6 reasons for us heathens to believe in God
"Look throughout the major world religions and you'll find that Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius and Moses all identified themselves as teachers or prophets. None of them ever claimed to be equal to God. Surprisingly, Jesus did. That is what sets Jesus apart from all the others."
I always thought that if you want to change the world then you have to start with yourself. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves. - Anti-Flag
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the 6 reasons
What have we got then...
1. "A zillion microsoft users can't be wrong."
2. "God cannot not exist, seriously."
3. "Really, he definitely cannot not exist."
4. "If you disagree then you approve of raping babies."
5. "Stop being so closed-minded about the bible."
6. "Christianity is better than other religions because Christianity says so."
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HA HA HA! and another HA! for the road. given infinite time and weathering, do I think that mount rushmore could occur naturally? Absofuckinglutely. That's why it's INFINITY you dumbass. given an infinity of time, MY face would fucking appear there. as well as a visage like that most christians seem to think god/jesus looks like. I'm sure that when it eventually did, millions would take it as irrefutable evidence of the existance of god. and given infinite junkyards and twisters, you'd have a fucking FLEET of 747's before too long.
I vote YES http//underdogryan.blogspot.com/2005/09/should-men-fling-poo.html
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1. Does God exist? Throughout history, in all cultures of the world, people have been convinced there is a God.
Right....and people have believed in all kinds of superstitious nonsense. What happened to development and figuring shit out? These silly theists and their convulted logic...
On a side note, this kid (happened to be an asshole) in my Hebrew school once used this argument. When I challenged it, he told me I needed a life. Nice comeback.
The Earth...its size is perfect.
Then why are we overpopulated?
Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it.
This only further proves the concept of evolution, you nutcase. Everything has to have it to survive because that's part of what we're made up of. Duh.
Only a mind more intelligent and knowledgeable than humanity could have created the human brain.
Or you know...it evolved.
4. Does God exist? Humankind's inherent sense of right and wrong cannot be biologically explained.
Not every human has a concept of right and wrong. What about sociopaths? It's all in the emotional responses and what we're "raised" to believe among other things. Most of us naturally feel empathy for other humans and creatures with human-like qualities because without it, we'd all kill each other and fail as a species.
We tend to that anyway...so maybe we do fail. Whatever. This doesn't prove your point.
I'm bored with this. Next innocous argument...
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
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Well, I wrote a small response to that, and I'll repost some ideas here, as a response to the last poster (peppermint):
1. it's not only that, but there's more... people have NOT been convinced that there was A god, but that there were MANY gods... which one(s) is(are) the real one(s) ?
2. Mistaken cause and effect. Is the Earth perfect for us because we are like that, or are we like that because of the way Earth is ?
3. so what does the necessity of water prove exactly... ?
4. Not really... how about more intelligences lower than the human one, but working together ?
5. the sense of right and wrong CAN be biologically explained... you just have to learn more biology for that
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
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interesting article... good racial/gender diversity in the pics of the happy youths at the top of the page -- kind of like a 'sunny delight' commercial. nice, polite, non-threatening tone to it all. easy to follow point-by-point sections.
oh... um...i'm still waiting for some EVIDENCE!!!
"here's all you need to know to prove god's existence: the bible says so!"
i grew up with this shit. i didn't get it when i was 8 and i don't get it now.
And I claim to be better than Jesus. Worship me, peons! I called it first! :roll:
I claim to be better than every thing ever created by man. You'll only be punished if you start calling me your lord, or worshipping me or anyone else, or dreaming up some imaginary man in the sky.
That's pretty fair isn't it?
Dude, I clearly called dibs. How dare you usurp my megalomania?! :-x
I am always looking for a guy to mix the Kool-Aid though - interested?
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
You're just intimidated that I'd be a better lord than you!
But I accept the position as koolaid mixer... I suppose nobody would expect death by koolaid
But I'm always the Goddess ....
