Dear Sara
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This would be the as-of-yet unresponded to post.
I'll take a shot at this.
Sara wrote:Quote:Why do you draw this arbitrary line between the universe with all of its contents and God? (. . .) A multiverse can simply "be" with no anthropomorphic qualities or consciousness whatsoever.The reason why I draw the line between the universe and all of its contents and God is because it would be illogical for anything to create itself. If God were somehow contained within the material, then He would have to have created Himself (which is impossible). Nor could the universe have formed itself.
It still comes back to the horrible loop of 'where did this complicated being come from that created everything?' On the other hand, it seems more likely that all the energy we know of has always been around somewhere if not in this universe then in another. Multiverse begets multiverse, and since all things are is insubstantial information configured in various ways it also fits into probability.
One way to see how this works is through the infinite hotel thought experiment. In an infinite hotel with infinite guests, you can never run out of rooms even though the rooms are full. If you want to add an infinite number of guests to the infinite hotel, you simply have every guest move into the room number equal to double their current room number. Nevermind that there are so many impossibilities in this (time, space, etc.), probabalistically there is always room in infinity for jello.
On an infinite time scale (being that in the "beginning" there is no time), the probability of something happening is 1. Since time is simply the sequence of events it is just another informational value created by the illusion that things are happening in order when in fact things happening here occur at a different rate than elsewhere.
Sara wrote:Multiverses are just as ad hoc as you claim God is. I know that you like that explanation better because you feel it is simpler from a materialist's view. But I think that God is a simpler and more thorough explanation for the formation of the universe.
God - Omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omnipresent.
Multiverse - Hypothetical explanation for some of the phenomena related to wave-function collapse.
God - Untestable.
Multiverse - Testable via very complicated experiments, one of which is starting up in November.
God is pretty complicated. Complication usually refers to the difficulty in trying to figure out how something works. Since "God works in mysterious (and blindingly inefficient) ways," I would say that God is more complicated than even the most convoluded quantum physics paper.
Sara wrote:For example, pure materialism cannot explain how the universe arose from nothing by itself and formed personal beings. That makes less sense to me than believing that a Personal God made humans in His image.
The universe, to me, likely arose from another universe. As a whole, the multiverse did not arise any more going north of the north pole takes you further north. Another way to look at it would be like this: there always has been "something," even counting nothing since nothing is still a quantifiable "thing." So if you have less than nothing, you still have something.
You mention the existance of personal beings as evidence. By the very same logic, there must be a prime decider who moves cards around in a deck so that you choose precisely the right one since the chances of you drawing any particular hand are so small that you will never in your lifetime draw the same order of cards twice.
Sara wrote:Quote:The scientist need not assert anything. (. . .) I see no reason for anyone to buy this, however, since it is a completely unnecessary and unhelpful idea.Well, if you were trying to explain the origin of snot, your explanation makes more sense than saying snot came from nothing by its own power and is eternal (which is analogous to the materialists' explanation for the origin of the universe).
It's an oversimplification, but you're more or less right. In essence, everything is made of information. There can never be an absence of information, since that would still be a form of information. Anything you can express is information. Further refined, all things exist including those things which you cannot imagine. That infinitely more things exist which cannot be represented in material is still not evidence of god, only more information. If there were a god, things would be much simpler.
Sara wrote:Quote:I'm afraid I cannot see that as equally plausible. My theory is a predictable outcome of evolution. (. . .) But even then we would have to look at our natural desire to persist after death and see if that impulse would logically lead to the commonality of belief.Yes, it is the predicable outcome of evolution. But you again, must begin with the premise that materialism is true from the onset and then go on to make theories based on that premise. Evolution is the best theory that fits within this paradigm.
I, obviously, don't see materialism as the sole plausible theory for the origin of the universe, so pardon me if I reject some of those theories that heavily rely on it.
What would you propose in opposition to the idea that everything is made of something (materialism)?
Sara wrote:Quote:My arguments are based on what we can know. (. . .) So the burden is on you to prove that the universe cannot make sense without adding this additional complication.That's a very convenient position for the materialist. However, it may be entirely inaccurate to assume that the universe is all there is, ever was or will be.
We're not assuming that, you are. You're saying that this universe begins and ends, and that's all there is as far as we can know from realistic observation.
Sara wrote:As I already stated, it seems illogical to maintain that the impersonal universe produced personal beings. Materialism cannot begin to explain why we seek to relate to eachother without reducing our relationships to meaningless interactions. I doubt you tell your loved ones that your interactions with them are nothing more than biological impulses that are necessary for your survival. Most people want to think that there is more meaning to life than materialism provides.
Personal and impersonal are labels we created. We seek to interrelate based on what our genes have learned, which is survival and replication. Comeradery makes a more fit beast than lone survival. However, what we have become because of the machine that produced us is more than the machine itself. Individually we can imagine whole worlds of fantasy, something which only a few other species we know of can do and not nearly as well as we. Cats cannot imagine flight, even though they know of the concept. The meaning of life is a personal thing, something to be decided by the individual and not some sadistic father figure.
Sara wrote:Again, thank you for the interesting points. It's been nice chatting with you. I'm done for now, but will be back tomorrow.
Looking forward to it.
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Hi Sara, I'm having some trouble with the quote feature- maybe because I cut and pasted this from the other thread. Sorry if it is hard to read. I couldn't figure it out in time before I have to leave for work.
Sara wrote,Quote:
My point is that recent studies show that order arises spontaneously in chemistry. And that the basis for biology is chemistry. The BZ reaction, Bernard cells, etc. See:
Meaning exists locally in my worldview, so it is not inconsistent. You have not explained why my morality should apply to asteroids in deep space.
