The Big Thread of What Does NOT Count as Proof
I wanted to start a thread of what does NOT count as proof for God. Feel free to add to it. Theists should read this so we don't have to read the same non-proofs over and over again.
1. The Bible/Koran/Torah/etc - Holy books and the religion they are about are equivalent. They are either both true or both false. So trying to use the book to prove the religion is circular logic and therefore not logically valid.
2. Personal feelings - We personal feel there is no god, other religions feel their god or gods are real, crazy people feel THEY are God in some cases. Get the point?
3. God can't be proven false - a. Certain gods, (like the Christian God) can through being self-contradictory proven false and
b. Logically, the burden of proof is always on the person who says something exists - otherwise I could say I invented a time machine and demand you prove I didn't.
4. The existance of life and/or the universe - No. Just no.
5. Love/ Morality/ etc - These are human created things and don't exist outside the mind. Just like God!
6. Trying to refute evolution or the big bang - most of the arguments against these theories (and you probably don't know what theory really means so don't even use the word if you don't unless you want me to rip off your head and shit down your neck) are absurd, and anyway even if they were false that would by no means imply any god exists.
Any others?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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I prayed for the Raiders to win and they did!
I prayed for my cousin's cancer to go into remission, and (no thanks whatsoever to the doctors who toiled on the problem), it did!
Without god, there is no meaning to life. There is a meaning to life (to worship god), therefore, god exists.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
hehe. Not even God can help the Raiders. 0-3, and looking at their schedule outside of San Fran this week, Arizona in two, and Houston later in the season I don't see even a potential to win any other games.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
I don't actually watch football or baseball and honestly couldn't tell you which sport the Raiders play. However, they are quite popular in my area.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
You are meaningless,
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
lol, AiiA he was kidding.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
but he's still meaningless
I'd like to note that my posts contain a great deal more worth than yours (though far fewer internet acronyms). Please act accordingly.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
Now now ladies you're each "special" in your own little way.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
You mean, like we're all special in the eyes of God?
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
Another one:
The complexity of life/the univers requires a designer. No, it requires an EXPLANATION. Evolution & the Big bang will suffice. Anyway, the mind of God would be at least as complex and also require a designer - and so on, ad infinitum.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Actually what I mean is: "The grunt sound emanating from all individuals in the likeness of the phonetic vibration 'gawd' AND the symbolic alphanumeric markings that form the word 'god' are meaningless because of its inherent definitional incoherency."

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
This argument inexorably begs the question. It is utterly unfalsifiable and thus of no use.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
"I got some things that I wanted, therefore there is a god."
--Whenever some yutz manages to snag a new job or a car, especially after a long period of personal troubles, they suddenly conclude that Jesus gave 'em that stuff, just to make them feel better.
Well, what about a car wreck that kills two people? Is that Jesus too?