Jesus Walked on Ice, Not Water

MIAMI (April 5) - The New Testament says that Jesus walked on water, but a Florida university professor believes there could be a less miraculous explanation -- he walked on a floating piece of ice.
Professor Doron Nof also theorized in the early 1990s that Moses's parting of the Red Sea had solid science behind it.
Nof, a professor of oceanography at Florida State University, said on Tuesday that his study found an unusual combination of water and atmospheric conditions in what is now northern Israel could have led to ice formation on the Sea of Galilee.
Nof used records of the Mediterranean Sea's surface temperatures and statistical models to examine the dynamics of the Sea of Galilee, which Israelis know now as Lake Kinneret.
The study found that a period of cooler temperatures in the area between 1,500 and 2,600 years ago could have included the decades in which Jesus lived.
A drop in temperature below freezing could have caused ice thick enough to support a human to form on the surface of the freshwater lake near the western shore, Nof said. It might have been nearly impossible for distant observers to see a piece of floating ice surrounded by water.
Nof said he offered his study -- published in the April edition of the Journal of Paleolimnology -- as a "possible explanation" for Jesus' walk on water.
"If you ask me if I believe someone walked on water, no, I don't," Nof said. "Maybe somebody walked on the ice, I don't know. I believe that something natural was there that explains it."
"We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."
When he offered his theory 14 years ago that wind and sea conditions could explain the parting of the Red Sea, Nof said he received some hate mail, even though he noted that the idea could support the biblical description of the event.
And as his theory of Jesus' walk on ice began to circulate, he had more hate mail in his e-mail inbox.
"They asked me if I'm going to try next to explain the resurrection," he said.
Kemo D7
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As far as the resurection goes.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
If Jesus walked on ice, in Israel, that would not have been that stable, if he walked on it, across a lake, that is a miracle in itself, and how Peter started sinking...sorry, either he walked on water or not at all.
Why would it not be stable, haven't you ever been ice skating on a lake before? You may be correct and this theory is wrong..but the possibility is there, and why not exploit this if you were trying to claim to be "miraculous"?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Don't only 19% of you believe Jesus existed?
And yet most of us are willing to theorize the problems, if he actually did. Go figure.
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How can something that did not exist walk on water?
Mind you as a fictional character can be made to do anything the auther wants it too.
I wrote a new bit for the shible..oops I mean bible...that says jesus flew over the water like General Zod from superman 2. Hey it has just as much substance than all the other fiction in the bible!
Oh Hi by the way, i'm motile
Jesus didn't walk on anything, he didn't exist.
Jesus could have possibly walked on water and done all of the things he did, but it doesn't have to do anything with God at all. That was probably a basis for his beleif, and he beleived it so strongly that's what convinced his mind that these things were real and that he could do them. You guys can't just think about atheism, or religion alone, but ALL kind's of sciences, including parapscyhology. So far he even admitted it in the bible when he said that if you beleive something truely in your heart it will happen. I'm not athiest and I'm not religious, I've studied all religions and most points of science including quantum mechanics, neurology, and psychology. He beleived he could do anything, and so he could. (by beleif I meant he actually could have a direct link to his sub-conscience, since that is what does most of these things.)
Right he talked about being able to move mountains with faith. Now, I would like to challenge you to prove what you just said is true, since I contend that it's not. So... with that said... do me a favor and believe truly in your heart that my bank account has 10 million dollars in it. I will gladly send you a million after you do it. If you don't trust that I will do that, I'll give you an easier one... make the WhiteHouse move to Baghdad. We'll all see it on the news. Just "believe it truly in your heart" as "he even admitted in the bible" and obviously you'll be able to do it. If those are too hard believe truly in your heart that when anyone goes to they automatically get redirected to this site. And when I say believe "I mean actually have a direct link to your sub-conscience."
I can't wait to be a millionaire... cheers to you if you can prove what you just said isn't a load of horseshit, as I currently contend.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Yeah, that was a burn.
