Irrational Response Squad

There is a new myspace site created by some local kids in my area thinking that all I do is try to offend people by saying theists are irrational. Check it out. Add it, comment, ridicule. This squad is run off of emotions instead of brains to me.
I'm just to .
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You summed it up in one sentence. There will be plenty of "haters" along the way.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
[RRS] vs. [IRS]
Body: and all that crap
Well, here is why I am not speaking with them on their radio show...
Will said:
It's not a problem.
Kateums said:
What isnt a problem?
Will said:
The timing.
Kateums said:
No, it is a problem.
Will said:
Kateums said:
I dont think anyone from IRS is willing to talk when they have plans to leave town.Why go to aunt sally mae's for Christmas Break if you cant leave the world [including RRS] behind you?ha,Im just saying it's not likely anyone is going to want to talk to brian.Thats all.
Will said:
I see.
Kateums said:
Still, I'll ask anyways and I'll get back to you.
Will says:
Will says:
I hope who it is has done some research.
Kateums says:
Will says:
Has good arguments.
Kateums says:
You said talk not argue. ha
Will says:
Will says:
Have good arguments means they can stand their ground and defend their position.
Will says:
When asked a question you have a good answer.
Will says:
Logan wouldn't be good because he would get mad to fast and just hang up.
Kateums says:
You see, I doubt anyone is going to want to. [now especially]
None of them are up to directly communicating with anyone who spends hour upon hour just trying to force others to be atheist, christian, whatever. They see that as intolerance. [I do too.]
Will says:
UGh, there is no FORCING going on.
Kateums says:
Will says:
It's education, enlightment.
Kateums says:
Kateums says:
is what it is
Will says:
Showing both sides of something.
Kateums says:
im not blind, dude
Kateums says:
no its very one sided
Will says:
Not manipulation it's simply saying hello there is another side to what you've already been manipulated into.
Kateums says:
"Im right. You're wrong. You're irrational because you dont see things my way. wah wah wah."
Will says:
Kateums says:
Will says:
Will says:
Let me explain
Kateums says:
Not necessary
Kateums says:
I've heard you out already.
Will says:
You haven't.
Will says:
Because you're still just clinging onto what you WANT it to sound like.
Kateums says:
There is someone who is part of [IRS] that is atheist. Did you know that?
They hate the RRS. HATE. You know why they hate it?
They're all for atheism, its just they despise the way you go about it.
Kateums says:
No, Im not.
Im just able to face the facts.
Will says:
Yeah, we stire shit up, how does change acurre?
Will says:
People stire shit up.
Will says:
If you don't think we go the right way about it then what is the right way?
Will says:
Religion is the ONE place where it is considered rude to disagree.
Will says:
In order to truely HATE something you must truely understand it
Kateums says:
Religion is one place where it is considered rude to tell someone they are "such and such" just because they dont see eye to eye with you.
Will says:
It's irrational when you belive in something you can't PROVE.
Will says:
I'm NOT saying that PERSON is irrational.
Kateums says:
It is irrational to believe that you can go around telling everyone they are irrational just because they believe in god.
Will says:
Only that ONE instance.
Will says:
Is running for office irrational?
Kateums says:
I dont guess so.
Will says:
Is advertising for a food product Irrational.
Will says:
Is saying hey this isn't right irrational?
Kateums says:
Is Will Majors irrational?
Will says:
Kateums says:
Will says:
Kateums says:
Kateums says:
Will Majors is not irrational
Kateums says:
he is intolerant
Kateums says:
but no
Will says:
I am irrational in one thing and rational in others
Kateums says:
not irrational
Will says:
I am not intolerant if you only knew what that word ment.
Kateums says:
I know what it means.
Will says:
If I was Intolerant I would have KILLED logan by now.
Will says:
I would have KILLED you by now.
Kateums says:
... I think it's you that doesnt understand the meaning of the word intolerant.