*runs away to whine to nearest playground authority*
I hate it when they trot out the old favourites:
Why believe in god...
Everyone else has though history...
So? People like explanations for things and in the absence of science, they made some up. ...and women have been seen as inferior throughout history - funny, I don't go along with that old tosh either.
Isn't earth just perfect for life? It's size, water being so nifty, the human brain so dandy
So? The earth is so perfect for life because WE ARE THE LIFE THAT HAS EVOLVED HERE! We'd hardly have evolved to be unsuited to the planet now, would we! Go read about the anthropic cosmological principal!
Chance can't explain it
Read The Blind Watchmaker by Richard *the man's a legend* Dawkins. Then try being simplistic.
Inherent sense of right and wrong
What? Does a lion have a sense of right and wrong? Do ants? They seem to have a system of communal living... hmmm, not that pesky evolution thing again where survival of the fittest doesn't mean killing everything around you in a psychotic rage?
the bible?
Do me a favour - if I wanted to read a work of fiction for some entertainment I'd choose Lord of the Rings - it's far more consistent, uncut and written by a single bloke who invented elvish as a language.
What is it with the cult of Jesus? For starters, if he did exist, he wasn't white. Do I worship David Blane for his tricks??? Nah! Derren Brown maybe...
...and that was all that she could come up with. Hell. I've had more convincing Jehovah's at my door.
Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind. ~ Virginia Woolf 1928.
0=)worship me (need money for beer and pizza)0=)
Jesus was a dick anyway.
He did destroy that fig tree just because it was out of season (he should have known, considering he supposedly invented the seasons.) That meant, of course, nobody could ever get figs from that tree again. That would certainly qualify him as a dick!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
my new favorite way to discourse this claim is to say:
"prove that i'm not god"
they can't do it...
I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own/Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body though feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear...einstein
:smt059 worship me please... and feed me... and give me beer too... also give me weed...yeah...ummm...i can prove im god to... i can make a slice of pizza disappear, i can make a joint disappear,i can make a beer disappear.. man im good at making things disappear :smt059
yeah, well given a few months, I can turn water into wine.
I can turn a water glass into a dick.
3 reasons for christians to stop believing in the holy trinity
1.)jesus doesnt exist, and never existed
2.)god doesnt exist, and never existed
3.)the holy spirit doesnt exist, and never existed
and the scientific documents of religious species like the one who made that article and how its evolved
Earth is also perfectly 'designed' for the Ebola virus.
Funny how Christians never point that out.
The essay is your basic theistic assertion for the existence of God motivated from the perspective of ignorance. I thought of this quote by Edward Abbey when I read it:
"Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues."
I am an atheist because I do not believe in any Gods or anything related to the imaginary subjective supernatural realm that does not exist outside the mind. -- NotSaved
("1. Does God exist? Throughout history, in all cultures of the world, people have been convinced there is a God."
all over the world there was once belief in dragons, that doesnt make them real though, even dragons are explained in depth in writing of all cultures (espesially in china)
("2. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today."
thousands of years ago thunder pointed to zeus. that didnt make him real, or zeus a valid explanation for thunder. surely if a god existed and worked in "mysterious" complex ways wouldnt that mean he needed a creator. there is no natural phenomenon which gods are created except in our imaginations, where all gods were created.
("The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible,"
oh dear, some poor village has lost its idiot. the poor ignoramus thinks that the universe is small. considering the number of planets and moons is actually very high. im sure youll be incredibly shaken if they find limestone on mars. poor idiot. i had to respond to this, hope i didnt make you cry.
("3. Does God exist? Mere "chance" is not an adequate explanation of creation."
again the universe is huge, dumbass.
("Imagine looking at Mount Rushmore, in which the likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are carved. Could you ever believe that it came about by chance? Given infinite time, wind, rain and chance, it is still hard to believe something like that, tied to history, was randomly formed in the side of a mountain. Common sense tells us that people planned and skillfully carved those figures."
this kind of answer is the kind i hate the most. the assuption that inatimate objects that we know are created must be like humans or any other type of animal. WRONG! what about the rock its carved out of we have a perfectly scientific explanation for that god didnt "make" limestone it comes about naturally so there could just as easily be a natural explanation... but people would rather listen to fairy tales than try to actually advance society to a higher degree of intellect.
