I guess I will say hi

So hey Everyone, I am Slayn a 29 year old Rational thinker. I figured since the past month so people have been seeing me pop up at random posting stuff so I figured it was time to state the position that I seem to argue with.
I tend to be a philosophical person using the facts I gather through science and for what is sort of the grey areas I make a rational theory(factual Judgement). believe me I may not know everything about Science as I willfully admit I guess you would refer to me as a Humanist in my veiws, as I see kind of a logic within human nature. I guess I annoy my girlfriends past and present when I try to get them to rationally get them to understand their words or behavior.
So in the Idea of any gods existence using a fully open mind as I stab at theories from all angles, I tend to lock it down to the concept of an emotional state nothing more. Scientifically it Obviously fails all logic. so Philosophically I have toyed with the Idea but it always ends with the destructionist arguement Debunking the plausibility, my non religious friends try to get me to see that a plausibility of no god is implausible.
Usually the arguement gets down to primative evolution and a lack of knowlege: which they say without technology there can only be a magic.
By this reasoning technology would have no prevalence to our daily lives as technology is man-made the fore Magic would have to be a constant. the only real magic we see today is explained "watch me pull a rabbit out of my ass" sort of thing so this is a fallible arguement.
Technically the entire belief structure of any religion is just a hardened philosophy. And honestly you can understand to acknowlege the words of your savior JIM BOB,lol, but its not a real philosophy if you do not question it it is only a fallible fact to you.
So if you are to believe Jim-Bob will save the day, but never question it as how he saves the day, then you are not really leaving yourself in the philosophical stand point, you are only accepting that which is foretold... how ignorant is that?
And to point out the irrationality of Jim-bob dying for your sins, that would mean he has to know of your existence which evolution would show there is no way he could know because every generation there will be a new occurance of a feature within your own family. And if you think some guy 2000 years ago could predict exactly who you were, well thats just silly.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
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Hello, Slayne! I'd welcome you in, but I see that you're already here.
Hey there Slayne. I'm a newbie myself but for what is worth, welcome.
Hardened to the point of stone-withen, and thus unquestionable. It is indeed curious to hear someone call their religious beliefs "a philosophy" since, even if dificult to define, almost all forms of true philosophy requires the use of critial thinking, investigation and inquiry, analisis and so on while many, dare I say most forms of religion not only require you to stop all critical thinking, they deem such thinking contrary to their beliefs, portraying it as a lack or faith.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
Welcome aboard Slayne, I've liked reading your posts.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
dude, thank you that means a lot coming from you man.. I would be curious to know what you liked... Also was wondering if there are any plans to get a academy, sanction whatever we are calling it in the southern NH area I am in Massachusetts but as you know a law against atheists is still in the Lawbooks here though benign like a Goiter just waiting to become something.
I am pretty passive in my ways till the past few years... was thinking of putting together Atheism Talk show on public access till I realized it could end up an issue but I am close enough to NH if you were to put together a team I would be happy to volunteer as I am needed. been sort of playing with the Idea since I discovered some of my friends that I thought were smarter Deny Evolution.
Anyways thank you for the compliment, as after seeing some of your work I am quite impressed.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
Welcome to the hizzle.