Will says:
I would have Killed anybody and anything that didn't agree BUT I DON'T.
Kateums says:
You're talking about being homicidal.
Will says:
No, I'm simply calling a spade a spade.
Kateums says:
That doesnt have much to do with intolerance.
Kateums says:
No, its being intolerant.
Will says:
Homicidal is the action not the state of mind.
Will says:
Stop pushing your bullshit definition.
Kateums says:
Exactly so why are you talking about KILLING PEOPLE when KILLING PEOPLE is an action and has very little to do with being intolerant.
Kateums says:
Its not MY definition that is bullshit.
Will says:
Because intolerance is the state of mind and the homocidal action is what an intolerant person might do.
Kateums says:
There is a very slim chance that someone who is intolerant {in the sense that you are} is going to go around killing someone just because they cant relate to them.
Will says:
Kate if i was intolerant I wouldn't be even talking to you.
Kateums says:
Thats not true. You can be intolerant and still speak.
Kateums says:
You may enjoy making an ass out of yourself.
Im not entirely sure you do, but you might.
Will says:
Intolerance is the lack of ability or willingness to tolerate something. In a medical sense, intolerance refers to the inability to ingest medications or foodstuffs without harmful allergic (or other) reactions
Kateums says:
You arent willing to say "Ooh well thats what they believe, fine. I can live with that."
Will says:
Read the rest.
Kateums says:
... medications, i got it.
Will says:
ntolerance refers to the inability to ingest medications or foodstuffs without HARMFUL allergic (
Kateums says:
What the sam hell does that have to do with anything?
Will says:
Proving my damn point kate/.
Kateums says:
A word can many different things.
I was talking about intolerance in this sense of the word : Intolerance is the lack of ability or willingness to tolerate something
Will says:
Kateums says:
I know what the word means.
Will says:
If I was intolerant about say someone beliving in god.
Will says:
That would mean I would not co exsist with that.
Will says:
Why can't you go on the show?
Will says:
Here kate...
Will says:
Hold on...
Kateums says:
It means you would stick your nose in the air, belittle them, and then make up something about pixie-unicorn fairy men.
Will says:
Hold on hold on...
Will says:
Do me a favor...
Kateums says:
okay what?
Will says:
Will says:
Make an account so we can do his in RRS forums.
Kateums says:
Will says:
Kate what you just defind was the word Pity.
Will says:
Kateums says:
When did I define the word pitty?
Will says:
It means you would stick your nose in the air, belittle them
Will says:
Are you going to make an account?
Kateums says:
Well its big of you to admit you do that to people.
It's good to see you're still a human being.
Kateums says:
An account for what?
Will says:
Kateums says:
Will says:
Kateums says:
Will says:
People are being lied to and brain washed on a day to day basis so when someone else comes along and says something different they reject it.
Kateums says:
Like you being brainwashed for instance?
Will says:
I am not brain washed, I used to be.
Kateums says:
No, you are brainwashed now.
You werent then, but are now.
Will says:
Are you going to make that account?
Kateums says:
An account for WHAT?
Will says:
Kateums says:
Okay all I saw was a lot of videos
Will says:
There should be a create account at the top somewhere
Will says:
It's amazing you don't want to come on the show but you talk big game/
Kateums says:
I dont want to go on the show due to the fact all you do is well... how did you put it "pitty" others when its absolutely not necessary in the least. I dont appreciate it when someone {even my FRIEND} sticks their nose up at me, makes an attempt at belittling me, and whatnot. Excuse me if I'm just a bit bitter.
Amazed? It sure as hell doesnt take much to amaze you Will. I wonder how much it took to brainwash you into all this mess
Kateums says:
do you seriously want to spend as much time as you do doing the whole "theism vs atheism" bullshit
Will says:
I was fucking lied to all my life in church.
Kateums says:
Im not saying you should believe that stuff.
All Im saying is you shouldnt bash anyone else FOR believing.
