be no science of astronomy, or paleotology, or...


is there a need to go on? 

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'