Why trust god ?

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Why trust god ?

Here is a question why trust god if he really exists ? Some theist claim god transcends logic or other rationalization. If god doesn’t explain himself then why trust him ? If god is beyond understanding how can you trust him with the certainty he is not fooling you ? To make a argument with the logic of theists with this ugly ugly word infinity (infinity in NOT a number and inserting it like it were one is absurd ):


 “ If a intelligent person is able to trick and fool you a infinitely intelligent being is able to infinitely fool you ! “


Aaaa now I feel all dirty I must get under the shower to wash this of me ! I hope you are happy with this explanation to form it I needed to go down to this level and role in the dirt !

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If you can't trust god then

If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?

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wavefreak wrote: If you

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?

Because something is more powerful why would you assume you can trust it?

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Tarpan wrote: wavefreak

Tarpan wrote:

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?

Because something is more powerful why would you assume you can trust it?

I was being facetious. 

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wavefreak wrote: Tarpan

wavefreak wrote:
Tarpan wrote:

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?

Because something is more powerful why would you assume you can trust it?

I was being facetious.


thank god 

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Tarpan wrote: wavefreak

Tarpan wrote:
wavefreak wrote:
Tarpan wrote:

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?

Because something is more powerful why would you assume you can trust it?

I was being facetious.


thank god 


Later, AdamTM
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wavefreak wrote: If you

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?


You can trust me. 

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wavefreak wrote: If you

wavefreak wrote:
If you can't trust god then who the hell can you trust?


Anyone with a white van and candy. 

A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.

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Mmmmm... candy.

Mmmmm... candy.

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   I am god , what's there

   I am god , what's there to trust ???

are you all fucking nuts ?

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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:I am


I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:
I am god , what's there to trust ???

are you all fucking nuts ?

You're not God. God doesn't cuss. Besides, God lives in heaven. And Jesus is there with him sitting on his right. I'm not sure who's sitting on his left. It's not the Holy Spirit because he's down here on earth making the Pentecostals pass out and go into convulsions.

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LOL XD   Well yes I’m a



Well yes I’m a nuts . XD


Stalin : Submit to me you ! My communism is the salvation ! You will never understand communism submit to it ! You need to trust me !


Mindless unit 1 : OK I trust you.


Hitlet : Trust me on this concentration camp idea its fort the best !


MU1: OK.


Crazy sect leader : I’m god believe in me !


MU1: OK.


KANE: I’m the messier ! You can’t kill the messier ! Peace true power !


MU1: Yesss

Warning I’m not a native English speaker.

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    damn it RickRebel,

    damn it RickRebel, you are so logical ,

you must tear out that eye of reason,

don't you know that is a sin .... repent ....


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RickRebel wrote:   You're

RickRebel wrote:

You're not God. God doesn't cuss. Besides, God lives in heaven. And Jesus is there with him sitting on his right. I'm not sure who's sitting on his left. It's not the Holy Spirit because he's down here on earth making the Pentecostals pass out and go into convulsions.

Probably Satan, his younger brother. 

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BMcD wrote: RickRebel

BMcD wrote:
RickRebel wrote:

You're not God. God doesn't cuss. Besides, God lives in heaven. And Jesus is there with him sitting on his right. I'm not sure who's sitting on his left. It's not the Holy Spirit because he's down here on earth making the Pentecostals pass out and go into convulsions.

Probably Satan, his younger brother. 

Ex-mormon perchance? Sticking out tongue

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Watcher wrote: BMcD

Watcher wrote:
BMcD wrote:

Probably Satan, his younger brother.

Ex-mormon perchance? Sticking out tongue

No, Roman Catholic. Smiling However, if you work within the framework that God is the Creator of all that is, then he is by definition the progenitor of, and directly the one who gave life to, any entity whose existance predates the beginning of sexual reproduction after The Fall of Man. Thus, just as God is said in the abrahamic traditions to be 'the father' of all mankind, he is by the same standard 'the father' of all of the heavenly host. Ergo, all of the angels are, in the same sense that all men are, his children. Christ's specific trick is being "God's Only Begotten Son", ie: unlike Zeus et al, YHVH only knocked up ONE girl.