Will says:
Why, just let people be lied to like I was?
Will says:
To belive in something they can't prove?
Kateums says:
Okay, prove to me here and now WITH WORDS and NO YOUTUBE VIDEOS or whatever
that everything you heard was a lie
Will says:
Let them do what they did to me to others but I can't say that's bullshit?
Will says:
Will says:
One word, evidence.
Kateums says:
Sure you can
Say it all you want
But when you personally attack another person for what they believe, you arent helping them
Kateums says:
Evidence of what? I see no evidence?
and please for {haha} the love of god do not send me a link to anything
Will says:
I am simply returing the favor I was attacked mentally.
Will says:
Kate, you won't see the evidence if you REFUSE to look.
Kateums says:
Well I sure as hell would LOOK at the evidence if someone SHOWED it to me.
Tell me, what is the evidence?
Will says:
Don't send you a link? You just projected to me WHY I do what I do. You refuse to see things.
Will says:
How can I SHOW you the evidence if I can't even send a link?!
Kateums says:
If someone is unhappy with their beliefs {trust me} they will come to you.
If they are truly searching for a way out, they'll find you.
Let the masses come to you, instead of the other way around.
Kateums says:
Tell me with words.
Kateums says:
What is the evidence.
Did someone find this big black book on the moon with all the universe's secrets in it?
What? Tell me.
Will says:
I already tried with words but to back up words you need EVIDENCE but I can't send you a link so what is the point?
Kateums says:
You didnt give me ONE good reason not to belive in god except for it just didnt work out for you.
Will says:
The answers to everything is not in ONE book which is my point, its not the bible nore the quran.
Will says:
Beliving in god has GOTTEN PEOPLE KILLED kate.
Kateums says:
I didnt say it was in a book.
All im saying is you arent showing me evidence
Kateums says:
Not believing in god has pretty much GOTTEN PEOPLE KILLED
Will says:
YES and I can PROVE that
Kateums says:
Man, I really dont believe someone is going to come over and kill me just because I believe in God.
Will says:
Look at fucking history.
Will says:
Well belive it because it happens.
Kateums says:
History. Yes. Its nice. I have history next semseter. what is your point?
Will says:
But I can't send a link because you'll REFUSE to look and not see the evidence.
Will says:
History in high school in controlled by the religious right to some exstent.
Kateums says:
If you cant tell me why I should believe you and what you say without sending me a link, you're a fraud.
Will says:
You're not learning all of history in high school.
Kateums says:
You cant tell me in your own words?
Kateums says:
I dont learn much of anything in high school, other than how much I hate it.
Have a nice day.
I'm just to
"I dont learn much of anything in high school, other than how much I hate it.
+1 educational system
Just another hater who has never heard the show and who has no desire to understand our POV as we desire to understand her POV. Yawn.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
you would think they would at least get a crapy profile somewhere...
change a few colors make a graphic in paint...
lazy, really lazy, making me look good lazy, damn....
That gives me an idea of like a bizzarro world where most people are atheists, and there really would be an "Irrational Response Squad" dedicated to Christianity, UFO's, Astrology, etc. I agree with Sam Harris that the word "Atheist" shouldn't even need to exist - you don't have to describe yourself as a "non-astrologer", for example.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Good points Matt.
I find it truthful that the people at Irrational Response Squad are promoting religion. Talk about truth in advertising!
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
Yeah, anyway! :
They're the irrational counterpoint to this site.
Gravitys' newest venture:
Feel the honesty?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
What a dildo.
A comment off of IRS I found from an atheist. Tell me what you think:
I'm an Atheist.
My favorite comment on here was when Atheists were called lazy: "i think people are just lazy so they'd rather say nonono it's not real instead of actually sitting down and studying the bible and all of the good things that are in it."
One could say that statement wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but it was aimed at a group, anyone within that group is attacked as such.
