The Real Funny Part About the RRS!

My activities on this site are not without much fruit. In fact I did engage in much debate about the origin of the universe and the theories of biological evolution. However, I would be remiss if I didn't bring to light some of the more humourous aspects of this ridiculous web endevour:
1. One of the founders, a man by the name of Rook Hawkins, claims to be an ancient text expert. However, we never really come to understand the nature of his expertise, or even his competence in this field. News at 11:00.
2. The Phsychology expert is a person who referes to on air debates as Bakkuke Parties. These parties are Japanese in nature and is a group sex practice wherein a series of men take turns ejaculating onto a woman, or in rare cases a man, sitting, lying down, or kneeling. The semen is left on the face as another man repeats the routine.[1] A new variant is lesbian bukkake, practiced by women.
3. Another frequent, and seemingly founding member of the group maintains a website that promotes Pimping Whores. Need I say more at :
4. Most others just profess an atheist view due to a fundamental lack of undersatnding of how the real world works. This is ironic considering the basis of much of their debate deals with just that, how the world works!
Oh well!
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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Your rules for this site are a joke! On countless occassions I have exposed your lack of continuity for holding people accountable for the rules.
Your right. Let's perma-ban you.
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.
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Gee whillikers, it sounds like they're HIS rules, and he'll enforce them whenever he wants to. Control issues much?
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
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That's what you got left, correcting my spelling!
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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Way to put out an honest interpretation there DMI.
Quit sticking up for immoral behavior. Call Richard is you're unsure.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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I back exactly what I say up. Atheists have a fundamental lack of understanding on how the world works. They don't understand the conept of freewill, and they willfully argue against false interpretations of the Bible.
In my opinion, all humans have a fundamental lack of understanding on how the world works. In my experience, atheists try to find out why and how things happened, and theists simply say, "God did it."
Explain free will in your way then. It's not as if noone has brought it up before. It's just that usually their idea that free will and predestination can coexist is always completely unworkable. If that's not your point, I may have missed a few pages of thread...
Please point me to it if I did.
False interpretations of the bible? According to you. Some xtians believe differently than you. According to them YOUR interpretation of the bible is false. Which religion holds the key to the "proper" way to read the bible? Yours?
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todangst wrote:'psychology'Quote:
That's what you got left, correcting my spelling!
Wow he corrects you, and go apeshit on him? And think were bad, your like a whiny 7 year old.
And, pray tell what do you have, ad homs, and that is it.
All you have done here was broadbrush, strawman, and ad hom.
Didn't Jesus say something about "Turning the other cheek"? Didn't Jesus teach you to be nice.
I don't know, maybe it was a mistranslation of "And Jesus said, OMG T3h atheists are ebil LOLZ!!!1! lie and hate them, and call them names when they get you angry!!! whine like a widdle babe!!!"
dmiclock wrote:I almost quit coming to this site,
What kept you coming back, your hatred for us?
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.
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Sapient wrote:Way to put out an honest interpretation there DMI.
Quit sticking up for immoral behavior. Call Richard is you're unsure.
Waahh, they don't agree with me, I'll call them immoral.
Maybe I can call them facists, or nazis next!
Old, cliche and false, but that's how I am.
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.
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No - his need to control what he doesn't like is what keeps him coming back
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Once a theist finds himself refuted over and over, they usually turn to trying to find some way to invalidate the experience, such as claiming to have been insulted, etc.....or through ad hominems like this.....
Gotta admit, it could be fun to have a clown like this on.
FYI Tod: You haven't refutted antything I've said so far. I simply questioned some of your assessments. Assessments that were based on the conclusions of real scientists who gathered the data, thats all! I have made some claims on another post regarding Christianity which I believe is the truth. All criticism of Christianity so far has been based on gross misrepresentations.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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What's iroically delicious is that Christianity *is* a gross misinterpretation.
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Go back and read the posts. Your interpretation of them is incorrect.
Say something of importance or go to another post.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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The name is Take. Cash. To. Church.
