Essay draft: a note to believers

I'm not submitting this just yet, as I might feel like adding extra paragraphs. But I am posting this here to see how people like what I've written sofar. This one, of course, fits in the 'write something like letter to a Christian nation' catagory.
A note to believers.
Everytime you conclude, that there has to be “more out there”, and that there must be “more to life”, you’re essentially throwing the towel in the ring, because you weren’t done with exploring yet. Not by a long shot. Impossible.
There’s more to do than you or I or anyone could ever preform within our lifetime, and more to experience and examine than any individual ever could, so may I suggest that perhaps your desire for “something more” doesn’t stem from a sense of defisciency at all, but -on the contrary- from being overwhelmed by it all. That sometimes it’s just too much to cope with, and hense you need “something more” to escape in.
Meanwhile, though, there’s enjoyment to be found, curiosity to satisfy, there are other people to be considerate to, and a trail you inevitably leave behind, to name but four, and I sincerely hope loved ones to whom you mean the world could be added as a fifth. It’s from the boundlessness of a ‘supernatural’ perspective, that such matters are sadly trivialized. Somehow all that just doesn’t cut it, and “there must be more”. You, and the very world you live in, downgraded to inferiority. And this is supposed to inspire and uplift?
Everytime you conclude the world couldn’t make sense without a creator, you’re pretty much saying that you’re an imposibility in an impossible world, for why else would it take a god for it -and you- to exist? And this is supposed to help you understand the world and your place in it better? Regardless of how we came to be, here we are, and we can make that work for us or we can form a hinderance to each other. This is hardly an incomprehensible scenario, but it’s -again- from a “supernatural” perspective that things get hopelessly muddled. Impossible means that it can’t and thus doesn’t exist, but it isn’t a word one should use to describe that which obviously does exist. Even if you don’t understand how you and everything else could exist, this existence still doesn’t spell out an imposibility for magical powers to overcome.
Everytime you conclude that there can be no morality without a supreme lawmaker, you’re overlooking the obvious fact that you conclude thus in the pursuit of your (and other’s) wellbeing, and that this pursuit is all the basis for morality you’ll ever need. A safe and proserous world for mankind can only exist for as far as people contribute to it, because we can’t count on other lifeforms to take care of us instead. This shouldn’t have to be explained to you, neither by me or some authoritive ghost. Being taught that everyone who doesn’t share your belief in a supreme lawmaker is morally corrupt, can and likely will lead you to distrust -or even dispise- people, even though they’re harmless, considerate, and perhaps even helpfull. Putting people down for no good reason is not the pinacle of morality, to put it mildly. Need I add that “because I said so” does not constitute as a “good reason”, regardless of who said so? Even if the regarding someone supposedly has a good reason, it’s still that reason that matters. And if no reason is provided, you on the other hand have ample reason for concern and suspicion regarding that someone’s judgements. Religion, as is said, unites people, but uniting is just looking at division from another angle, and divided we fall. Holy books in general were obviously written and compiled by people who failed to grasp this simple point.
Divine wisdom indeed.
Everytime you conclude a suppreme being loves you, you’re accepting a hiarchy that downgrades you to inferiority as a token of love. Has it never occured to you, that the status of creator relies on creation, and both owe equally much to each other? What’s so loving about a maker who insists on throwing that relationship totally out of whack? It’s when this ‘suppreme’ frame of referrence is removed, and nobody is deemed inferior or superior to anyone, that you can have a climate of mutual respect and seeying eye to eye. Shouldn’t that be what love’s about? And besides; love God and love your neighbor sounds nice, but for as far as you’re having trouble getting along with those who don’t even believe in your God to begin with, they don’t exactly mix, do they? I propose you learn to love yourself, so you can indeed always feel loved. Self-hatred impaires your preformance as a human among humans, and that in itself is a good enough reason to do so. Don’t let any holy tomb calling you a self-worshipper tell you different.
If there were nobody listening to gods anymore, there would be nothing left for us to do but to listen to each other. Perhaps a scary thought to you, but many others believe it’s about time we did. I’m one of them, and I thank you for listening to me for a spell. Maybe I’ll cross your path on my exploration someday. When I do, I hope you’ll want us to get to know each other better rather than you wanting me to get to know your God better. Gods are partypoopers. There; I said it.
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
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Ah. So that is where it went. I figured that this got moved, but my first guess is that it was moved to the regarding essay-submission thread. I found the "track" function pretty quick, so it wasn't too much of an easter-egg hunt.
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.