What a bunch of Crap {MOVED TO AvT}

You have got to be kidding. This site is such a disservice to real atheists around the world. You think slamming other religions advances the cause of atheism? This site is full of nothing more than hate and fear. You all should be embarrassed to be associated with this group of uninformed children. I thought there was going to be real content here. All I have found is a place full of whining little outcasts that have no clue to what being an atheist really means. Do you denounce the Holy Spirit? You act as though the Holy Spirit has some sort of power that you have to denounce it. That in itself makes me question this site or your true beliefs. Admin if you have any balls at all and are really open to free beliefs then leave this post so all can comment. I want to see if there are any mature atheists here that are not intimidated by other beliefs and can focus on what atheism really is all about. Anyone?
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Not this shit again.
Ok, o' jedi master of atheism. Please inform us of what it really means to be an atheist.
Or just stick your head in the sand while religious nuts tear the world apart.
You sir, can fuck off.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
What is it you're doing? Is "True atheism" just louder whining now? Oh do enlighten us.
Ok you tell me what Athemism really is, last time i check, non believer in god(s) or deities....that's it, nothing more nothing less. after that, atheists per se are a diverse group with everyone having their own opinions, some are conservatives, some are liberals, some are like me libertarians, some are communists, others humanists etc etc etc etc etc etc, so what are atheists to you?
Second why not attack religion? I can if I so damn well please, I can be an atheist, and attack religion, I have no need to further someone else's atheists idea, my idea is that i personally don't see any long term benefits to modern day society in regards to religion, on the contrary I see more harm than good in the long run and as such I will attack it's beliefs and ideology. If you don't like that.....too bad, I don't believe in a god or gods or any form of supernatural deities, I am atheist, besides that I bet my ideologies are far different than yours when it comes to the idea of religion, but we share the same idea on god(s) that is it and that is all.
Anyone who doesn't believe in deities is an atheist -- I know you're not one, BTW.
There's more to it, but yes.
Says the guy who looks to ancient goat farmers for philosophy.
Anyone who doesn't believe in deities is an atheist -- Did I mention I know you're not one?
True, in a sense. The concept was a rhetorical foil used by participants to show that their lack of belief is strong enough they'd risk the myth's harshest punishments. Some people have criticized the theological soundness of the stunt, but it doesn't matter because -- guess what -- nobody believes in it anyway, and it served its purpose incredibly well.
Why is a bible-quoting Christian posing as an atheism wonk?
Oh, by all means.
It regards a single question of deity belief. Done.
Thank you all for the replys you have proved my point perfectly. I hoped there would be at least one who had a clue. Guess not. I've seen enough. Later!
I'm not intimidated by beliefs, I'm intimidated by delusional people using them to influence other peoples way of life. I'm intimidated by people that are so convinced that they are right in their belief that they feel justified to murder people, abuse children, disown their children, enslave people, hate people, threaten people, segregate people, force their opinions on people, kill themselves, and a whole god damn list of other things.
This isn't about hate and fear, this is about bringing the people that are holding 2000 year old views of the world up to speed with the current social movements which are about social acceptance, scientific advancement, and in general making the world a better place for everyone rather than for specific groups.
Well at least you have shown your intellectual prowness by completely avoiding answering even one question.....bravo you are an intellectual powerhouse who's arugements completely blows everything out of the water....wanker.
Way to lump everyone together. Why is it considered hate and fear when we criticize or question religion?
I don't care what beliefs people have. They are certainly entitled to them no matter what I think about them. What I do care about is the fact that some people are trying to force their beliefs into our government. And on me. I am not ok with that. I don't see how that is immature, hateful or fearful.
Frankly, if you want to talk about hate and fear, you really should pick up a holy book such as the Bible or Quran.
I'm certainly not an outcast. Not in the least. I have a great deal of wonderful friends who are very important to me.
The reason you're not surprised that people have come back at you so fiercely is because you knew that was going to their response. Your initial post is full of vitriol. Did you expect honey in return?
