One of thoes
I title this "One of thoes" because the title of "My mom" requires infinatly more description.
My mom is one of thoes that say that animals have no soul..
I specifically remember many things about my dog, that resembled emotion; Annoyance, pleasure, pain, sadness, happyness, and even depression. I had a problem with my mom's explenation that animals have no emotion(or soul), even before I knew the meaning of the word "atheist".
According to my mom(as I rememeber) and most theists, god allows bad things to happen to teach us how much god loves us.
If this is so, why does god allow emotionless, souless, animals to suffer just as much pain as us souled humans? Does god make animals suffer to teach us humans a lesson?
It seems that only a cruel god would allow a creature to suffer needlessly.
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Your mom is right: animals don't have souls. But that's just because no living creature on Earth has them. Not even humans.
Your mom is also right: God allows us to suffer so that we would learn how much he loves us. God is a sado-masoquist, didn't you know ?
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
Yes if you called it "My Mom" it would need more explaining ¿
She's right so far. There is no evidence of a soul existing.
It's called anthropomorphizing
Do you think soul and emotion are the same thing?
You Mom is still correct though.
I think your Mom has gone off the track here. There is no evidence of a God so I guess it just up to you to read, learn and think for yourself from now on.
Ok, so I failed to explain it correctly.
Let me clear up 2 things really quick.
1. No I dont think the soul and emotion are the same thing. But my mom believes that emotion comes from the soul(as I remember).
2. I think that animals have very emotion-like feelings.
What I was trying to point out is that there seems to be cognitive dissonance in my mom. In short, She believes that god is a good just being, that lets souless animals suffer.
(I've never drawn one of these logic things out before, so please, show me where I make mistakes in the format.)
Q1. mom believes that animals have no soul, and people do.
Q2 god is a just being that never causes evil things to happen with out good reason.
Q3. mom believes that god lets "evil" happen to teach us lessons, in order to make our soul stonger.
Q4. "evil" happens to animals.
Therefore based on the above, my mom has cognitive dissonance within her. Q1,2,3 contradict Q4. This would make evil happen unneccisarily to animals, becuase they have no ultimate reason for it.
I think the theists would say God isn't as interested in the animals, so any 'evil' that happens to them isn't being controlled by God. It's just life playing out.
IF that's what they say, it goes against the Bible, because Jesus said about birds being less important than man yet God still provides for them.
I'm probably wrong though, maybe they have a better argument than that.