Yeah, YOU try showing up to church without cash for the plate...
I'll post wherever the hell I feel like posting, and until I break the rules - I suggest that you stop trying to direct my traffic, ok? Damn, you got some serious control issues, dude. "Say something meaningful or post elsewhere" applies to you too, buddy.
You need to work on those control issues - seriously. Denying the holy spirit is a great stepping stone for relinquishing control. You're carrying baggage - and it gets heavier each time rationality is replaced with scripture.
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
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Say something of importance or go to another post.
So says the troll.
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I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.
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I've never seen someone troll the thread they created before. Today, the bar has been set a little higher.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
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Atheists have a fundamental lack of understanding on how the world works. They don't understand the conept of freewill
It's precisely because I do understand these concepts that I'm able to reject Christian beliefs.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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I've never seen someone troll the thread they created before. Today, the bar has been set a little higher.
A variant on the eternal question?
"Can a theist create a thread so bad that even HE cannot troll it?"
But seriously, dmiclock, while I think you do exhibit some unwillingness to actually engage in a debate with us honestly, and show some troll-y features (perhaps a glint of a fang or an ID card that says Place of Residence: under a bridge ).... I don't think you're actually a troll.
It'd just be really nice if you could answer our questions. You keep saying we "just don't understand". But you then refuse to explain.....
I hope I've shown that I'm open to discussion by responding as reasonably as possible to your posts.... and so have many others here....
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By the way I don't run or maintain the outpimp site - it's been around well before I've been online - I simply have an account there. But you seem to be pretty good at making unfounded assumptions.
And by the way the link wasn't to mine. It must have been to the top pimp there. My name there is the same as here:
Was this deliberate dishonesty again?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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I don't even feel like pasting the wikipedia entry for ad hominem. I'll sum up:
1)Matt says X about God.
2)Matt is a bad person because Y
3)Therefore X is wrong.
This would be a classic example of ad hominem, and one of the last retreats of the pseudo-intellectual when faced with a real argument.
We will henceforth refer to this as Defense Exhibit 1, or D1 for short.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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. They don't understand the conept of freewill, and they willfully argue against false interpretations of the Bible.
Well if we are to follow your arguments, then I pose to you the very same question. What qualifies you sir to be authoratative on these issues? Why should I value the information you present over Rook's or Todangst? I am interested in learning about your credentials.
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It's real simple - this is classic right here. He's simply bashing their credentials because he posesses none himself. He's trying to level the playing field so he can "win". That's what the religios do, they *win*.
The fact that he's stooped to this classic rebuttal response means that he's already thrown in the towel - he just doesn't realize it yet. You all are wasting your time if you think someone like this is going to debate honestly, above the belt.
The religious know little about honesty.
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
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The religious know little about honesty.
well not all of us anyway....when is this guy going to be on the show?
I cant understand how insulting anyone is going to help convert anyone.....
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when is this guy going to be on the show?
Should be 3 or 4th Saturday in January. Would you like to join DMIclock on the show?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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20vturbo wrote:when is this guy going to be on the show?
Should be 3 or 4th Saturday in January. Would you like to join DMIclock on the show?
Wow, I am way honored you would even ask! But I don’t think I could hold a candle to the knowledge that your team brings! I am still learning a lot (even though the site hasn’t converted me from Catholicism yet it has a ton of great information!) and know there are wayy more qualified people out there like John Martignoni or (insert name here). I think the audience and I would be better served if there were a more qualified person for you guys to debate on the show.
I am more than happy to TRY to answer any questions on the forum, but for now I don’t think I would even be able to get a word out on the show (terrible fear of public speaking!)
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Sapient wrote:20vturbo wrote:when is this guy going to be on the show?
Should be 3 or 4th Saturday in January. Would you like to join DMIclock on the show?
