How did Cain find a wife?
If it was just Adam and Eve and then thay only had 3 kids(all boys), how is it posiable that Cain was able to go find a wife if they where the only 5 people on the earth? (4 since Cain killed Abel)
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That's easy. The bible states that Adam & Eve had more children.
Genesis 5:4
"Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters."
The common answer is Cain had kids with one of his sisters.
...which is theoretically excusable, since there was nobody else to make kids with.
Anyway, the big question for theists to answer still remains:
"Part of which human race was Adam? What was his skin colour?"
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
And here I thought incest was a sin. Tsk tsk. It wasn't Eve after all. It was the damn kids behaving like rabbits!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I think the generaly claim is that regardless of what his skin color was, their inbreeding would have made all different skin colors arise and to ad hoc deal with the problems of inbreeding, they claim that Adam and Eve were so pure that there was no problem with in-breeding for some time (hand wave, hand wave.)
By the way - if God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus are all one, and the Holy Spirit impregnated mary to give birth to Jesus, doesn't that collectively make the Holy Trinity a motherfucker? I already blasphemed the H.S. multiple times, so I can't be doing myself any harm here.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
For the sake of your reputation as a thinking man, I hope you do realize I was asking about skin colour in a metaphorical way, don't you?
Besides... there's one more point to it than meets the eye. Supposing that we were all practically the results of in-breeding, how come that humanity hasn't devolved continuously, as we see in the process of in-breeding nowadays? (those who will argue that people are born dumber and dumber by the minute please hold your thought...)
Also, supposing that Adam and Eve shared the same characteristics as us all, this meant they have the exact same configuration as us, therefore a limited set of genes with a limited set of possible combinations. If, presuming, Adam's skin colour was white, for example, and Eve the same, where did all others come from? If Adam and Eve's blood type was 0 negative (the most recessive), where did the other blood types (genetically dominant) appear from? Same if their blood type was AB positive (most dominant). The only possible explanation is that the two were radically different from one another (referring to blood type, for instance, Adam would have had 0 negative, Eve AB positive - and that just looking at blood type, which is determined simplistically by genes, not to mention eye colour, skin colour, hair colour, height/width, etc., which are complex genetical mechanisms).
How would that come, I personally do not understand. But the theory of Adam and Eve sounds like a genetical impossibility (even more if you corelate it with historical and demographical data).
A little help on the matter comes from the Bible itself (surprisingly), which states (Genesis, beginning of chapter 6) that the "Sons of God" (literal translation, Romanian version of the Bible, printed in 1968) have made children with the human females (thus possibly bringing a genetic diversity). What does that genetic diversity mean, we cannot possibly know for sure yet. The Bible only states that the result was the ancient heroes (of which nobody recalls about).
Does my question seem more clear now, triften ?
PS for mattschizzle: that would actually make the trinity a virgin motherf****r
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
I was just regurgitating what a creationist would have thrown out, that's all. I could have just said "race is an articifical construct, we're all humans!"
The biggest problem to me with young Earth/adam and eve claims is the population model doesn't work. 6000 years is not enough to go from 2 people to the armies that moses supposedly commanded (let alone the people he was supposed to be fighting).
Well, it seems like the same quesiton I was "answering" before.
And his own dad.
Technically, every father is a motherfucker.
If the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary to give birth to Jesus, and the trinity is theologically correct, then that means Jesus "knew" his own mother and begat Jesus.
Well, if there's only a few people around, and nothing else to do, why not go at it all the time?
Well, sure every 15 minutes or so (maybe Adam was faster), but the limiting factor is gestation, right?
I've heard many theists claim that people lived a lot longer back then, which would allow for a faster population growth.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
OK, so the Bible specifically interdicts medicine, there were almost the same illnesses as there are today, people around there didn't have showers or running water, they were constantly in struggle, they ate things they may have had no idea they're poisoned, they would stone people to death for many crimes...
And on top of that, a theist wants me to believe that people back then lived a lot longer than they do today? Get over yourself ! Last time I checked I hadn't been declared mentally challenged and I'm not locked in a padded white room with a straitjacket around me, pressing the necessary keys for this post with the tip of my nose...
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
True, gestation does put a hold on things. On the other hand the bible claims early humans lived long lives, so the fertility rate would be pretty high in that case.
I'm wondering if I could come up with a decent mathematical model to see if the population levels the bible claims is feasible or not.
I wonder how someone would come up with a convoluted answer to how all those folks in the bible had such long lives without something as commonplace as antibiotics. People dying from infection was common.
Just look at the lifespans from 100 years ago when women frequently died in childbirth.
We won't even mention the lack of knowledge about things like high blood pressure. If a person got appendicitis, no doubt the appendix burst and killed the person.
Does anyone think a diabetic made it very long back then?
There were likely some that lived into their 60s and possibly 70s. However, if I remember correctly, a person was lucky to make it into their 30s in bibical times.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Biblical problem, folks.
Just a few generations away from Cain and Abel, the entire world gets washed away in a flood. We start over with 4 couples.
Then systematically over the first 10 books of the old testament, we lose large numbers of people to plagues, wars, divine retribution, and suicide. This puts a hurt on the population growth as well.
Wait. It doesn't end there. An entire generation of jewish children is allegedly destroyed by Herod.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I'm going to have to conclude that we're exinct now.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Good point! What's more, according to the Bible after Noah's flood humans stopped living 800-900 years, and started having a more standard life span. So there would be much less time to repopulate, and smaller fertility rates.