And it's thoughts like those that make me laugh at people who get all upset at the Mormons actually being willing to say that Satan is, in a manner of speaking, Christ's brother, but are still willing to call themselves 'brothers and sisters in Christ'. Eye-wink 

"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid

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BMcD wrote: And it's

BMcD wrote:
And it's thoughts like those that make me laugh at people who get all upset at the Mormons actually being willing to say that Satan is, in a manner of speaking, Christ's brother, but are still willing to call themselves 'brothers and sisters in Christ'.

It's true. Satan is in fact Jesus' brother. The rumor has been circulating for years but apparently last June an old photo was discovered of Satan and Jesus on a pony when they were kids.

And apparently in the year 0033 while Jesus was giving his famous sermon on the mount speech, Satan hollered from the back of the crowd, "Hey Magic Boy! Why don't you tell them about the time you cast a demon into our neighbor's dog and the dog tried to fuck that talking donkey and the donkey was running around screaming, "GET THIS BITCH OFF ME!!"

Jesus hasn't spoken to Satan since.

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carx wrote: Here is a

carx wrote:

Here is a question why trust god if he really exists ? Some theist claim god transcends logic or other rationalization. If god doesn’t explain himself then why trust him ? If god is beyond understanding how can you trust him with the certainty he is not fooling you ? To make a argument with the logic of theists with this ugly ugly word infinity (infinity in NOT a number and inserting it like it were one is absurd ):

“ If a intelligent person is able to trick and fool you a infinitely intelligent being is able to infinitely fool you ! “

Aaaa now I feel all dirty I must get under the shower to wash this of me ! I hope you are happy with this explanation to form it I needed to go down to this level and role in the dirt !


I don't think it's irrational to "trust" God.  Since theists believe God to be extremely powerful (whether God is literally all-powerful or not), and since theists do not believe there to be anything more powerful than God, then it makes sense to throw in with God.  Of course, this isn't exactly the same thing as trust.  It's more of a gamble, but a relatively safe one given the evidence the theist believes he has.   

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Well think Star Gate stile

Well think Star Gate stile you realize that power DON’T = good .

Besides think if we would believe every word of powerful binges and imagine this scenario

Stalin : Submit to me you ! My communism is the salvation ! You will never understand communism submit to it ! You need to trust me !

Mindless unit 1 : OK I trust you.

Hitlet : Trust me on this concentration camp idea its fort the best !

MU1: OK.

And no trusting powerful beings is completely irrational


even for a theist.

On the side note every christian dreams to be a slave of god

Warning I’m not a native English speaker.

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True, power does not imply

True, power does not imply goodness.  But that's not entirely relevant.  What it comes down to is this:  do we have enough evidence to believe that the Judaeo-Christian God has the power to torture us for all eternity if we refuse to submit to his will?  If we do, then it would make sense to be obedient.  Not just out of rational self-interest but also out of concern for others, as you would not want any person to be condemned to eternal torture in hell by this God, and so you would want to convince others to save themselves by submitting to this deity. 

Once again, this isn't really the same thing as "trust," but it leads to the same result:  obedience to God.   

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Emmm Watt if god if fooling

Emmm Watt if god if fooling you and making stuff up ? Maybe there is a god but there is no afterlife and god is just a kid with a ant farm (ant=human in this analogy)? Or maybe we are all going to be thrown into hell  regardless of the fact that we obeyed god or not ?


The point is why trust  a being sudden we suppose to distrust beings with great power then us ? Maybe after working and praying to god he will throw you away because you become usles

and you would take away space/mana/power in his kingdom a example is a hors who working all his life gets killed for a reword because he got uses if you start thinking of it you start to realize something.

