Brian and Kelly asked...Does God forgive any sin?
This is in response to a Question Brian and Kelly asked Krik and Ray?
Their question was Doesn't Bible say that God will forgive you for any sin except Blashpemy?
the Answer is defintely YES!!!
But the Bible doesn't say you can live sinful and still be His child.
God will forgive you for anything,
if you believe confess and repent you shall be forgiven
But you can't take advantage of the Grace of God and still claim to be a child of God
Yes He will forgive you for anything but that doesn't give you a licesnse to Sin as you guys were incinuating
I have to bring Up scriptures because you say the bible allows sin when it doesn't. You say the bible teaches that when it doesn't therefore I am writing to let you know what it teaches concerning that topic.
Romans 6 Paul asks
What shall we say then/ Shall we(believers) continue to sin that grace may abound? CERTIANLY NOT!!
The bible teaches us God's forgiveness
and it also teaches us that we should not continue in the Sin in which Chirst Died for.
1 John 1: 5-8
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we(believers) say that have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we(believers) walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
Clearly our bible the word of God does not teach that we can and sin freely and still be forgiven
For if one sins freely without any regard to God then that person walks in darkness as 1 John says and that person is not walking in the Light. Therefore that person is not a child of God.
For a child of God walks in the light not Darkness for God is light
Now this is not to say that we as believers not ever sin. yes we sin but we don't live a habitual lifestyle of sin. our desire is for holy living
we don't wake up thinking of ways of how to sin.
We are not sinless but we do sin-less
we strive to live a habitual lifestyle of holiness
Thank You
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What exactly did you hope to accomplish with this post?
I just wanted you guys to know that we do not promote sin we do not think its okay to do whatever and then ask forgiveness. We do not take advantage of Grace.
Thats all nothing more- just information its not necessary to respond to this blog
Umm, just to let you know, his name is BRIAN, not BRAIN. Though I am sure he appreciates the compliment.
Gee, what are we going to do tonight Brain?
Same thing we do everynight: TRY AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!
Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain....
(My name is Brain too, oops I mean Brian. That is the "B" in BGH.)
What about GH?
It is not GH, as in "god hater", as some might assume. It is actually my other two initials.
Can you tell me precisely what it means to be a "child of God"?
You've exposed RRS...NARF!
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Yeah, I remember that verse from the Bill Gothard Seminar, especially (barf). Still, the rest of the bible does not make it clear what the formula for salvation is. That's why you have some denominations that think faith in Jesus Christ is enough (John 3:16) and some who think that faith without works is dead. Then there's that whole bit about a woman being saved through childbirth. What the heck is that about?????
The bible is a contradictory book, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that the formula for getting into heaven is also contradictory. It depends upon which author you read and what kind of mood he happened to be in at the time.
BTW, CHRISTALONE, many of us (most of us???) used to be Christians. I went to a Christian school from second grade through college, which means I studied the bible heavily all that time. A thorough knowledge of the bible is one of the things that allowed me to free my mind from the tyranny of religion.
Now, back to the faith vs. works vs. childbirth vs. ? debate: Those who believe a faith in Jesus is all that is necessary for entrance into heaven; those who believe that God will forgive any sin--these are the same people who would send a good atheist to hell and allow an evil person who "repented" on his deathbed into heaven.
Yeah, I know. Then comes the requisite argument: "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god"..."original sin"...blah blah blah blah. The whole thing makes no sense. God treats stealing a pencil as just an egregious offense as torturing someone to death. That YHWH guy...if he existed he'd be seriously fucked up.
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My understanding is that anything can be forgiven, short of suicide. Suicide being the act of taking one's own life, at which point the life tally is added up and deeds are measured, but the murder of self would still be on the tally and therefore, with life over, there'd be no opportunity to ask for forgiveness of it.
I wouldn't at all doubt that there are exceptions made to that, and I personally believe that an infinite God can find exceptions based on circumstances. I can't give you any scripture to back that up, it's just a personal belief; defeating that, you guys probably get more than enough scripture shoved down your throats daily anyway, I don't wanna add to the pile...![Cool Cool](/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif)
I don't think the "Deny the Holy Spirit" sin is unforgivable, either; most of what I've studied in regards to that means a constant, life-long denial of the holy spirit, not just a offhand "I reject the holy spirit" blanket statement for youtube
My bad LOL I change it from Brain to Brian Thanks I didn't even realize it LOL!
Well to answer your question I must tell you from what the bilble says. okay .......OKay
To be a child of God is to be an imitator of God
Eph 5:1,2 - Be imitators of God as dear children and walk in Love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us,
To Walk in Love practice Love is the most mportant part of being a Child of God .
1 Peter 1:15,16 - be ye holy for I am Holy
So to be a child of God means to behave like God
God is Love, Holy, righteouss, joy, peace, longsuffering, kind, goo, faithful and gentle. and much more therefore Children of God should behave just the same.
LOL we heard this thousands of times you fucking idiot.
Iruka Naminori
I do believe Faith in Jesus is enough to goto Heaven. - look at the man who was on the cross with Jesus all he did was believe in HIM, and Jesus told him "Today you shall be with me in paradise.
We dont do works to be Saved
but because we are Saved we do good works
these are the same people who would send a good atheist to hell and allow an evil person who "repented" on his deathbed into heaven.
In response to this They don't send people anywhere, They send themselves. The requirement for getting into Heave is not being Good. the requirement for getting into Heaven in believe and having Faith In Jesus CHRIST. that He came , died, and rose, for the payment of our sins.
Belief in Jesus Christ a trusting In Jesus Christ is the requirment for going to Heaven. not how good you and I are.
Eph 2:8,9 - Not by works or rigteouness you were saved but by Grace.
I agree with Just Me on the blasphemy issue you guys aren't blaspheming the Holy Spirit you are just denying that He exist and thats not blasphemy
That should be wonderful news to you guys you still can enter Heaven if you humble hearts and believe.
But I don't agree with Just Me on the issue of suicide. once you put you faith in Christ He forgives us of all of our sins past, present and future.
Positionally in Christ we are perfect and sinless
Practically we are not we still fall into sin and deal with it.
Our Salvation does not henge on what we have done but it totally rests upon the work that Jesus has done.
Read Romans 5 -- it show how we had a subtitute condemer -Adam and it shows how we need a subtitute redeemer _Jesus