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Todd Friel apologized...[moved from KewK to AvT] |
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
| fastforward to 7:58...give or take a second...
Why would he apologize for calling him an atheist?
Oh...thank you for pointing that out. I meant to say that he apologized for saying that Brian hates Jesus. I will edit it, now.
On some level, I think we Christians believe that all atheists hate Jesus...but why would it bother an atheist? We believe you hate hate somebody you don't even believe exists. That's kind of silly....or, if I were an atheist, I'd think it is silly.
You can't call that an apology.
WOTM radio show transcription minute 8:14 after listening to Sapient's video in the car on the way to New York.
Son of a bitch. Hypocritical asshole. Way of the asshat radio show 'host'.
Does anyone see this? Christianity has turned this guy into a full-fledged moron.
His fucked up perception of the world is due 100% to his own religion. Someone told him long ago that atheists hated jesus and NOW this fucktard is telling other people the same bullshit.
THE ABSOLUTE WORST PART is that an atheist, ME, has to explain his own damned religion's commandments to him.
TODD, pay attention. I'm going to type really slowly for you and then I want you to re-read it. For fuck's sake, you fucking deluded alleged christian, the very motherfucking least you could do would be to read your own bible.
three verses later
Soooooooo, what has this shown? Obviously, Todd Friel HATES THE BIBLE since he can't follow it. Todd Friel needs psychiatric help. Todd Friel needs to lose his JOB as a christian radio show host since he cannot follow the doctrine that he allegedly believes in.
Ray, it's time to FIRE TODD FRIEL before he makes you look even worse than the Faceoff did.
BTW, tracifish, that was pretty dishonest of you to post this as an apology as well in my opiniion.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Okay...but I'm sure he was not trying to bear false witness. It is common for us to think atheists hate Jesus. Some are vocal about hating the God of the bible...and Jesus is God. I can see how Todd could have been confused. Brian is a.....professional atheist...and he appears...angry. It is hard for us to tell who or what he is angry at.
All I know is he does not mean Brian any ill will. So what if Todd thought that Brian hates Jesus? And it was an honest mistake, i'm quite sure of that. If you were to think I hate someone whom I don't even believe to exist, it might be a little bit annoying...but if after I explained to you, and you publically corrected yourself, I'd be happy. If you were not to correct yourself, it woudn't bother me that much. Why care what a bunch of believers think about me? They're not my peers.
It was not meant to be mean.
Sure, he "corrected" himself... He said the Brian doesn't hate Jesus, he hates christians.
The false witness is in saying that Brian hates christians.
Most atheists have this thing about truth (the real kind, with a lower case 't'
, so when someone says a lie about them, they might get a little peeved. Imagine if everyone started claiming that your church was killing puppies and atheist children for their services. Would you mind? "Why care what a bunch of [others] think about [you]?"
The pursuit of truth leads Brian to correct others on their outlandish claims. Telling someone that the Easter Bunny does not exist doesn't mean you hate the Easter Bunny OR people who think the Easter Bunny does exist.
That was one of my points. Don't you see that as a problem?
According to you and the people that put this into your mind.
Willfully confused because almost the exact same conversation came up when Ray Comfort was a guest on RRS Show #7.
Who is 'us'? Do you profess to speak for all of christendom?
I'm curious as to why you see it as anger and I see it as strong compassion?
Are you Friel's shrink?
Because it isn't true. That's what. It makes no logical sense and ergo is irrational. Irrational claims cannot go unchallenged here because that is, in my opinion, the sole purpose for the RRS.
A lie cannot be an honest mistake.
Unfortunately, Friel did not do that. He followed his original bullshit statement with yet another bullshit statement. That is annoying. The fact that people actually listen to this man's bullshit beliefs is annoying.
OHHHHHH. I think I see where this rationalization is going now. Actually, I am assuming that you are human. I am also human. Ergo we are peers. I'm betting that Friel is also a human. Ergo I am Todd Friel's peer and so are you.
Perhaps not. However, was it meant to be dishonest??? because, as I said, THAT was not an apology.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Dude... I listened to the clip... I can't believe you presented it as an apology!
Well...for is. If it were me, I would have done it differently.
I understand now. It does make more sense to me because, I realize that maybe Brian does not hate Jesus or Christians...though the bible might beg to differ...he believes he doesn't hate Jesus or Christians, then it would be better if Todd were say that Brian's dislike is aimed at the idealogy and not any person...and not at God.
Though hating Jesus and/or Christians is not the same as killing puppies! Hating someone is a that it's murder of the heart...but that is between the individual and God. If Brian or anyone else did hate us...we would not be alarmed...and we would still love him...and/or whoever else hates us. It would not make us think any less of him...or whomever...
Anyway, on behalf of Todd, I'm sorry.
