Ask a Christian a Question
Hello, I'm new here and i didn't feel like going to every thread and responding so i hope all of you get all the atheists and non atheists in here to have our discussion. Questions about Christianity. Now go tell everybody.
Also, please do one question at a time.
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As Neil DeGrasse Tyson asks:
"If we are so "intelligently designed", why did god put the entertainment center right next to the sewage system?"
Because, while we are eating our food and watching tv the sewage system is right around the corner ready for our waste.
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Now you have simply and completely contradicted yourself.
Quote: "i have faith and with faith came experience then sight"
So it's experience then faith and no more experience ever? I can't have more experience after? or a different experience?
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jce wrote:Then why do humans have different skin color? Why do asian humans have a different eye shape than non-asians? Baptists agree with evolution. Why do you call yourself one?Evolution/Adaptation is real to a certain degree.
This is from another response i did, i think it applies.
I forgot the chapter and verse but, man was one civilization. God saw man and said they will become powerful and destroy themselves. So God confused man making them have different tongues (languages) separating them across the world.
I am aware of the story of the Tower of Babylon. I was raised christian. Unfortunately, you want it both ways - you can't. Evolution does not mesh with the bible. There is no historical evidence of the Tower of Babylon; there is evidence to support evolution. Is it not possible that the story of Babylon was written to explain evolution before we understood it?
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I am aware of the story of the Tower of Babylon. I was raised christian. Unfortunately, you want it both ways - you can't. Evolution does not mesh with the bible. There is no historical evidence of the Tower of Babylon; there is evidence to support evolution. Is it not possible that the story of Babylon was written to explain evolution before we understood it?
Actually Evolution doesn't really mesh with it (in a way it can) but, nor does it conflict with the Bible.
There isn't historical evidence of that incident but, that doesn't mean it isn't there or that it didn't happen.
Not much evidence to support evolution, atleast the way you think.
Story of Babylon was seperating humanity and they adapted to where ever they lived (aftermath of the situation).
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BGH wrote:As Neil DeGrasse Tyson asks:
"If we are so "intelligently designed", why did god put the entertainment center right next to the sewage system?"
Because, while we are eating our food and watching tv the sewage system is right around the corner ready for our waste.
You realize this did not answer the question.
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You realize this did not answer the question.
Indeed, if you want the answer you have to ask God that one.
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BGH wrote:You realize this did not answer the question.
Indeed, if you want the answer you have to ask God that one.
Explain how you ask the non-existant a question?
Didn't you want people to ask a theist questions on this thread? You do not seem very ready to answer the questions posed.
Why not say, "I don't have an answer, I don't know", instead of saying god did it?
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Explain how you ask the non-existant a question?
Didn't you want people to ask a theist questions on this thread? You do not seem very ready to answer the questions posed.
Why not say, "I don't have an answer, I don't know", instead of saying god did it?
Denying in something that could be really isn't going to make it disappear.
I want people to ask me seriouse questions, not questions you know i can't answer.
Hey P3RFECT, why did God put our ass at the bottom, why did God put the brain inside our skulls. Why not here or here. How am i suppose to answer that?
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BGH wrote:What do you have "faith" in? What is your evidence?
Well, faith isn't really based on evidence.
Outside of religion, is there anything else which you accept as true on faith alone, without any evidence?
zarathustra wrote:
Without evidence, how do you demonstrate that your faith is more truthful than faith in another god?
I learned about other peoples faiths.
I learned about the christianity and found it lacking. How is my learning and rejection of christianity different from your learning and rejection of other peoples' faiths?
I may disagree with other people but, as long as they accept Jesus I'm good.
You shouldn't be. Consult this thread to see how much christians themselves disagree. How can there be so much disagreement if they are all accepting the same "jesus"?
Everydody has a different view, so i don't know what they exactly believe. Sometimes i am wrong as well.
So you could also be wrong about jesus?
There are no theists on operating tables.
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What is the bound energy state of an even wave-function in a twin delta potiental?
Why are you a christian?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
For Cpt_pineapple:
I'll get back to you on that.
Forgot to quote.
Because, i have faith and with faith came experience then sight. Among other things.
Relax, you don't have to answer, I was just kidding around.
It's fine, i know.
How can you believe faith is a path to knowledge? Faith, by definition, is not based upon truth. Mark Twain said it best: "Faith is believing in what you know ain't so."
Books on atheism, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
What sort of Christian are you?
Why did God supposedly create us without our consent?
I don't remember being asked whether I want to exist or not, because certainly the answer would have been "no".
One more question: ok, God created us without our consent. Why is he threatening us with Hell now? How can you be considered "good" if you punish someone for something he didn't want to be part of in the first place?
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
Having faith isn't explaining why you have faith.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
When you say Christianity - which denomination are you refering to? The religion is so messed up amongst its believers that the believers can't decide how to unite.
What do you have "faith" in? What is your evidence?
If God created Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden, how did multiple races of human beings come about from one singular race over this short time period?
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Faith is something you believe in without evidence and that is what God wants in the Christianity belief system. Sometimes when you have faith in something you gain knowledge.