Wow, I am way honored you would even ask! But I don’t think I could hold a candle to the knowledge that your team brings! I am still learning a lot (even though the site hasn’t converted me from Catholicism yet it has a ton of great information!) and know there are wayy more qualified people out there like John Martignoni or (insert name here). I think the audience and I would be better served if there were a more qualified person for you guys to debate on the show.
I am more than happy to TRY to answer any questions on the forum, but for now I don’t think I would even be able to get a word out on the show (terrible fear of public speaking!)
Its nice to know there are some believers who DONT resort to stunts like the starting post. I am quite sure that you dont see this as hate or bigotry. I wish other religious people would take a lesson from you.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Its nice to know there are some believers who DONT resort to stunts like the starting post. I am quite sure that you dont see this as hate or bigotry. I wish other religious people would take a lesson from you.
I think it should be a requirement that every Christian come here and try to see/understand the point of view from the "other side" before they do anything. JMO
And I wish I had the knowledge and b _ _ _ s to be on the show!
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20vturbo wrote:when is this guy going to be on the show?Should be 3 or 4th Saturday in January. Would you like to join DMIclock on the show
Psh...why wait? Let's just destroy him now. So we can gloat and use this post as a way to shove his ignorance in his face. I'm all for that. But then again I am the more aggressive member of the team...
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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*IF* he were the guest of honor at a bukkake party - I'm willing to bet that he'd have A LOT more than just his ignoance shoved in his face! Sploit!
Oh, and aggressiveness is totally sexy - don't ever let that go...
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
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Sapient wrote:Let me know when you have a link to the news story.Rook_Hawkins wrote:Ditto that.You ditto that Rook? Maybe you should first classify yourself as a friggin 'Modern Slang' expert. News at 11:00 is a phrase that everyone I know in PA has used to connotate the obvious.
I almost quit coming to this site, but a almost want to come on te show again now.
I almost didn't respond, but I can't wait to see what putrid diatribe will come out of your mouth next. Please, keep posting here, you make me laugh. Never before has a level of idiocy been seen like the likes of yours here on these boards and I doubt they will be seen please, proceed...
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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I almost didn't respond, but I can't wait to see what putrid diatribe will come out of your mouth next.
First of all I want to make it clear that comments like this one were first used against me in the 'You Respond' thread. I recall the words,"You're a Fucking Idiot!" posted a few times. So the insults and the name calling began here with the RRS and I see it continuing. It also seemed that if one even gave the hint of disagreement with RRS conclusions, then that person was labeled as 'fundamentally ignorant'. That's not a way to foster debate, is it?
Second, was it cool to create this thread? Probably not, if I offended anyone, I apologize. However, it did seem appropriate at the time to counter RRS claims to the intellectual high ground with examples of the fruits of your philosophical labors. (I thought it was interesting, I was never offended)
Third, Do I find it amusing that you are a self-proclaimed 'Ancient Texts Expert'? Yes! That's not the same as saying 'I think you're full of shit' You may be very knowledgeable in this field as you openly profess. However, be an expert because others say you are, not because you say you are.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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*IF* he were the guest of honor at a bukkake party - I'm willing to bet that he'd have A LOT more than just his ignoance shoved in his face! Sploit!
Oh, and aggressiveness is totally sexy - don't ever let that go...
More fruits of the free-thinknig, hip, philosophical intellectual.
See what I mean?
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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So we can gloat and use this post as a way to shove his ignorance in his face.
Come on Rook, listen to yourself. Seriously!
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
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However, be an expert because others say you are, not because you say you are.
Newflash (and this has been said before): He's an expert because I classified him as such, not him. So I guess you're ok with him being called an expert now?
/n., v. ˈɛk
spɜrt; adj. ˈɛk
spɜrt, ɪkˈspɜrt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[n., v. ek-spurt; adj. ek-spurt, ik-spurt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1. | a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: |
If you can't admit that Rook has special skill and knowledge on Ancient Histor, you're just kidding yourself. Your insults haven't done much for you here, and the "you guys started it" argument is lame, you should rise above it.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Third, Do I find it amusing that you are a self-proclaimed 'Ancient Texts Expert'? Yes! That's not the same as saying 'I think you're full of shit' You may be very knowledgeable in this field as you openly profess. However, be an expert because others say you are, not because you say you are.