Gatogreensleeves wrote,
"Because God is omniscient and I am not. You are ignoring the fact that the bible proclaims that God did not learn anything vicariously through humans as you suggest ("Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or as His counselor has informed Him? With whom did He consult and who gave Him understanding? And who taught Him in the path of justice and taught Him knowledge, and informed Him of the way of understanding?" (Is. 40:13-14). Are you saying that God learned something from the sins of humans/Satan/whoever? That is not eternal omniscience. I agree with you that humans can learn something about evil vicariously, but even still, only to a limited extent without the experience of actually committing the act. Knowing some act is wrong is not complete knowledge of the act. Are you saying that there is no knowledge in experience?"
Veils of Maya gave a fine example of why this is not true when he wrote, "Let's say I created an aircraft that was totally automated and used artificial intelligence that I personally wrote and tested to take off, navigate and land. Let's also say that instructed said aircraft to avoid flying in specific airspace to avoid colliding with air traffic I knew it could not safely avoid. I then let this aircraft cary passengers to and from any destination. If the artificial intelligence software I wrote ignored my instructions, flew into the airspace I instructed it not to and crashed - causing the deaths of 200 people - would I not be ultimately responsible? I might claim it wasn't my fault since the plane ran into unexpected input, which I was not aware of and could not have foreseen."
I agreed with you about humans, so I don't know why you're making that an issue. I am talking about God, and I know you would make a distinction between the two. Again, yes something can be learned from the experience of being a victim of sin, but that is still an altogether different experience than commiting the sin. Apples and oranges. There is a distinction which is shown in the difference between committing a sin and knowing about a sin alone. That's why for one we are damned and the other is innocuous (though that is debatable, given Jesus' opinions on sins committed "in the heart"
. That Xfactor that makes a sin a sin is unknown knowledge to God. I think this broader knowledge of the experience of sin is crucial in the motivation and understanding of other emotions/actions, and is what actually allows for one form of empathy. It's also telling that you site Jesus' earthly experience as essential in one way, yet not the other.
No, I have already offered plenty of unrebutted questions concerning that issue in the thread. Of course I know what fetus means, which is why I use "embryo" when I can (sometimes I am lazy about making the distinction), but modern medical terminology sometimes uses the term "fetus" for later stages of the development. This terminology does not reflect an accurate assessment of personhood any more than Thursday is an accurate assessment of the existence of Thor... but I'll admit it could in the former circumstance. I'm not going to repeat all the arguments I made- check the thread if you want to go on about this issue. Keep in mind that there are different opinions on this in both the religious and secular circles.
I can think of one immediately: when you are on a plane, you are instructed, in case of an emergency, to put on your air mask before putting it on others. The implications of that notion are far reaching.
So what do you make of Col. 2:16, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat and drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon; or of the sabbath days." or Rom. 14:5, "One man esteemeth one day above another; another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." or when Jesus argues against it (Matt. 12:1-5), refering to a non-existent OT verse where David "and they that were with him" were blameless for eating "shewbread" on the Sabbath?
Ex. 21:20-21 says there is no punishment at all... because the loss of the slave is enough... Wow!! There is no extra punishment and yes, they were able to be killed without impunity. You cannot possibly consider the slave's absence to be punishment. Imagine if today, we could kill off any prisoner without impunity, saying, "it's actually our loss, because we lost a good license plate maker... so we've already been punished."
This just lends more evidence to the fact that slaves have less (no) ontological value than other humans... Human rights? Nope.... but we digress from my original point: are there sins that are more offensive to God than others or not? Is this an accurate qualification of crime fitting the punishment (also considering that the slave could be punished at any unjustified whim of the owner) compared to death for Sabbath breakers?
And yet American slave owners still claimed to have the bible to back up their notion of slavery.
Thank you, and yes, you are consistent with the bible on that... or every single crime would require the death penalty. Now... why does not being a virgin on your wedding night require death, while taking a slave's life "if he continues on a day or two" does not even require punishment? Blasphemy, witchcraft, etc.... do you really think these still require the death penalty? Shouldn't we remain consistent qualitatively to the crime fitting the punishment in OT laws?
Anyone who got a chance to hear the gospel that is, right? We could add 2 Chro. 7:14 to your list as an early example of forgiveness in the OT without Jesus- but you would say this is because Jesus' attonement is retroactive, right? Why wern't the ritual laws "retroactive" like the moral laws? So Jesus had to be executed at some point to cover the past and future. It's convenient that He chose that time, because if He was born in America today or in other societies, He probably wouldn't have been executed for His beliefs. That also has strange implications. This retroactive notion is interesting if convoluted and limited- I will have to think more on that.
No it doesn't. As someone once said, "the mind is what the brain does." Driving a car does not exist without the car.
Unless those qualifications contradict. That is the point.
Then how in the world can anyone argue from design for the existence of God? Don't you see your double standard? If it is orderly it proves God- if not, it's the Fall. I think the Fall is a really poor explanation for these things. To say that we need to find vitamin C because Adam and Eve sinned is just absurd to me. Why such arbitrary breakdowns from the Fall? Even more disturbing is the implication that animals suffer because of the Fall. I just don't think that cuts the mustard, sorry Sara.
We can activate genes in the DNA that manifest features consistent with the theory of evolution. It fits nicely and has no reason to exist in Christian theology. These are not genes that, when activated, produce random mutations. Why are they there?
See above for biochemical order links.
Maybe so... you never know... but at this point it doesn't look good. The fact remains that God could give us undeniable evidence of His existence and make His salvation plan a moral choice. This smells of mystery religion to me and further yet, absence of existence. As someone put it, there was no more pressing business in heaven that Jesus had to get back to after the ressurection than there is here on earth- why not stay on earth and continue to testify?
Thanks for your time Sara! Sorry again if this was difficult to read...
"If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway" -The Clash