Something Bothering Me...

Right now I'm debating a Muslim friend regarding theism vs. atheism, and he presented an example that is driving me nuts. I can't pinpoint what else is annoying me about it, what else beyond the points I already raised, but he makes a claim using "the cremated parents" example. What else is driving me nuts!?! I can't pinpoint it.
The Discussion (Erm... I think it's a one on one, so I don't know if other comments are welcome).
No Nyarlathotep, Know Peace.
Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.
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Right. I guess I was wrong about it being one on one, since that buddhist guy commented. Bitchin'.
No Nyarlathotep, Know Peace.
Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.
What else is driving you nuts?
The fact that he stated initially, religion's purpose (there to comfort him in believing humans have more purpose than.... what we actually have.)
You made excellent points. He then ingored them, and continues to have "faith".
I think Surajo Bello is just too afraid to grasp reality.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
I don't think that Buddhist guy understands that by his definition he's not talking about God.
No Nyarlathotep, Know Peace.
Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.