Please don't waste my time with this if you can't do your own research. Brian has coined that to me, as have Carrier, McKinsey and Schumacher. I don't self-proclaim anything.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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I almost didn't respond, but I can't wait to see what putrid diatribe will come out of your mouth next. Please, keep posting here, you make me laugh. Never before has a level of idiocy been seen like the likes of yours here on these boards and I doubt they will be seen please, proceed...
I love it! However, I kinda have to point out that you're giving him too much credit. It seems that you think he's purposefully being this ignorant. What defines the word "sad" - is that this is accidental ignorance. He's not intentionally saying these things - he's actually thinking them. Can you imagine? I think I'd cry a little if I knew how to express emotion.
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
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You still planning on coming on our show?
Let me know when you have a link to the news story.
Are you actually trying to insinuate that he's said that about all on air debates or does it just appear as if you are?
I can only guess this is MattShizzle. If so, then I'm not sure where you got "seemingly." You can see who runs the site here:
Much easier to say then prove. Readers can decide how good of a job you've done, here.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Wait... a theist tells us that we have a fundamental lack of understanding AND talks of irony? I think my ironymeter just commited suicide...
No, what I said was that you'd be the guest of honor at a bukkake party, if you went on the show. It's not a reference to debates, but to your basic inability to respond to anything... you'll be 'overwhelmed'
I like how you're feigning moral shock, it shows me that you have nothing left.....
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Way to put out an honest interpretation there DMI.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Once a theist finds himself refuted over and over, they usually turn to trying to find some way to invalidate the experience, such as claiming to have been insulted, etc.....or through ad hominems like this.....
Gotta admit, it could be fun to have a clown like this on.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
While the analogy may be a vulgar one, it does work. Todangst didn't LITERALLY mean people were going to line up and ejaculate on your face....
Shocking? Yeah, maybe. Effective? Definately.
Ditto that.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Because starting a topic that criticizes the people that read it is a *great* idea...
And that last part was beautifully ignorant. Are you suggesting that the world works because of god? Are you going to go on to suggest that if not for Apollo - it would be dark all the time? Because that would be funny.
And a side note: Those bukkake parties sound kinda hot, in a filthy way. It sounds like wrapping up in a fuzzy velvety blanket of sin and damnation. How cozy.
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
Are you going to back that up, or just say that and hope that everyone accepts that as true?
Back up the claims please.
You're not a mod so don't act like one. You're a poster and member of this community so act like one instead of playing Mr. Mom and address the 20 or so questions that have been asked of you that you seemed to dodge.
You're in violation of this rule and I don't want to put you on timeout:
"Clear intent to not argue a position, but to merely attack a person"
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
You ditto that Rook? Maybe you should first classify yourself as a friggin 'Modern Slang' expert. News at 11:00 is a phrase that everyone I know in PA has used to connotate the obvious.
I almost quit coming to this site, but a almost want to come on te show again now.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
7 pages too late on a one-page topic, eh? That's as delightfully ridiculous as, well, that part about god making the earth go round. Does he wind it like a timex? Maybe that's what causes earthquakes
And they are MY metaphors, and I'll leave them wherever I want to. You aren't the god of me. It's not my fault that bukkake parties sound like fun in a filthy way. I was just commenting on it. I bet they make nice adult videos of these parties, in elegantly decorated rooms.
Every step I took in faith betrayed me
-Sarah McLachlan
Your rules for this site are a joke! On countless occassions I have exposed your lack of continuity for holding people accountable for the rules. Shizzle can MF me all day, but Paucore says some unappreciative things about his holiness Richard Dawkins, and he gets the boot!
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant.
I said back it up, not repeat yourself.
You can't use your hypothosis as evidence.
I also think it's funny how you think ALL atheists do this. Not just us here, NO, not big enough, all atheists.