There are many on this forum that would be willing to discuss issues and various topics with you but if you spew nothing but piss and venom you won't get very far.
Though I doubt you'll come back anyway. You've read one or two posts of a negative nature - I imagine you will run off to wherever you came from full of satisfaction that you have proven to yourself that all your perceptions of atheists are correct. You will then apply this perception to every single non-believer you meet. It's not your fault, it's quite typical of people who are only looking for what they want to see.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Fake vindication is the new defeat.
Take it easy, "uncle Tom." LOL.
Hard to imagine that a middle aged educated person would act so childish.
You are aware that your posts are exactly what he's looking for, right? He reads them and they confirm that all atheists are indeed as he always assumed.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
A random sampling of the posts here would make it easy to agree with this guy. There is alot of "bitching", but I think it's more out of boredom and just general attempts at humor and it just so happens that much of the humor is offensive to many theists. But a little digging and some patience reveals that some deep thinkers haunt this place.
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Probably true. A lot of the bantering back and forth (along with some folks who are genuinely frustrated and unwilling to hold back any more simply for the sake of civil discourse) could give a false impression of how we actually do tend to relate to one another (and by that, I mean the consistent posters here, atheist and theist alike). But by and large, the folks who remain here seem more interested in sensible discussion than rabid attacks.
Of course, it's easy to view such claims as lacking credibility, after all, we're posting to internet forums, we've by definition ceded any claim to credibility.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
He validated my belief of theists. So I thought returning the favor was the nice thing to do.
Anyway, I hardly doubt that he has never called someone childish. So if he wants to play the kettle and pot game then he's free to do so.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
My hockey pool forum is far more of a bitch fest than this place. Most forums are like this, especially when the moderation level is low enough to allow people to speak their contorversial opinions in a style of thier choice.
Dude... octuplepost? Now that's impressive!
Yeah, I think every time I hit my spacebar for a while it was posting somehow.
Surprising. But I fixed it.
BTW: The original number was a little higher.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Most forums are easy to utilize, but you have to tough it out through the nauseating shorthand the regulars invariably develop, and whatever hazing you may get for being a n00b not familiar with the particular rut the place is in. I participate in some Mac support forums, and on YouTube a bit, but the worst so far has been MetaFilter. It's infested with hipsters, wonks and people you want to choke the life out of.
What a cop out!!
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
You had a point? Looked like mindless abuse and false/unjustifiable claims in typical troll style to me. Nice try, I give it a 2 out of 10.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: http://nocleanfeed.com/ | NZ: http://nzblackout.org/
I think it's funny that the only person who was deceitful and lied in this entire thread was the only theist that participated.
Wavefreak doesn't count. He says he's a theist, but I know plenty of people here that will call him an atheist really.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
You remind me of Creationism. First you say that your opposition is wrong, give some points why, but when you are replied and challenged, you back out like a damn coward!
Oh, wait. What am I saying? You didn't give points on why we are wrong. You just atttacked our views, calling us childish, and not demonstrating your point. It's same to assume you are stupid and you are wrong. I'm ready to take that back if you now give a proper, demonstrated answers to your claims.
What is this "true Atheism" that you speak of? Is it not the denial of God? Then WHAT?
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
Just for our own education, name one such "true atheist", and the qualities he/she has to qualify as one.
I didn't knew atheism per se had a cause, some atheist/agnostics who see the harm in religion take it upon themselves to point it out as best as they can and in as much as their capacity and willingness to do so allows them. Let's be frank here, we do not have the government funds and tax breaks you theists have to spread *your* word and agenda.
And what do you want to see?