("4. Does God exist? Humankind's inherent sense of right and wrong cannot be biologically explained."
some animals act in ways that we would see as moral or immoral. apes have culture. many animals are mean and agressive to eachother. if there are more agreesive traits passed on the species will eventually become more agressivethis also works with tameness. the books of the babble (hahaha!) do show short bursts of morality but is by far full of immoral and contradictory terms. the most immoral things have been done in the name of religion.
("There arises in all of us, of any culture, universal feelings of right and wrong. Even a thief gets upset and feels wronged when someone steals from him. If someone violently grabs a child from a family and rapes that child, there is an anger and revulsion and a rage to confront that act as evil, regardless of the culture."
what about suicide bombings, many religions tell us to do immoral things.
have you killed an infidel today? better do gods holy work and kill me then.
("Where did we get this sense of wrongness? How do we explain a universal law in the conscience of all people that says murder for fun is wrong?"
instinct. you wouldnt want to be killed... so why kill others that are the same as you. treat others the way you want to be treated, by far the best philosophy to live by. example do you need to believe in santa claus to give people things out of kindness... no
("5. Does God exist? God not only has revealed Himself in what can be observed in nature, and in human life, but He has even more specifically shown Himself in the Bible."
god cannot and has not revealed himself in any way because he is non-existent, as for the babble (hahaha!...AGAIN!) its a big fairy tale combined with history like the illiad or the oddessy
("Throughout the entire Bible the same message appears
God created the world we live in, and created us specifically to have a relationship with Him."
thats why he made a fruit he knew they'd eat then kicked their asses out when he did
"He deeply loves us."
yet he has order the slaughter of a countless many, flooded the earth, ordered rapist and rapee killed in a rape case, in unsolved murders kill a nearby person, and has been an overall mean and unsupportive person. this evil fuck of a god does not "love" us ok.
"We have sinned and are under God's judgment, in need of His forgiveness."
he doesnt exist, the flying spaghetti monster will never forgive you for this
"God provided a way for our sins to be forgiven."
to sacrifice himself to himself so we can escape the wrath of himself
"He asks us to receive His forgiveness and have a relationship with Him that will last eternally."
he coulda fixed that shit in the garden of eden couldn't he?
"6. Does God exist? Unlike any other revelation of God, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific picture of God."
that never existed might i add
"Do you want to begin a relationship with God and actually know you are accepted by Him?"
do you want to try to start over again with an unbiased unbrainwashed point of veiw. no, right? any time you want to attempt rational thought call me. until then beat yourself with an aluminum bat until you do.
"Just once wouldn't it be nice to prove the existance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? To feel His Warm, Holy, Noodly Goodness flowing through you? Well here is an attempt to demonstrate His Noodly Existance!"
Eh?! Excuse me?! What if there IS no evidence?
No, dipshit, because we HAVE photographs, physical evidence etc. of that... not for gods.
Okay, then the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster says that there are no a-Pastafarians... next...
More bullshit, and begging the question. In my not-so-humble opinion (and by the way, I 1] used to be a Christian and 2] am studying anthropology at UC Davis), supernaturalism is the most systematically perpetrated and perpetuated delusion humanity has ever visited upon ourselves. So YES, they are all wrong: all theists. SINCERELY wrong, yes of course, but no less SEVERELY wrong.