I've read the Bible three times. The Qur'an once. The Book of Mormon once. I've been a run-of-the-mill Christian, I've been a Buddhist for a year, I've been a Satanist for three months, I've been a Mormon for six months.
Not that I'm being on the defense or offense here. I've read the comments through this whole thing. I think what's going on is incredibly low/lame. I feel bad for participating. I got tired of this crap after high school.
Many children passing insults and claiming tolerance. Will is behaving as a child, so is everyone else. You could all do with a pat on the back and a good book.
Other things from that comment I already quoted.
"i watched and watched and watched alllllll of those athiest videos and fell over laughing at every one of them. i could not believe how rediculously stupid they were."
I agree, they are stupid, and annoying for the most part. I was embarassed watching them. Embarassed for them.
Not that this IRS and RRS thing is anything to be proud of. I hate saying that because I'm fond of some people, and don't know others. It's a bothersome thing.
I already regret posting this.
I'm just to
If you read the "about me" then I think he makes some important points.
These atheistic forums/communities tend to have a two-fold function:
1) Encourage reasoning in general.
2) Push atheistic arguments/conclusions.
If you're concentrating on pushing conclusions (as we've all done at some point or other) then it can make you impatient with the whole rational process. You can start stating certain principles dogmatically rather than going through the process of trying to rationally convince your 'opponent'. You might even accuse them of not thinking properly or failing to grasp basic principles of argument.
Normally this isn't a problem - after all, I've done this to people in the past and I've had it done to me and often not taken offense. Debates get heated, they don't always stick to pure rational arguments, these things happen. However, if you're not used to it then it can be taken the wrong way - especially with a certain backdrop.
I've seen atheists use 'bad' arguments.
Sometimes it's "prove it scientifically else you're being irrational" when there's a lot of beliefs we have that aren't proved scientifically but don't feel irrational for holding. The gist of these arguments tend to be:
"Either prove what you believe formally or else you're irrational."
while only targetting one kind of irrational belief - religious.
It makes them sound dogmatic - "This is the only way to be rational" and then they expect you to accept an argument you don't fully understand (and you suspect that they don't either) or call yourself an irrational 'non-thinker'.
Although the arguments presented might be rational, they're not presented in a rational way or encouraged to be treated in a rational way. (sometimes we can be too impatient for 'results' to let people think their way through the argument and agree with it in their own time)
Some of the arguments that have been presented dogmatically in the past, I actually agreed with many of them when I gradually understood them properly. Even when they were presented to me rationally, it sometimes took a long while for the reasoning of the argument to 'click' and to find myself agreeing with it.
So back to my main point:
Most of us here love to debate and don't mind playing/being played hard. We can push our points as hard as we like knowing that our opponent won't fall for accidental dogma and won't be put off by banter. It's very off-putting for people who don't enjoy aggressive debates though. Aggressively pushing conclusions towards these people will put them off debating. They'll feel out-argued but not feel 'wrong', as the argument didn't persuade them rationally... and aggressiveness will just make them more defensive.
So if you take another look at the Irrational Response Squad and read the 'about me' bit again. The guy's impression of the Rational Response Squad is that they push atheistic beliefs by calling competitors irrational...
I think he's got the wrong idea completely (I know you guys a little better) but it's a common impression that people can get from atheistic groups that use the word 'irrational' while pushing their conclusions...
What do you guys think?
Am I being a bit over-sympathetic to the apathetic?
Yup, some people get the wrong impression. They think for example that if you don't agree with us on all of our views, that we will call you irrational or something of the sort. I get a kick out of exposing people who can't think well, people who make excessive assumptions based on a misperception are not using all of the mental tools at their disposal. It is the people who have a propensity to good critical thinking skills that I most want to align myself with. I'm speaking more of the few atheists who make poor assumptions. There are those people who make ridiculous claims about our group based on pure conjecture, and exposes the accuser of thinking skills not on par with what we should strive for.
