Evolution has been disproven for over 100 years, and here's why
Posted on: March 11, 2007 - 5:49pm

The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
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Not this again...
You're referring to abiogenesis. Evolution does not explain how the first life forms came about.
Read Fallacy #15 on this thread.
OK, thanks. But if abiogenesis is merely a hypothesis, then why isn't evolution itself merely a hypothesis? Because you need abiogenesis in order to have evolution.
Since the modern theory of evolution requires its first simple life form to have come from no life, in order for evolution to be a proven fact, abiogenesis must first be proven.
Evolution is accepted as fact because there is a mass of evidence for it. We don't have that good evidence for abiogenesis.
Evolution does NOT rely on life coming from nonlife, you're making that up.
Because evolution is not concerned with the origins, just what happened after that, it can be a theory while ideas on origins are not.
"What right have you to condemn a murderer if you assume him necessary to "God's plan"? What logic can command the return of stolen property, or the branding of a thief, if the Almighty decreed it?"
-- The Economic Tendency of Freethought
{mod edit: Post deleted. Plagiarism is not tolerated.}
Why is abiogenesis tied to the theory of evolution?
Not another God of the Gaps...
Why is abiogeneisis tied to the theory of evolution?
Because people are stupid. They are two different things. Creationist groups and Intelligent Design proponents have attempted to hijack the public (who are generally very poor in science) by creating confusion and mixing the two.
By the way, I am the author of that long paper that noor posted the link to.
Saying that evolution is wrong because it cannot explain the origin of organic polymers and nucleic acid strings is like saying gravity is wrong because it cannot explain a ham sandwich.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Ignornance is not a very strong foundation for discussion.
Your point being? Do you have a rebuttal to my argument?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Evolutionists can not answer one very important question. And that is where did TIME, SPACE and MATTER come from.
WHAT? You are talking about theoretical physics now. Like I said, this has nothing to do with evolution. Like I said before, this is akin to saying that gravity is wrong because it cannot explain a sandwich. What is wrong with you? Evolution explains biological life. The concepts are not even remotely connected by the various scientific fields. There is a gaping chasm in between.
Hey! I know! Maybe superstring theory is wrong because it cannot explain why theists are so stupid. Maybe electromagnetism is wrong because it cannot explain why I have to get up and go to work this morning!
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.
Why must it be accepted? Is there something forbidding us from questioning your conclusion further?
How did the alleged 'creative act' happen? I don't want glittering generalities either. I want theory supported by facts. If your answer is 'god did it' then I want to know HOW.
If you are expecting hard answers then should I not require the same of your hypothesis? You offer nothing more than 'conclusions' with barely tenable precepts while abiogenesis carries with it viable chemical theories.
Our bodies are the combination of chemicals that are readily found in nature - fact. Let's start there shall we? How many different answers are there? Which answers are supported by science? Which answers have no explanation? Which ones should we analyze first?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I just added the idea that evolution not being able to explain the origin of life and/or the universe is a problem to the myths about evolution thread.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Thanks for the answers and responses from so many of you. I'll just use this ONE post to respond to all of you to keep this thread from loading up with too many posts from one member.
To those who evaded the main issue and attacked out-of-context sidebar issues, I have no real comment since you didn't either.
To those who actually addressed the issue, thank you. We can discuss a few points:
Why would a biologist answer a question about cosmology?
And why would a failure in cosmology matter concerning biology?
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Nope. You're talking about a genesis theory, not a progression of already living creatures.
Same thing.
That doesn't prove anything. You're looking at things too big.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Absolutely correct. They cannot answer that question. Why is it important to an evolutionist? Evolution began quite a long time after time, matter, and space, if in fact, they had a beginning.
Out of curiosity, are you familliar with the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance? You should look into it.
no, it doesn't raise the question. It simply describes what happened after the beginning of life.
I don't know what the origin of life was. Neither do you.
Out of curiosity, are you familliar with the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance? You should look into it.
No, it's not the only possible conclusion. It's also possible that life does arise from non-life. It doesn't really matter much that you don't want to accept that as a possibility. It is.
And for the record, what exactly are you trying to prove with your Pasteur reference? That scientific experiments can be proven to be invalid due to poor methodology? I accept this conclusion. What does it have to do with anything?
Out of curiosity, are you familliar with the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance? You should look into it.
It appears you are familiar with the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance. Why is it difficult for you to catch yourself using it so often?
What? You mean the people who didn't want to talk about physics or cosmology? As I recall, the thread topic is EVOLUTION, which has nothing to do with your own diversions into other sciences. Kettle's calling the pot black, methinks.
I'm sorry that you don't want to admit that evolution owes no explanation for the genesis of life, or the possible beginning of time, space, or matter. Perhaps if you did a little more critical thinking about the study of evolution.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Let's get a few things straight.