And they quote... wait for it... A PASTOR OF COURSE! Hmm, I'm sure he's read from all the greats in the field of course: just off the top of my head, Malinowski, Geertz, Durkheim, Douglas... no? Yeah, thought not. Supposing this nonsense about monotheism was true (it isn't AFAICT) so WHAT?! If everyone believed in the same invisible friend that wouldn't make it true any more than the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
And clearly, this COULDN'T be due to natural processes which we're too lazy to investigate so goddidit... wow, guess all those sciuntistisms are just snortin' crack with the devil, huh? Freezing... take it these guys haven't been to Antarctica? And heat... well, I think it gets pretty hot right here in California's Central Valley, but it can't hold a candle to the Rub al-Khali (Empty Quarter) of the Arabian Peninsula. The earth has also been through multiple ice ages at widely variant times in its history (those from 2.5 mya to ~10 kya being only the most recent), as well as warming periods. So rather than the earth being "fine-tuned" to life I think it's more the case that the earth simply IS, and when it goes into extreme change life has to catch up- and quite often there're extinctions.
It's also in a decaying orbit, slipping just a little further from the earth every year. Seriously, this is just ridiculous... once again, goddidit is the answer for things they could actually INVESTIGATE.
Yawn... again, WHY pray tell does this add up to a deity? Carbon is also necessary for life, even more so, so HOW do we get from necessary-prerequisites to deity/ies? Water is formed naturally from two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom- no miracles there.
As stated...
Again, begging the question. Actually monkeys ARE quite intelligent (just wanted to point that out), but WHY couldn't this be due to cumulative processes that facilitate our survival?
Again, begging the question... this is getting really old. No, they DIDN'T come about by chance but RATHER, by virtue of innate, cumulative properties! Christ, it's not THAT hard!
Oh please... of course they'd pop this one. Please show me specifically HOW these two are equivalent? Plain truth is Hoyle was just fuckin' WRONG, and ignorant to boot.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster loves me, this I know, because His Holy Noodly Appendage tells me so... little ones to Him belong, they are pasta-less but He is Long...
As stated, but let's run with this one: Ever considered an ant? Why does a single, asexual female ant worker toil for the good of the colony? Oh, THAT'S right... because she's PART of the colony... so maybe it benefits ants to make INDIVIDUAL sacrifices for collective good? So maybe it benefits HUMANS to make individual sacrifices for collective good? Say I'm willing to get in the way of an armed madman, a raging beast or a careening truck and thus save the lives of say, three small children who will go on to possibly reproduce (hell, I'd do it for one), how pray tell is that inexplicable by evolution?! Would I not be making a "noble" (human semantic term) sacrifice for the GROUP at a cost to myself?! Please, this is so common sense... Of COURSE people don't want people to abduct, rape and murder their children; if they didn't care they wouldn't be protecting their reproductive investment, now would they? Evolution does us one better, though: not only do we react against the prospect of this happening to our OWN children, not only are we willing to sacrifice ourselves for them, but we are in fact, as a general rule, willing to sacrifice for OTHER people's children: so once again we see the collective fitness of the group advanced even with individual sacrifices.
I don't buy this universal morality bullshit, though: as far as murdering for fun, I'd invite them to consider the wanton acts of genocide enacted in the bible and in fact, all throughout history to our own time (Rwanda, Darfur).
Haha, Garden of Eden?! Noah flood?! Exodus?! Please...
The rest of this is more pious nonsensical bullshit: I reject the Christian conception of sin as the load of crap that it is, so why would I need a saviour? I don't believe in gods or spirits or miracles, so ancient hagiographic miracle stories about Jesus (who never existed AFAICT), are also unimpressive. Jesus claimed to be divine- so WHAT?! I can claim I get great action from Jessica Alba every night but that doesn't make it true; I can claim that I'M DIVINE but that doesn't make it true.
So in conclusion, boys and girls... the Earth is intelijuntly desined and the Keebler Elf baked for your fiber so you could eat cookies with Him forever amen! But if you don't repent and try to get fat you'll BURN at the BOTTOM OF THE COOKIE TREE FOREVER, making cookies but NEVER GETTING TO EAT ANY!!![/i]
My response to the article, at my own article space:
Hope that satisifes reader needs.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."