I just get a kick out of it. I feel bad getting my kicks off of it, but one must look for something positive when realizing that your brother (in evolutionary relation) is thinking so lazily.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Speaking of, I was looking around and found "The Reasonable Reaction Swarm". Can't tell yet if they're anti-RRS or not. Their motto is, "Believe in god? Eh, we don't fucking care."
I dunno, it seems so weird to start a group based against a group that they feel is silly for starting a group against something. Did that make ANY sense? LOL
I... won't argue with any of these groups about their right to say what they want. It's silly to think that they SHOULDN'T make sites like that. I mean, I'm sure many theists take it very personally that we have a site against what they believe in. I shouldn't take it personally when someone has a problem with one of my favourite regular forums. It just seems odd that a group of people who think that believing in god is silly, but have problems with us officially stating and discussing it, would start their own group, officially stating and discussing the fact that we are silly.....
It kind of... breaks my head.
Yup we know about em. The jist is, the two guys running it are an apathetic atheist who is very non-apathetic towards people who aren't apathetic (in other words he's a hypocrite). The other leader is a Christian in seminary school. The jist is a parody of us of course, and we've had a great many run ins with them. We don't give them any attention outside of their homebase. Several other atheists are part of the group, although none of them take it seriously. It's just the conformist thing to do I suppose, to play along with the little game.
These sites don't realize they're doing us a huge favor. I suppose in some way they think they're hurting our efforts however they fail to see that we need people to align with us that have good critical thinking skills. The charges they level at us are usually ridiculous, so they advertise for us, and when people see the parody it's up to the viewer to determine what they think. If the viewer buys the spurious claims of these hate groups they don't pass the thinking test to align closely with me. If however the person chooses to try and make heads or tails of the haters claims, and finds the claims of dogmatism or violence or some of the other bullshit charges haters level against us, to be false... well this person is someone who will likely spend time aligning with us. They also draw questions from theists, they draw new theists to hear of our efforts, they talk about us incessantly on myspace, and are in essence a excellent marketing force for us. I'm glad they exist, it's flattering.
Don't let it bother you. The group leader is a immature hypocrite who in my own opinion is likely yo be a theist one day. He also is clueless as to any danger that religion plays in the world, literally a child who knows everything at 17. Isn't it sad that all of lifes problems can't hit us at 17 when we know everything?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
"PS- by the way, you may be happy, you may be REALLY REALLY REALLY happy, but unless you know my God, you won't have joy."

an actual quote on the IRS page
That's pretty fucking irrational.
I know, it's very contradictory.
I'm just to
I might be speaking to soon about IRS but, I think that it died out.
Yeah, 'cause the 2/3 of the world that's non-Christian is just really dull and sad.
This is from a bullitin IRS left. They are still stuck on their own ideology of what atheists do.
"Paul Harvey says:
I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December.
I don't agree with Darwin, but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory of evolution.
Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game.
So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there Reading the entire book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the Players on the field and the fans going home from the game.
But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.
Yes, and this is the United States of America, a country founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others. Better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect somebody Chanting Hare Krishna?
If I went to a football game in Jerusalem, I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.
If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad, I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.
If I went to a ping pong match in China, I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.
And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit.
When in Rome ...
But what about the atheists? Is another argument.
What about them?
Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a
Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!
Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.
Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating; to pray before we go to sleep.
Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.
God, help us !!!
And if that last sentence offends you, well .. Just sue me.
The silent majority has been silent too long.. It's time we let that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority don't care what they want. It is time the majority rules! It's time we tell them, you don't have to pray; you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right.. But by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back ... And we WILL WIN!
God bless us one and all .. Especially those who denounce Him. God bless America, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all.
God bless our service men & women who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.
So, whats your opinion on all of it?
- Stretch
I'm just to
I doubt Paul Harvey said this. It looks like one of those rants written by either a neocon or some anonymous person and attributed to a celebrity.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team