RRS: How can you handle doing this all the time...constantly refuting the same arguments?

I've only been here for a short time and I've noticed that theists have a very limited repertoire:
1. Oh yeah? PROVE God doesn't exist!
2. Evolution is just a THEORY
3. Air is invisible. So is God. So doesn't that mean God could exist?
4. Life is too complex to have evolved by chance.
Not only is it tedious, it's exhausting. All their points are either naked assertions or based on fallacious reasoning. Even I, lacking as I am in training in logic, can easily refute these bullshit claims. I got sick of doing it on another forum.
Luckily, I have come across a few new arguments here and learned a little bit, but sheesh! Your average theist is appallingly under-educated.
On edit: BRAIN FART!!!! Logistics is not equal to logic. Sigh.
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i hate to say this, but she is right, most average theists do use that as primarliy critera for debunking Atheism (myself included, but i think i'm starting to branch out alot more)
I guess I've just gotten used to it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You are more than a gaming god; you are an atheist saint.
Once you've heard all the arguments, the challenge is then to make the rebuttal arguments more efficient and convincing than ever.
Once you're able to convert them in just 3 posts you're ready to publish them in a book and reach theists everywhere!
I'm still waiting for that!