"Proof that god exists" by a Christian over MySpace...

Someone, Jesus Freak, posted a bulletin on how you can "get proof that god exists". I personally think it's bull. Opinions?
Her post:
There is one way to know for YOURSELF that God exists and that Christ is God. Suspend disbelief for a few moments, and take a leap of faith and have the courage to SINCERELY pray the following prayer. Now you suspend disbelief for hours at a time to watch a movie, or read a book, you can surely do it for sixty seconds to perform an important experiment!
Leaps of faith are necessary in everything, even science. We wouldn't' have made it to the Moon if Humanity hadn't taken a leap of faith that the technology to make it possible would be inventible and put in the effort to invent it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
If Christ is not real, you will be no worse off than you were before. If Christ is real you will have gained eternal life and found a new best friend.
A few words of warning; you must be willing to commit to allowing this Presence to change you into the Being He wants you to be. If you perform it half heartedly, or with no real intention of changing, you will get nowhere. Not everyone is up to performing this experiment, Are you?
"Dear Lord Jesus, I have trouble believing in you. Please help my unbelief. If you are real, please forgive me my faults and help me to forgive others. Thank you for taking responsibility for my faults yourself by dying on the cross for me, and help me to overcome my faults. Please come to live inside of me. Be my Lord and Savior. Help me to live for you, and help me to help others find you. Amen."
If you pray that prayer, soon you will know for yourself that God is real, but if you don't pray that prayer you may or not believe in Him, but you won't have Him living inside of you, loving you from the inside out, from the deepest marrow of your being outward. It is not enough just to believe. Even demons believe.
No one learns anything without performing experiments. If you don't try to find God, you never will, because He only goes where He is invited."
Lmao... XD
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Not Pascal's Wager again...
Yeah I know. Wow, that's a good reason to accept a religion, isn't it!? *sarcasm* Truth is, at my turining point into being agnostic, I said a prayer completely similiar to that one, as did my boyfriend, and we got the same results: Atheism! XD
I would hope you think it is bull. That constitutes proof?
Oh no! I said that prayer and Jesus came down into my room and showed me he was real! Too bad I've already blasphemed the Holy Spirit and can never be forgiven. *sobs uncontrolably*
Lucky for us, hell ain't real!
Has your little ego-centric brain ever thought what would happen if we are BOTH wrong? Has your tiny mind ever realized things aren't black and white on the big scale?
Of course you don't realize, that if you are wrong you spent all of your time fending for yourself, for an afterlife that never existed.
If god cares about me, I shouldn't have to go this far.
Amen to that. XD
http://www.myspace.com/webowourhearts here's her url, she seems to be trying to piss atheists off, she has rrs, me, dabura, and other atheists on her top friends
"oh, one more thing I'd like to add everyone who is in my top friends are people that need prayer in one way or another. Whether it be they are unsaved, or they need physical healing. I put them on my top friends as a way to lift them up to the Lord in prayer. "
It's almost sweet...... in a really patronizing condescending way.
Excellent point Ophios. Thats where Christians have lost, if God is all-loving, there isn't a Hell and there especially isn't a need for a perfect being to have us imperfect beings worship him/her/it/unknown.
She really does have me on her top friends. Pissed me off. Every time she comments me she says "God bless=) were prayin for u" and stuff like that. I always tell her not to and I delete her comments. XD
http://www.rationalresponders.com/doesnt_everyone_take_things_on_faith"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
This person apparently has the amazing power to turn belief on and off like a light switch. I for one could never "sincerely" pray that prayer until I'd already decided that I believed in god, jesus and all the rest. This is not an experiment. It's a pathetic attempt to fool people into brainwashing themselves. Experiments obtain the data THEN make conclusions. It is impossible to conduct this experiment without having already arrived at the conclusion.
Oh, and BTW, "suspension of disbelief" while watching a movie is completely different. No one watching a movie ever really believes with their rational mind that it's real. We just react to the images like they are, if they are well done.
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
Why don't you delete her from your own friends list and block her from contacting you? (That's a lot easier than cleaning up the comments on your profile later.)
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
And when the prayer fails, you can blame the failure on the person praying; the heathen wasn't sincere enough.
Could it be that we all know movies and books to be fictious. If I said that Peter Pan is real, would you have disbelief?
Yeah, all science and technology is based on leaps of faith, because no one ever bothers to do any experiments.
And if I start worshipping Jesus and some other god is the one true god, I am even more intercoursed than before. Think about it, which is worse: worshipping nothing or worshipping a false god?
And again, when the 'experiment' fails, you can always blame the heathen. We simply are such anal cavities when we have disbelief, are not sincere enough and haven't actually been willing.
Silly fundy, fairy tales are for kids.
I have prayed before more than once and I have learned something: It is bovine excrament.
It'll all be okay. Show us on the doll where he damned you.
What's funny, is she buried herself with that comment. I've played video games or watched movies that invoked real emotions, as real as they would be if I had been the character in question(Watching my sister die in Kana: Little Sister had me crying...). This may make the characters seem more real, my brain may react to them as though they were real, but they're still not real.
Why doesn't she try that same "experiment" praying to Allah or Zeus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I kinda wish to maybe list all the fallices that i see in here, some of these might just be what kind of argument they used but i'm sure the fallacies in those arguments can be known pretty easily.
Mind you i'm still kinda new at this logic stuff please don't analy rape me for messing up.
Anyone else have anymore? Part of the reason i'm doing this is so i can get better at spotting fallcies. I seem to be great at spotting what argument someone is using for god but outside of that i can't seem to see fallcies in other arguments.
That is, in fact, begging the question.
There's probably more, but I see little reason to continue... if you have any others to point out, by all means, do so...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Or maybe a milk jug? I'm sure she'd get the exact same "response".
Just make sure the expiration date isn't too soon.
Shit, is when the milk jug expires the sign that it shall rise again in an almighty resurrection?
When the milk jug expires there shall be darkness covering all the land with a foul smell. To try and hide the smell the rulers of the land shall put the milk jar in a cave and cover it with a round stone. On the third day the curdled milk shall rise again in fulfillment of the scriptures ... as CHEESE! Everyone shall rejoice and bring crackers.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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This gal obviously doesn't understand that there are those of us who prayed sincerely for years and it got us nowhere. Why would she think that suspending disbelief for a few moments and praying one more time is going to have any different results?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
XD... It's fun to spam her comments with "GOD IS NOT REAL" over and over. Hehehaha.