Evolution: "Give me a single cell and I'll give you all the complexity and biodiversity of modern life."
Modern Cosmology: "Give me 1 Planck time after the big bang and I'll give you planets, stars, galaxies, black holes and everything else we see in the universe."
Astrobiology: "Simple organic molecules are very common in interstellar space."
Quantum physics: "The idea of quantum foam can give us 1 Planck time after the big bang from nothing at all. Maybe."
Non-Euclidean Geometry: "Finite, unbounded 4-dimensional manifolds give us an idea of how we don't even need a beginning to time for it to be finite; you might simply have 1 Planck time after the big bang."
Pateur: "If it can't happen in a short period of time in modern Earth conditions, it'll never happen anywhere in the universe no matter what the conditions."
Remaining Questions
Origins of DNA: "How did we get from abundant simple organic molecules in interstellar space to basic self-replicating molecules here on earth?"
Origins of Life: "What was necessary for basic self-replicating molecules to form a cell wall around themselves?"
Origins of the Universe: "Which of the variety of available explanations best explains how we got to 1 Planck time after the big bang?"
Any questions?
Creationism requires that life comes from non-life (non-existence or nothing). So your treatise would involve a disproof of creationism. Evolution involves the passing on of genetic material.
Francesco Redi debunked the notion of spontaneous generation back in 1668. Louis Pasteur continued the long line of scientific studies by refining them to exclude other possible variables.
It would be nice if creationists followed the example of the scientists who debunked the notion that flies spontaneous generate from rotting matter. To date creationists haven't present one serious scientific study debunking evolution. Yet they have managed to collect millions upon millions of dollars.
What could be more abiogenisis than this. Life coming from dust.
Kent Hovind many times made fun of evolution as being the belief that life came from a rock. What is dust? It's a rock, finely eroded.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
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*bangs head against wall*
It doesnt need to. That is the job of primordial chemists and cosmologists.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Again, you're not understanding the point. Evolution is NOT about studying the origins of the first forms of life.
It's true that evolution does not, and in fact doesn't try to provide the answer from the very beginning. It only explains how complexity arises spontaneously. However, having a mechanism for increasing complexity makes the whole question of origin much easier, don't you think? It covers the time from the first simple replicators all the way through plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and even the mighty homo sapiens.
There must be molecules capable of replicating themselves. What, exactly, the first of these would be is not yet known, and can only be hypothesized at this time.
It's trivial to assume that they would only come about in an environment that could support them. That's why it happened on Earth, but not on, for instance, Venus.
Yes, but they don't need to do anything as complex as even bacteria would. It would probably be a single molecule, RNA or something like it. But this is just a guess. We don't really know what it was.
This is a given in almost any environment.
Likely by random chance under the appropriate environmental conditions, i.e. the Early Earth. But science doesn't have a definitive answer to this yet.
Life occurs where it is possible for life to occur. So even if planets capable of supporting life are only 1 in a hundred trillion, it should be no great surprise to the life on that rare planet that it finds itself someplace suitable. This is called a selection effect.
Evolutionary theory would not attempt to provide a complete solution. You're being unreasonable. It does, however, tell us a great deal. Does it undermine god? I think so, at least the notion of a caring personal god who created humans specifically and intentionally, because it is hard to imagine that such a being could be in any way personal when he, at most, created a tiny molecule billions of years ago and then turned it over to natural selection. And it isn't nearly as hard to believe that a simple self-replicator could come about spontaneously as it is to believe that an elephant just popped out of nowhere.
It's only the fairy tales they believe.
{mod edit: Post deleted. Plagiarism is not tolerated}
nice copy and paste job.
You should give credit when you do that.
I like that, you completely ignore everything and go on to a new topic..
Beat me to it, Mindspead. lol.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I'll play along with this copy-paste idiot
If the definition of an atheist is: someone who believes that there is NO God. Then we can ask 'how does he or she know?'
Typical. Confusing
I do not believe X is true
Versus I believe X is not true
We do not KNOW there is no God, we merely point out that there is no evidence for such a being therefore it is reasonable to assume it does not exist until proven to exist. There is no such thing as 100% certianty.
A much more reasonable position is that of the agnostic who claims that he or she does not know whether there is a God and is open to the evidence.
That is what atheists believe. They believe that until evidence comes along, it can be assumed God does not exist.
The atheist has no reasonable explanation for the 'first cause' of the universe. Because there is no ultimate first cause one must assume that it just popped into existence -
It is the theist who believes in ex nihlo creation, that God literally created the universe out of nothing. That is impossible. Not even God can break the laws of thermodynamics. We appeal to the laws of physics. You appeal to magic.
The atheist view also results in a universe where there is no ultimate justice, the bad guys get away with it. The atheist seems to be quite happy that life is extinguished at death; of what ultimate consequence is the life of an atheist?
