Aruguing w/ Myself Again

Me arguing myself:
1. God is all powerful and loving.
2.Evil exsists.
3.God wouldn't be all powerful if evil exsisted, unless he purposely allowed it to exsist in which case would show God to be unloving.
Firstly, there would have to be an absolute idea of good and evil. This does not exsist, as good and evil are perspectives. Certain things may be accepted as good or evil by a majority, but none the less it is impossible to come up with a standard for what good and evil are.
While no absolute standard for good and evil exsists the Bible itself mentions evil's exsistance in the world. While undefined it is still exsistant in one form or another (according to the Bible).
If God did allow some sort of evil to exist, it might in the long run be beneficial to man , thus proving God is loving.
I'm stuck there guys. Help!!! I'm going crazy over this.
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If god is omnipotent, why would he need to use evil to achieve good ends? If god can do anything, he can clearly do things without relying on evil.
It's only the fairy tales they believe.
ask yourself this,if god is considered the ultimate good,he is pure and he is blah blah etc.for man to know good they must have evil in the world to quote show the good,now the kicker if god ceated evil then does that mean that god is evil also,wouldnt you have to have evil to create evil and if god has evil then he is not pure,does good truly need evil to exist,a omnipotent god could create good with out evil or else he wouldnt be omnipotent so since all things come from him evil also inclided he cannot in a sense be pure good or pure holy so if god is not pure good then the offshoot of that could mean that god could very well be unloving also.i mean just look at the history of the things claimed that he did,does that strike as a all loving being or could he just have a little evil in him.
Giggity Giggity Goo!!!
Shutdown fo' sho'. Thanks alot guys