Let's see, you're complaining, quite annoyingly, without offering arguments to back up your assertions, and then cope out when confronted, reafirming your accusations. You sir, are whining http://www.thefreedictionary.com/whining
Atheism: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/atheism
You strike me as being a walking self-fulfilling prophecy: you may perceive atheist to be rude and arrogant for denying the holy anything and then say religion is not true, god(s) is just a figment of our imagination and so forth, thus you come to this forum, you insult us and then expect that, since we are so damn enlightened, we would disregard the insult and seriously discuss the true meaning and cause of atheism (of which you seem to hold the only valid definition). Anything short of that would prove what you "knew all along", that we are a bunch of "whining little outcasts", dead wrong about what being an atheist even means.
I'm sorry mate but if you insult someone with zero arguments and then expect a serious discussion, you will only get the same "fuck you" you initially gave right back in your face, and it will only prove one thing, you got what you deserved. So, to the only "true atheist" in the would (apparenty), fuck you, and have a nice day.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
You haven't even heard from everyone on the site yet.
I stay here because I like what the RRS does, and I'm learning what I can from them so I can determine how I want to present myself as an Atheist, and be prepared for the challenges I will face because of that.
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Okay smart-ass lets see, why do people who dont believe in god stick together? is that right?... ok lets get to the point the more atheists that stick together have a common topic to discuss... we we see truth and not the... IMAGINARY FRIEND THAT LIVES IN THE SKY...who claims to love you, but would love to watch you burn in torment... and you are dumb enough to believe that you only live life for the afterlife, not to actually do good out of your own heart but rather so you go to your boring non-existant heaven.
Your a Theist that does not have a clue obviously as several other theists on this site are admitting that their biblical teachings do not stack up in a controversial discussion, so they learn to start thinking more effectively.. alot of those Theist eventually cross over and become Moderators and core members.
I myself am a passive atheist, I do not feel a need to attack till I feel attacked so you made the attack so I counter it offensively you Bible thumping Puss-wad. I believe you are scared so you need to make ignorant attacks in which your Peanut sized brain cant comprehend as obviously evolution forgot about you a long time ago.
So, please enjoy giving money to your all powerful friend... If he's all powerful why cant he handle his own finances?
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
The members here represent only themselves. If "real" atheists around the world want members here to represent them, rather than themselves, then those "real" atheists are out of luck.
Atheism, in and of itself, has no cause. Atheism isn't some borg collective with an overarching cause. Individuals have causes but atheism itself has none. Your inclusion of the word "other" next to "religions", thus denoting atheism as a religion, is a clever trick but the denotation is false.
I'm also curious as to what you mean by "slamming." Do you mean highlighting the internal contradictions in religious texts or the external contradictions between those texts and scientific knowledge? Do you mean showing theists how to critically analyze their arguments that ultimately shows them to be without logical foundation? Do you mean mocking the arrogant and ignorant theists who troll the message boards using plagiarized materials? Do you mean controversial acts that get national television to promote the website? What, exactly, do you mean by "slamming"?
We talk about hard determinism, probabilistic determinism, libertarianism, ontology, epistemology, logic, evolution, abiogenesis, physiology, psychology, cosmology, cosmogeny, mathematics, etymology, religiosity, and so on and so forth. I fail to see how anyone who actually read through a portion of the material on this forum and the various blogs could honestly believe "this site is full of nothing more than hate and fear." I think you might be psychologically projecting your own qualities onto the members and/or administrators of this website because your post seems rather hostile, perhaps hateful, and definitely fearful about the quality of representation of "the cause of atheism" and of "real" atheists around the world.
O Informed Elder!, spoonfeed them knowledge and vegetables!
We talk about hard determinism, probabilistic determinism, libertarianism, ontology, epistemology, logic, evolution, abiogenesis, physiology, psychology, cosmology, cosmogeny, mathematics, etymology, religiosity, and so on and so forth. I fail to see how anyone who actually read through a portion of the material on this forum and the various blogs could honestly believe there is no real content here.
And let me congratulate you for fixing this problem by contributing to the forum unlike the ways of the whining little outcasts that have no clue as to what being an atheist really means.
It was done for fun, to raise public awareness, and for many other reasons.
Keep balls out of this.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
hmm, he didn't have much stamina, did he? i think he shot his whole load with the OP..