Man, what is with people always believing in the brain having like mysterious fucking superpowers or some shit. If it was possible for you to subconsiously walk on water, you'd still have to provide a physical mechanism by which the brain stops you from sinking. Now, as for the healing of wounds to the body, There is some evedince that belief can cause the body to fight infection harder, but that's no reason to go around thinking that all of a sudden that lump of electric meat between your ears can go around defying laws of physics, mate.
I mean, if that were true, shouldn't we see other animals doing all kinds of whacko-bizzar shit? And what about those lunatics in the KKK who TRULY BELIVE IN THEIR HEART OF HEARTS (or brain, if you want to bring some actual science into this) that whites are superior to blacks, and that either we should still have slavery, or all blacks should just up and piss off back to africa? And what if you and I belive two things that are wholly and completely contradictory. I belive there's life under the ice on Europa, You belive god made the earth and all life on it for man, and all the extra planets are just....uhhh...fuck I dont even know what you people have to say about the rest of the shit floating around in our solarsystem. But suffice to say that finding life elsewhere would put a bit of a crimp in most of the worlds major religeons.
The difference between the two stances being, I'm not foolish enough to think for a second that my believing or disbelieving makes two shits worth of difference. Either life's there, or it's not. We wont know till we actually put a probe under hte ice. Which, with the illustrious Mr. Bush's BRILLIANT fucking spaceplan to put PEOPLE ON MARS (I mean really, What the fuck man? Why. I say again: WHY?! It's not like the place is fucking paved with gold or some shit. And the cost of bringing back any resources we find would be, forgive the pun, astronomical.) Isn't likely to happen anytime soon. though I hold out hope that the Planetary society ( Check it out, founded in part by my namesake, so you know it's the shit.) can mange to convince someone with half a brain that if we care remotely about answering those nagging questions about life outside Earth, we've got one big fucking red-flag target in our solarsystem, and it's hurtleing around Jupiter right now.
Sorry for getting off topic. As you can tell I'm very passionate about a europa mission.
Ok I'm done, I'll shut up now.
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Your sub-conscience is alot different then your conscience mind, you can beleive anything you want in your conscience mind and your sub-conscience won't. As well as the ass above me called me christian which pissed me off, if you read my post you'd understand I'm not christian and I study space, time, quantum physics, neurology, psychology, and parapscyhology...The first person though telling me to put 10 million dollars in your bank what are you a idiot? you didn't understand what I said, Whatever your sub-conscience beleives in it will accomplish it. Most people it takes a lifetime to barely be able to establish a link with the sub-conscience. It doesn't understand the difference between right or wrong-that's your conscience's mind's job depending on what you've experienced in life so far to determine what's right and wrong. My proof of what I said is the existence of ESP and Psychokinesis-not on a massive scale, but small scales. When you "challenge" someone your supposed to know atleast what their talking about. If you guys somehow disbelieve in psychokinesis and want something to start out with to question how scientifically can it be possible then here's my explanation how it can happen: Psi (the variable used to determine the "substance" that humans have to allow these things to happen) energy begins with serotonin in the pineal and pituitary glands, the Berry phase causes serotonin to be converted into quantum particles, these particles flow through the body with bioelectricity and get vented out through the nerve plexus and glands (chakras), the EMR field surrounding the human body (aura) causes the particles to achieve teleportation through the Aharonov-Bohm effect and these particles are what move objects in Psychokinesis.
Hey, Drew Barrymore can light fires just by thinking about it. Isn't that the coolest thing ever? Wait, I think that was just a movie so it's most likely fiction, sort of like the concept of an "energy field" that surrounds me or the fact that I have all of these colors around my body that only a person who can't find a real job can detect. I though I saw an aura around my buddy one time but it was just the after-effects of swimming in Lake Erie. They have Glow-fish there I think. Perhaps if I really concentrate, I can break a brick with my big toe as well. Only if I use my chi, mind you. I know I can do it!
If Jesus did exists, he probulary was a modern day Criss Angel or David Blaine, no more no less. Criss Angel can float across buildings, lets see that Christian mascot, Jesus, try that one.