How exactly does this break scientific laws?
The atheist is happy to critique the theist view but is blind to the philosophical implications of his own view. He likes to object to the problem of evil but is blind to the fact of the ultimate lack of justice resulting from atheism.
Are you telling me we need omnipotent justice? Are you telling me we are so weak and pathetic we need it made for us. JUSTICE IS A MAN MADE CONCEPT, we create justice. Furthermore, this breaks no scientific law.
but as old or middle age approaches and the pleasures of youth become just dreams and you consider your own mortality then you begin to realise the futility and meaningless of atheism. When you are in the grave who will remember you and for how long?
This seems to be an argumentum ad consequintium. Ignorance is bliss indeed. Theists under the delusion that they will have an afterlife when they die. This typical argument from despair is so typical of theists. I do not care for what makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I care for TRUTH!
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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I'M the case against evolution , Science ,AGNOSTICISM , god,Atheism ,satan,hell ,heaven, christianity,judaism, islam and or any other bull sh!t cr@p ...
Is it just me or does that look like one of AnonymousMaster's posts?
Yeah, it's probably the same person, we'll have him banned.
Atheist Books
I got a really good joke for you.
Please get off the computer, dump any medicine you have, and live in the forest, naked.
Oh come on, if you are going to fill in letters, fill in more then half.
Heh, it is. What's funny is as soon as you point out he's cut-n-pasting he goes into super troll mode.
Someone needs to ban his IP address.
Hey, Kent! I didn't realize that you could use the internet during a prison sentence. My, how times have changed.
Um... is there anything you believe in?
The title to this should be changed to 'The unreasonableness of my strawman version of atheism, based on my ignorance of what atheism means, and how deductive proofs work"
Let's count the basic errors in this post.
Error number 1. Atheism is defined as a-theism... not holding to the claims of theism.
Error number 2. Confusing an inductive claim for a deductive claim.
Strong atheists hold that 'god' does not exist, but they make the claim based on a deduction. We can rule out the existence of claims that lead to internal contradictions.
Error number 3. In order to know that there are no square circles, we need not know everything. Square circles are contradictory, ergo they cannot exist.
We can therefore rule out 'god' if we can form a deductive proof.
Error number 4
Errors 5 and 6. Again, one can rule out a contradictory claim, we can do so deductively. This is pretty basic... It does not require god knowledge to rule out that 2+2 equals five.
The amount of basic ignorance in this post is astonishing.
Error 7
And now the theist turns to their favorite attack on atheism: that it is an emotional position.
This is not an an error so much as it is a projection: theists hold to their religion on emotions, ergo they assume everyone else responds the same way.
Error 8 - the problem of evil is not an 'emotional position' it is a logical position.
Error 9, and another projection... why would a person NOT believe in a god out of fear? Theism inculcates people THROUGH fear.
Error 10, another projection: it is religion that offers the consolation for death....
Error number 11 and 12
First, most atheists are agnostics, so most atheists do in fact hold to their atheism this way.
Second, even a strong atheist is open to conceding error, the strong atheist simply believes he has a deductive proof against theism.
Error 13 and 14. Argument from ignorance and false dichotomy error. The fact that an atheist does not have a full account of cosmology is of no matter, and it is simply false to assume that without a full cosmology one must hold to theism!
Errors 15 and 16
The atheist does not need one to reject theism
There is no reason to believe that there MUST have been a first cause in the first place, so this is a false dilemma.
Error 17. Quantum tunneling from a zero dimensional state has been shown to be possible by Tryone and Vilekin.
Because its a false dilemma that an atheist must provide a full account of cosmology to be an atheist.
Error 18. Atheists feel that they get to choose the meaning for their lives, and find this to be a more pleasant role for themselves over being a worthless pawn only worthy of destruction, or groveling before a 'god'.
If you use this to hold to theism, then you have error 19:
This is the fallacy of arguing from adverse consequences.
And this annoys the fuck out of theists who fear death so much that they must delude themselves with religion to blot out the fear.
Whatever impact one's life has on others.
What consequence is a life in theism, where people are worthless, and works do not matter at all?
If only you had the slightest clue what an atheist was.... then maybe you might have something useful to say.
The problem of evil is a refutation of christianity.
The fact that there is no 'sky judge' to ensure that everyone 'gets justice' is just a fact of life.. wishing otherwise won't change reality. It only means that we all should strive to be more fair to each other.
What a hollow complaint, coming from a theist.
In other words, when you begin to fear death, you cling to the delusion of religion to reduce your death fears.
How utterly revealing of the true emotions behind religion: the need to quell death fears.
Final tally: At least 19 basic errors, not one point about what atheism is..... and I was kind in my scoring...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
... seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. Nineteen errors, and counting! Hah-ah-ah!
The original post can be found here here.