It doesnt sound like an apology. It also doesnt sound like a message of love. I wouldnt consider it an apology. This guy is spreading hate by saying Brian hates christians. What a ridiculous claim.
Except, we wouldn't hate him, even if he did hate Jesus and/or hate us.
So why say it? Why go through the effort of making Brian out to look like a bad person and then say it will have no effect whatsoever on the christian community? Im not buying this at all.
We already believe that everybody is a bad person, including ourselves...and that Brian is no worse than we are. I don't think Todd was trying to make Brian look like a bad person, but was just saying what he honestly thought. I used to hate fundamentalist Christians, but if a fundamentalist Christian were to hate me back, I would have known he or she is not a very good Christian.
lol. Ouch. I would hate to live thinking I was a bad person. I dont think Todd has an honest thought. he is just a jack ass. I still stick to my earlier statement that he is spreading hate. I know our discussion is about to start going in circles so I will just leave it at that.
That's okay. I ought to be in bed right I shall say "goodnight".
Wow. What a fucking CUNT. I don't hate Jesus. I do hate Todd Friel now, though.
Todd Friel isn't hated because he's what he likes to call a Christian. Todd is hated because he's an asshole with a cartoon voice. Todd had a radio show longer than Brian and he laments against Atheists often. Is Todd projecting because he hates Atheists because Atheists have a better grasp on reality than Todd? Don't bother asking him, he wouldn't understand.
That was disingenuous and dishonest of you to even suggest that is any kind of an apology.
Stop absolving your leaders of any wrong-doing. They never take responsibility for the evil they spew.
That's an apology? As far as I am concerned, you lied to me when you said it was an apology.
That was hate speach against Sapient accussing him of hating xtians.
Slander. It was a lie. He was encouraging others to hate him.
I am appalled that you would even suggest that was an apology.
From hearing that load of crap, it proves to me that particular xtian has no concept of remorse and never feels he has to appologise for anything.
I hope you don't respect that guy.
He's a liar and if you still call that an apology, you're a liar too.
Judge: god, you have been accused of existence! What do you have to say for yourself?
god: I am innocent until proven guilty, your honour!
I'm sorry, but I just cannot understand how anyone can take Friel, Comfort or Cameron seriously.
Anyone who believes a damned thing these guys say is delusional.
Why would someone be upset that Freidl says they hate god or christians? Are you serious?
Perhaps atheists should get on Al-Jazeera and proclaim that missionaries in the middle east HATE allah. It shouldn't matter, since they don't believe in allah, right?
Perhaps a better analogy would be a political one. I can pretty much guarantee that you, tracifish, have different political ideas than I (and we) do. If you were to become politically active, how would you feel if someone went on public television and radio and proclaimed that you HATE America and/or hate Americans? It would be obvious from the fact that you would likely speak with a raised voice about issues, and therefore you hate, and spread a message of hate in an effort to destroy America. Would you just not care? It's doubtful, you'd probably sue the person for slander.
Do remember, also, that atheists, particularly atheists in the public eye, already get death threats. Spreading such slander only fuels them, and they can then use the bible to justify recriprocal hatred, and even violence, all while calling it "love".
People have a tendancy to accuse others of the things they are guilty of themselves, in an attempt to distract from their own mistakes. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's unconscious. If you want an example, just look at any forum troll - they're always the first to call other people trolls.
I know you don't see it - and that is scarry as hell to anyone on the outside. You would undoubtedly have the same reaction from islamic extremests labeling christians hateful, and they would undoubtedly see themselves as only loving and forgiving, and not meaning it as any kind of slander.
For Brian to hate Jesus, he would have to believe in him to begin with. Saying he hates jesus is a false claim, because he doesn't believe in him. Denying something exists does not equate to hating it. You're failing to understand what indifference is.
Saying Brian hates Christians is worse, because lemme rephrase it.
The jews hate the aryans and have declared war! (I believe it was 1937 when Hitler had this published in German news papers. Not exactly word for word, but the same idea.)
I believe Hitler used a similar rhetoric to whip the German population into a frenzy against the jews.
Okay, so what if hating someone is a sin? How about not caring about them because they act like jackasses? Is that the same thing to hating? No.
You don't have the right to apologize for Todd because you don't represent him. Don't apologize for him because he's the one that needs to apologize, not you. Your apology means nothing because of the fact it's not him doing it. What's worse, he corrected his falsehood and replaced it with another one.
Regardless of hate speech or just plain ignorance, the fact stands he's slandered Brian's name. (Stating he hates Christians.) Since he has no reliable proof or evidence of such, it is merely speculation, presumptious. Todd needs to formally apologize for saying Brian hates christians, because that would be as bad as saying he hates blacks, or jews, or gays.