I've been banned for constant lying, including claiming that I'm being banned for simply disagreeing

I offer my apparently upcoming ban from this site as evidence that those who claim to be proponents of reason have decided to merely dismiss my claims as "lies" and to remove me from their midst. This is what I have been told by todangst. So, please feel free to discuss whether this is appropriate for those who claim to value discussion, debate, and reason.
Yours In Christ, Eternal Wisdom,
PS - I am not sure whether this post is appropriate in this forum. If it is not, I apologize and merely ask that someone move it to the proper location.
Psalm 50(1):8. For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.
I disagreed with you on your first post, since then you have made 625 more posts. THINK.
I'd rather ban people for dishonesty, which the title of your post alone wreaks of. I've held off no less than 30 requests for you to be banned, so check yourself.
Here's a thought, maybe Todangst is sick of your dishonesty. As far as I'm concerned Todangst is in charge of the message board, so by all means Tod, please weigh in.
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It does not appear you are banned yet, because you are still here. I would be very disappointed if the moderators of this board banned you. If they wanted a board on which everyone agreed with their opinions, that would be easy to do. In fact, I think there is a section of the board like that.
I know of one atheist/freethinker group that had this problem. One faction wanted to limit it to actual atheists--people who didn't believe in any gods. Another faction was freethinkers. The problem was that the two concepts for a board were mutually exclusive. While many freethinkers are atheists, to dictate that a freethinker reach the conclusion to be an atheist pretty much wipes out the freethinker part of the definition.
I know that sometimes we all want to be alone with like-minded individuals. I'm not interested in that. I already know what I think.
[email protected]
Maybe you should ban bodhitrolla before mike.
PS Mike, get over your myrterdom.
bodhitrolla, LOL!
Yeah, if had to pick between the two, I'd pick Bod over Mike. (sorry, no offense)
I have not to my knowledge been dishonest. I was getting todangst messaging me, telling me that my lies would get me banned. That is why I started this thread. If my "lies" get me banned, why do you even pretend to countenance free discussion? If my "lies" are really false, why can't we discuss them like rational people, instead of changing the titles of my threads, deleting my posts, and banning me? Doesn't that seem a little unfair to you?
Yours In Christ, Eternal Wisdom,
Psalm 50(1):8. For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.
The title of this thread is a dishonest strawman.
Why ban people for disagreeing? No such thing has ever been done on this board, nor will it ever be done. (not under my watch at least)
And instead of addressing your dishonesty you create a thread title as such. And you don't think you're dishonest?
If talking to you is like talking to a wall, don't be offended if you get banned. Such actions are typical of what one would call a troll.
Lastly, I agree that Bod is a troll, we think he's fun to have around, and try to give every effort for people to stay as long as we can handle. He's certainly been on the docket for suspension since day one.
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This is the last lie we will take from you on this board.
I've demonstrated in other threads that you lie about other posters, including myself. So you are lying about the fact that you lie.
No more.
You're banned.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I agree, I don't want either banned per se. I'm trying to unravel Bod, so don't ban him yet.
I've demonstrated it here:
and here:
Constant lying is not open, rational discussion. It is destructive to free thought.
You were warned, and yet you continued to lie in this very thread.
You're banned.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I stand behind Todangst on this.
Refer to the board rules:
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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