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Ok, we'll let's assume that

Ok, we'll let's assume that the existence of the Judaeo-Christian God has been established.  Now we have to decide whether or not we can trust the claims of this being that he will reward us for obedience and punish us (eternally) for disobedience.  Could he by lying? Certainly, that's a possibility.  For instance, perhaps this being does not have any power over what happens to us when we die.  Or perhaps this is an elaborate test.  Perhaps he will in fact reward unbelievers for using their intellect and following their conscience and punish believers for their blind, unthinking obedience.  This situation is similar to that of Pascal's Wager, with the difference being that we're assuming that this God's existence has already been shown to be true.

I tend to think the safest option here would be obedience, taking this God at his word, although after having thought about it, I realize that even this is a pretty big risk.  However, if we set aside the possibility that God, contrary to his word, is going to punish believers and reward unbelievers, then I definitely think obedience is the best option.  Even if it is unlikely God is telling the truth, the potential consequences of disobedience are too high (eternal torment).  Disobeying God isn't like disobeying some human dictator where the consequences are inarguably finite.  

I do acknowledge however that the possibility of God punishing believers would make it difficult to arrive at a decision. 


The correct way of understanding our existence is as conceptually created entities superimposed upon our changing mental and bodily states.

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Why trust god ?It's a

Why trust god ?

It's a great big scary world out there.

- Self reliance and individuation takes a courage that few humans have. What if I could turn my decision making and freedom of choice over to something bigger than myself?  Wouldn't that alleviate my anxieties ?  Anyway, the herd seems so much safer.

- Knowing oneself (psychoanalysis) requires one to be honest w/ one's self, which leads to confronting the lies, the self delusions one keeps.  Aren't we happier living in delusion ?

- I could get hit by an ice cream truck tomorrow while crossing the streets.  Accidents are frightening.  What if I could build a pretend world where everything has purpose

- The unknown is frightening too.  What if I could build a pretend world where everything that frightens me is no longer unknown ?

Human nature is a peculiar thing. 

I would think unless one confronts their "need to believe" they don't spend much time worrying about the nature of god.  They simply make the concept of "god" pliable to whatever fits their needs.

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George Orwell

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The whole idea of god

The whole idea of god harvesting believers comes directly from biblical parables describing believers as "Good fruits" and non believers "weeds" the point is weed are going to get burned and the fruits harvested and taken to a silo or something however using outer knowledge of farming we can arrive at the right answer what happens to harvested fruits

A) We build houses for them and treat them like outer children

B) We eat them

The point is option B) is true and I found this parable very disturbing while I still believed in god.

Besides obedience to a being where you get burned or eaten I suggest disobedience and living you life to the fullest is the most logical option.

Thank you for agreeing with me on some aspects .

Please think of racing horses

-They work for humans hard

-They think they are going to be reworded (lets assume this)

-And if they get to their promise "glue factory" they get killed

where is the reword ?

If there is a shepherd of human sheep we are all meant for slaughter.

So riddle me this is it better to waist you little time on earth on following a being you cant be sure of and can expect total annihilation in return or is it better to use this time to the fullest ?



One last thing spam mail requesting you to send some money in order to get a kings fortune or something I thing no one would send this money thinking south generosity is fake and the savior king is a tricky bastard ready to scam us. I can applied this simple logic to a theoretical god and see if he will reword the faithful money senders or have his profit and mock all thus naive idiots.


Warning I’m not a native English speaker.

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Didymos wrote: True, power

Didymos wrote:

True, power does not imply goodness. But that's not entirely relevant. What it comes down to is this: do we have enough evidence to believe that the Judaeo-Christian God has the power to torture us for all eternity if we refuse to submit to his will? If we do, then it would make sense to be obedient. Not just out of rational self-interest but also out of concern for others, as you would not want any person to be condemned to eternal torture in hell by this God, and so you would want to convince others to save themselves by submitting to this deity.

Once again, this isn't really the same thing as "trust," but it leads to the same result: obedience to God.

Then orthodox Christianity lies.  Orthodoxy maintains that God's purpose in creating mankind was not to have humanity behave as frightened slaves but that God was interested in a relationship based upon love and adoration.  You know, all the "Abba" Father bullshit.

Turns out God is just a super thug who extorts "love and admiration" with threats of torture.