Atheist cultures

I know of no historical cultures that were atheistic. Before I stick my foot in my mouth, were there any? Not necessarily Judeao-Christian, but some form of theism is all I'm concerned with. I'm not sure there are any contemporary cultures that could be called atheistic. I suppose communism in Russia and China tried to be atheistic but their success isn't exactly stellar.
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East Asian cultures based on Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism were pretty much atheistic.
There are also secular cultures where religion is pretty absent. The US was one in the beginning. Something went badly wrong there. The UK is fairly secular, there is still officially a link between church and state, technically the crown is still the state, effectively though Parliament is the state sovereign and the Lord Spirituals are in the process of being abolished I think, alongside the Hereditary Lords in the upper chamber.
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"Pretty much" is rather vague. They are all quasi-religious and are not very resilient to strong atheistic arguments.
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Not sure of any full cultures, but I have read in Ancient Greece the upper classes really didn't believe the mythology, they just used it to their advantage.
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Well if you classify Taoism and Buddhism as religions then they're technically both religious and atheist at the same time.
Every culture is atheist.
Every culture has at least some supernatural myths they don't believe in, and are thus, atheists towards those dieties.
Jews are atheist towards Jesus. Christians are atheist towards Hindu beliefs.
Holland is something like 65% atheist... Sweden, Denmark.. I think most of the Scandinavian countries have high percentages of atheists. You need to double check me on this, though, because I'm just working off the top of my head, here.
The thing is, the likelihood of any country being 100% atheist is pretty much zero. There's this thing about religions trying to spread... missionaries and such. There will always be people who buy religion, just like a few men will always buy penis pumps.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I'm not concerned with 100% atheist or not. Cultures are too complex for that. But in genereal, it seems safe to assume that any culture before the late 20th century had very strong religious influences.
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They both have some concept of the afterlife. Taoism has "immortals". Confucianism is more a philosophy than a religion but the Chinese culture has religious content.
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Dare I ask where your brain is headed? Or is it a secret for now...
I ask only because THIS THREAD might already address what you're thinking about.
If not, I'm curious where you're going.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
"There are also secular cultures where religion is pretty absent. The US was one in the beginning"
Would you people stop spreading this bullshit? Most of our founding fathers were in fact, Chirstians or deists. They make it possible to worship or NOT worship any God they chose. I'm sick of people trying to claim that they were atheists. I've already posted facts regarding this matter. Noone with any sense buys this crap.......
"Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning..." -CS Lewis
Depends on if you are talking about philosphical Taoism which was around i believe before christianity even was thought up. That has no kind have supernatural ideals. The religious Taoism is a vast perveration of the philosphical taoism and was around for nearly as long. So please don't think that taoism in general believes in the supernatural, only the religious brand does.
So philosphical Taoism is more like confucianism and therefore more of a philsophical idea then any religious idea.
But this is beside the point you said an atheist society. That only means societies which do not believe in deites. You can still have supernaturalism and be atheistic.
No secret. Just checking some of my own assumptions. It's always better to to this rather than look like an idiot.
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I smell argument from popularity.
Lux wrote:
The point, sir, is that even the theists agreed that any religion should be completely absent from the government.
From: Presidents ← ↑ ↓ →
George Wasington wrote: ↑ →
1st President (1789-1797)
George Washington never once took communion. ← ↑ →
John Adams wrote: ← ↑ →
2nd President (1797-1801)
Thomas Jefferson wrote: ← ↑ →
3rd President (1801-1809)
James Madison wrote: ← ↑ →
The 4th President (1809-1817) feared organized religion. Quotations here excerpted from James Madison on Religious Liberty edited by Robert S. Alley, ISBN 0-87975-298-X.
James Monroe wrote: ← ↑ →
5th President (1817-1825) in support of Thomas Paine.
John Quincy Adams wrote: ← ↑ →
6th President (1825 - 1829)
Andrew Jackson wrote: ← ↑
Not until the 7th President (1829 - 1837) did organized religion win a proponent in that office. Jackson started out religious and grew ever more so with advancing years. Yet even so he saw the limits of his office in that regard.
Great Early Patriots ← ↑ ↓ →
Benjamin Franklin wrote: ↑ →
Thomas Paine wrote: ← ↑
Later Presidents ← ↑ ↓ →
John Tyler wrote: ↑ →
10th President (1841-1845)
Abraham Lincoln: ← ↑ →
16th President (1861-1865)
Ulysses S. Grant ← ↑ →
18th President (1869-1877)
Theodore Roosevelt ← ↑
26th President (1901-1909)
Primary Influences on the Founding Fathers ← ↑ ↓ →
John Locke (1632-1704) wrote: ↑
Lesser Influences ← ↑ ↓ →
Plato wrote: ↑ →
Ferdinand Magellan wrote: ← ↑
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Nope. That's been tried ad nauseum. Doesn't work for me. I am basically chewing on the the supposition that religious ideation is product or artifact of evolution and wondering what that implies about behavior.
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I'm drawing a brain blank on what the theory is called, but one of the most attractive ideas is that humans evolved with the instinct to ascribe intent to other entities. Basically, if we stand around long enough for the tiger to actually pounce, we'll die. The pre-humans who lived were the ones who saw the tiger and immediately got the hell out of Dodge. Naturally, the pre-humans who were instinctually programmed from birth to do this lived longer than the ones who had to be taught.. for whom it was not first nature.
Where this can go a bit awry is in the unknown. If somebody saw a meteor, for instance, and then saw the explosion in the distance as it struck a forest where the enemy tribe lived, they might wonder what intention was behind the fireball. Looking up, they only see the moon and the stars. So, clearly, something made the stars angry at the other tribe. Since only this morning, someone in the village had done this or that dance, it makes sense that the dance made the moon happy, etc...
Early man, with no concept of the scientific method, had no reason NOT to extend the idea of intent to everything unknown. Since it's unknown, it's potentially threatening, and so the instinct would kick in with full force.
I know that's probably a butcher job on the theory, but it's at least a reasonable approximation.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
If you want to avoid looking like an idiot, become an atheist - LOL
Sorry, but if you saw me in real life you'd think I look like an idiot regardless of what I think.
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I just spit coke out of my nose.
If you're gonna rant, at least read the post you're ranting about. The claim was secularism, not atheism, and secularism is exactly the right to worship or not whatever gods one chooses without being punished by the state. And they set up a state which did not incorporate any specific religious requirements. I don't think I've seen anyone try to claim that the Founders were atheists, as such a claim would be very incorrect.
It's only the fairy tales they believe.
It's what's on the inside that counts. Plus, if you are an atheist, you get to wear really cool t-shirts. (Hear that Lux?)
Anyway, I hope some of the other responses answered your OP question.
Actually if i remember my history right the Far-east was only into ancestor worship before and during when taoism was thought up. It's only when the british came over did they have any idea of deities and such. Which is about the time religious Taoism came along. So you are kind right kinda wrong. It's christanities (through missionaries) influence that Taoism came to be theistic,i could be wrong on this but i think this is right.