This is brilliant.
Can I use this idea?
God wants us to see the beauty of the universe so he created us.
God didn't create hell for humans but, Jesus came and sacrificed himself for our sins so we can enter Heaven. We must accept him as our savior to not end up in Hell. Humans can't take responsbility for there own sins for it is to great.
We are all sinners nobody is truly good. We all have free will to choose if you want to believe or not in God but, like i said before you can't bare your own sins so you can't enter Heaven without being cleansed.
I learn/researched and said for some reason i want to try. I did and took a leap of faith but, that faith was supported with other things in my life that help me take the step.
Well, faith isn't really based on evidence. It came after, what came after?
It's a personal experience(shared with others actually) and would take forever to type. If you want to know we can do a private chat thingy.
There is no date saying Adam and Eve was create ---- years ago.
But, Adam and Eve had kids and they had kids and so on.
Without evidence, how do you demonstrate that your faith is more truthful than faith in another god?
There are no theists on operating tables.
I don't really like to put my self in a section but, i guess Baptist.
I don't really like to put my self in a section. But, i guess Baptist
Every religion on this earth, especially the three MAJOR ones (Jews, Christians and Muslims) all believe with great sincerity that THEIR god is the one and only 'TRUE' God.
How can you say for certain that you've chosen the correct one?
Of course you do. You went ahead and put yourself in the christian section. Might as well narrow it down to the row.
As a baptist (you guess), do you consider your version of christianity more truthful than others?
There are no theists on operating tables.
You do realize this is completely the wrong way to go about it...?
If I BEGIN by believing there are chocolate people on Mars then, ipso facto, there are chocolate people on Mars according to me because I already believe it.
The question is, despite the belief, are there really chocolate people on Mars?
In order to answer this question correctly you must be open to either answer, maybe there is maybe there isn't, and then you build what you believe based on an assessment that is as impartial as you can make it.
Believing before you have experience leading you to believe is just ridiculous.
Evolution, in a word, right?
But we don't need to go all the way back to Adam and Eve. God supposedly reduced the entire human race to a single family much later on...Moses and gang. So all the diversity we see today come from the family of Moses. Evolution sure works fast! But we already knew this since we bred the chihuahua from the wolf in the last 10,000 years.
I learned about other peoples faiths.
The three major religions is Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Cause i looked at the others.
I may disagree with other people but, as long as they accept Jesus I'm good. Everydody has a different view, so i don't know what they exactly believe. Sometimes i am wrong as well.
You answered it, thanks. Thats what i did. Experience lead me to belief.
My understanding is that most creationists believe the world was created 6,000 to 10,000 years ago and this is according to the bible.
Please tell me you have more than they just kept having kids. If they all just kept having kids, why are we all not the same race. If they kept having kids, somewhere there was incest. The believability of your statement is just as believable as the tooth fairy taking my teeth.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
no, not evolution. They had sex, had kids, there kids had sex and so on.
They didn't keep having kids for all of enternity. They had kids and those kids had kids. There was incest for a certain time to populate the world but, as soon as we become more and more evil/sinful God didn't want relation like that anymore.
I forgot the chapter and verse but, man was one civilization. God saw man and said they will become powerful and destroy themselves. So God confused man making them have different tongues (languages) separating them across the world.
You looked at all of the world's religions and settled on Christianity?
Now you have simply and completely contradicted yourself.
Quote: "i have faith and with faith came experience then sight"
Now you're just being dense.
Moses and his family were all roughly similar looking, wouldn't you agree? Now, after a few thousand years there are billions of people in china with certain regularities of features, a billion people in Africa with similarities in themselves but different than Chinese people, etc etc.
Evolution MUST be invoked to explain such extreme diversity on a planetary scale, and at the same time physical similarities that can roughly be tied to geographical location.
Not only that, evolution must work VERY FAST for all this diversity to be the result of the family of Moses having children and so on.
But that evolution does work quite fast is no surprise, as I said, given that we humans selectively evolved the chihuahua from the wolf in less than 10,000 years...
Then why do humans have different skin color? Why do asian humans have a different eye shape than non-asians? Baptists agree with evolution. Why do you call yourself one?
As Neil DeGrasse Tyson asks:
"If we are so "intelligently designed", why did god put the entertainment center right next to the sewage system?"
Not all but the major ones. Because, it is unique beautiful. and even when attack it still stands firm. among other things
This is from another response i did, i think it applies.
I forgot the chapter and verse but, man was one civilization. God saw man and said they will become powerful and destroy themselves. So God confused man making them have different tongues (languages) separating them across the world.What i was saying is that people didn't evolve around the world from organisms while Adam and Eve was made by God having kids.
Then why do humans have different skin color? Why do asian humans have a different eye shape than non-asians? Baptists agree with evolution. Why do you call yourself one?
Evolution/Adaptation is real to a certain degree.
This is from another response i did, i think it applies.
I forgot the chapter and verse but, man was one civilization. God saw man and said they will become powerful and destroy themselves. So God confused man making them have different tongues (languages) separating them across the world.