His third post is here
His 8th post can be found here under the heading, "Prerequisites for Evolution."
mindspread pointed out his copying in his ninth post.
All this copying and pasting, and no credit.
As noor out, the last post was similar to a troll's post on this thread. This is probably the same troll.
So, everyone, don't waste your time. Mods, you know what to do.
be vewy vewy quiet...
I'm hunting twolls...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
It's one thing to steal someone else's writing and post it as if it were your own... it's quite another to steal something utterly STUPID and post it as if it were your own...
If you're gonna steal, steal something worthwhile... I have no respect for theives with no class.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Evolution does not expand into this metaphyiscal area of philosophy. Evolution is a scientific theory - not a philosophy. Get this through your thick skull.
We have various hypothesis concerning how life came about - and that is all we have. There are no concrete records of how life came about - and we shall be perpetually ignorant of such until we discover otherwise.
Abiogenesis is quite possible - citing outdated scientific research will not help your case.
A question: Why are you being so cynical concerning a well evident scientific conclusion? While I would not be one to tell people to not be skeptical of things - as I question every new piece of theory - I see no cause for your question.
What do you think accurratly describes the beginning of time, space, and matter - since this is so clearly what you are interested in discussing - in spite of your false claim that this is about evolution?
I would think you would be ashamed of Plaguarism... but... eh... God will forgive... so might as well let the sin flow, right?
The definition is of an atheist is someone who lacks belief in a god or goddesses. What point is there to this paragraph. In the same IDENTICAL SENSE that an atheist must have ALL KNOWLEDGE to claim there is NO god - a theist (like yourself) must also pretend to have ALL KNOWLEDGE to say there IS a god. But this isn't the case - you simply believe in a god - and we simply do not- it is as simple as that!
Don't be such a hypocrite! Prick.
Your ignorance and overly arrogant pretense of atheistic philosophy is appalling!!! I (and most atheists) have our own personal hypothesis of what the origin of the universe is. Unlike arrogant theistic twits (like yourself) - we do not parade around claiming our thoughts are the "absolute truth" - instead we awcknowledge that they are simply our own personal philosophies and reguard them honorably as such.
For my personal theory? The laws of thermodynamics state that energy cannot be created or destroyed - only transfered. They also state that something cannot come from nothing. This would make energy eternal. If it cannot be created or destroyed - it has neither a beginning nor an end. The interesting status of energy is that it is neither something nor nothing.
Thus - energy is the fundamental of the universe - it is mindless. as to specifically HOW energy brought the universe about is another theory that i am more than willing to elaborate on if you are so interested.
My... you are quite the arrogant little shit! Why don't you get off your ego-thronged high horse and come back down to reality - get your head out of the clouds - you're not the center of the universe - prick!
"lack of justice resulting from atheism"? What are you talking about? What "lack of justice"???
"futility and meaningless of atheism"? I give my own life meaning. In my experience - it is the young atheists who are typically frustrated with the world around them - dealing with arrogant prick-ass twits like yourself at such a young age - bringing them down... versus the atheists in old age who seem to be at peace and have grown immune to your type of bullshit.
This has to be that same troll.
So much for theists being the moral ones.
Regardless of who this troll is or is not, I'm of the opinion that being caught in plagiarism and continuing to plagiarize is a clear case of spamming the boards, which is a violation of the rules.
So, to any trolls who might be reading...
I'm checking for cut and paste jobs.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Who said life can come from non-life. Who said non-life to life is magical and spontanous? Put the begining elements of RNA(first forms of structor like DNA) and then, at the time the atomosphere of the planet would of been thin, different elements that make up the atmosphere. Now, radiation from space, as we know we are bombared but our atmosphere now stops most harmful radiation that can cause masive mutations, or death such as gamma rays, x-rays, etc. Even solar winds are stoped most of the time now. Now the elements are in one area, they are getting hit by radiation, and it changes the make-up and makes a form of RNA. First bacteria come. How is that spontanous? The even chance of it happening is low, I agree, I think it happened a lot, and it so happened they survived just once to create the rest of evolution.
Now, how is that spontanous hmm? Did that not just explain it? I know it might not of been that way it happened, but you saying we have no explainations on how non-life became life is idiotic.
Also, i'm pretty sure 100 years ago, no one could come up with a reason non-life became life, but now we can.
"When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it." ~H.L. Mencken
Thank god i'm a atheist!
there is no creation evidence and no evolution evidence. All we have is . . . evidence.
Looking for 'molecular fossils'?
Is evolutionism correct? Could time, chance and natural chemical processes have created life in the beginning?
Were Bacteria the First Forms of Life on Earth?
Does anyone know anything about this?
from where the very first life came from.?any avolutionist?
finding the evolutionary origin of proteins and DNA is tricky as each requires the other for its own synthesis-which came first?
any gold,silver or core member???
I'M not a atheist or theist
cheers joeparker!!!!