? is the shit going to hit the fan

Quantum entanglement
It's only a matter of time before every new age hippie/snake oil salesman/and religious nunter, puts their own spin on this, (pun intended)
? what do you kown
? what do you think
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It's already been done, Rev, by thousands. Entanglement gives rise to non-locality which gives rise to the fact that no system in the material world is local, fundamentally. Lots of nutters have taken a little bit of quantum theory and made a lot of bullshit out of it, but the fact is, entanglement must be dealt with and it will change how we understand the world we live in, ultimately.
The main thing we have to deal with when it comes to entanglement is that we are made up of the same units as everything we observe, thus we are entangled (on a seemingly invisble level) we don't view the system of our reality, or any part of it, from outside and we cannot do so, full stop. There's not much else to know about it beyond that, as going any further in a logical sense demands a whole new set of axioms which incorporate the observer into the system such as Category Theory, well beyond the comprehension of your average snakeoil salesman.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist

this explains so much...
like...when someone yawns then i gotta yawn too? entangled!
and how when i pull my finger, gas shoots out my rear...entangled!
is there anyway that this is connected to the phenomenon that whenever i tell a woman that "women are for cooking and cleaning, not for talking and thinking" they get all huffy?
No. Somewhere else, someone else says "women are for talking and thinking, not for cooking and cleaning"
but more on the quantum level than the interpersonal level. lol.
This is the 'give 'em an inch and they'll make it a mile' kind of thinking that actually interferes with base observations.
quantum shell game.
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You know what this movie is don't you ? What the bleep do we know is nothing more than garbage ! I already posted something about it in the forum... You can find this post here.
These are the wackos you are talking about... Beware of this bullshit movie !
I have nothing but contempt for it.
You can find the same lame fucking asshole scientists in the movie The Secret...
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
YES , What another example of human ignorance these Secret / Bleep movies are
Creative ??? YES , and oh so embarrassing ....
Life is not magic .....
Atheism Books.
Sure it is, I AM, but it's the kind of everyday magic that folks take for granted. Sunrises, sunsets, the wind in the trees... all of it perfectly explainable, but it's all still magic, in that good, wondrous, I-don't-mean-chanting-and-finger-wiggling-to-explain-life kind of way.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
yeah BMcD , I love this song , it is magical, me and my sea doo on the lake as the sun rises ! and lovin a lover, and then a baby , and then ....
Olivia Newton John - Magic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfE-Cf9Qcc
Atheism Books.