get me wrong here,
but most people are completely irrational mainly due to the fact their brain and nervous system aren't developed/evolved as much yet...?
I'm not talking about the churchy that goes but is just to afraid to admit to themselves there is no afterlife.
maybe like... 3-4 generations from now, akbar muhammad and reverend john mark's grandchildren/decends will have rational thought.
...... if we can survive 3-4 generations of irrationality without any nuclear war... holy shit, that sounds like it might be tuff.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
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Both. I'm sure if you examine your life you will find plenty of instances where you acted on instinct, as well as times where you reasoned your way to a conclusion. I'm sure it's the same for everyone on earth.
Yea, I agree
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
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In the human lineage alone ,which are direct and which direct ancestral types .And there sure are more to come to make the anti-evolutionist shudder more. There are other kinds of evidence also.Look at all the hirsute people now .
morgan L lamberth Fr. Griggs rests in his Socratic ignorance and humble naturalism. Logic is the bane of theists.
" God is in a worse position than the scarecow who had a body to which a mind could enter whilst He has neither. He is that married bachelor. No wonder He is ineffable!" Ignostic Morgan"
"Life is its own validation and reward and ultimate meaning." Inquiring Lynn
Please support mental health and take the stigma off metnal illnes!
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Don't count on it. The history of humanity shows a remarkable facility to persist in knuckleheadedness.
Folks were killing themselves in large numbers before and after Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Budhhism, Shintoism, etc.
And officially Atheistic socieities haven't been much better.
It's sad really.
Scott Holmes
ya no kiddin.
but if your saying there is really no hope for athiesm, if it were to get to that point ever... then really. what the fuck IS the point.
I'm gonna be optimistic on the subject and disagree, and hope to hell if the world was a complete atheistic society..
we wouldn't blow our asses off the planet
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
I wish folks would adopt one or more of various philosophies if they don't choose mine; it certainly would mean a lot less hate, violence, self destructive qualities, etc.
1. Epicureanism I believe was the old Greek Philosophy which basically boiled down to 'all you have is life, so live it to it's fullest'. Those folks wanted to get so much sensation out of life, they deliberately kept themselves fit, ate right, used alcohol in moderation, etc. Cuz they wanted to live as long as possible.
I believe that's what they thought and practised. In a very loose nutshell.
2. Some kind of Moralistic Philosophy. Perhaps Confuscianism, non religious Buddhism, or Enlightenment Age Deism (you can find Jefferson's redlined Bible out on the internet through wikipedia).
I think Atheism, like all other philosophies and theologies, are always subject to the vagaries of fallible humans. If we can screw up practically every other originally noble organizations and movements, why would Atheism be any different?
Scott Holmes
How exactly is atheism a philosophy of life or a moral system? All atheism entails is not believing in gods.
One can have a moral philosophy in addition to their atheism or lack of belief, including many of the ones you mentioned above.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
k well...
im still a little confused :oops:
let moi be more genral.
Throughout evolution, have studies shown that different societies evolve at faster/slower rates?
mr. yellow number 5 should know this.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
That depends on exactly what you mean by "evolve".
Cultural evolution is much different than biological evolution, and unless you're refering to something like say lactose tolerance there isn't much evidence that any particular culture evolves faster biologicially than any other. Biological evolution requires selective pressure, typically from environmental influences. The 10,000 years or so we've been living in relatively organized society isn't much time for biological evolution to hold much sway regardless.
I think your original question is more of a sociological or perhaps memetic variety than a biological one.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
So really, in the last 10,000 humans in general haven't evolved.. that much. Despite some societies in the world may be behind?
I should maybe try be more specific.
As an idividual, am I more evolved than a person from brazil that still belongs to a tribe.. so on so forth (basically straight up jungle person).
or am i just more educated.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
Like I said, culture and biology are two different things.
Absolutely not. Culture is not indicative of biology or vice versa, and even if it were an agrarian culture would not be "more evolved" than a hunter-gather one - just different.
As a point of clarification, no species on earth is "more evolved" than another. Evolution has no ultimate goal. Any species alive and kicking is sucessful and just as evolved as any other.
That's relative as well. You may know more science than the tribesman, but I doubt you know how to hunt, catch and butcher a wild boar.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
k. yes, i understand this now
I can hunt, catch, and butcher (farm boy here).. and I have the ability to get as a good at it as any tribesman, they would obviously be better, that would be all they do. But, the point is, if i needed to survive that way I would. I would rather have to survive this way, actually.
can tribesman, learn to not believe in a god?
btw, im not saying tribesman are inferrior.. i think its a valid question and I don't know the answer.
what difference is there between people who act on pure instinct and people who act by thinking first. - i thought it had to do with evolution
or is it my instinct to think first, then do.. which is in fact... "acting on pure instinct". Or Was I educated since the time I was born and developed questionable thoughts.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
Sure, why wouldn't they be able to? Probably easier to educate an indigenous person than fundamentalist Christian, actually.
Christians have actually heard the scientific and logical explanations for things, and are still in willful denial.
I never said you thought they were inferior.
As far as instinct goes, I don't imagine that any group of people behave more instinctually than another. We are conditioned by evolution to have certain reactions to certain things.
Phobias are a good example. Many of us are wired to fear snakes and spiders and other creepy crawlies.
We all act instinctionally and we all use reason at times. I'm sure it varies by individual and circumstance, and perhaps by culture as well. The main problem is that elucidating just the biological aspect of the countless variables that go into the decision making process is a daunting task.
[..or is it my instinct to think first, then do.. which is in fact... "acting on pure instinct". Or Was I educated since the time I was born and developed questionable thoughts.
Both. I'm sure if you examine your life you will find plenty of instances where you acted on instinct, as well as times where you reasoned your way to a conclusion. I'm sure it's the same for everyone on earth.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.