Creationists and fundies are a bigger insult to God than any atheist will ever be.
I'm talking Young Earth bible literalists, rejection of evolution etc...
First to say the Earth is 6,000 years old, global flood etc... is just dishonest and wrong. They claim we should listen to God's word, but I say they are the ones that are ignoring God. Why do you think we have quarks, evolution etc?... So we can experience them. So we can further our knowledge and finally understand our universe. That all the possible outcomes of evolution are merely different experiences. Every different sub-atomic particle, every photon of energy serves it's purpose to construct and maintain our universe. We will not go to hell unless we reject evolution big bang etc. To reject science is to create our own personal hell but not experiencing the universe to it's full potiental.
To reject these ideas is a far greater insult to God than any atheist will ever be.
[edit:grammar error]
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All hail the large talking pineapple, whose wisdom shall rain down from the heavens of the tropical fruit trees! HAIL PINEAPPLE! HAIL PINEAPPLE!
PS, not to detract from your pineapply mightiness, but you made a grammatical error here:
Why would do you think we have quarks, evolution etc?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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I would go further and suggest that their views about the bible and creationism are a willful acceptance of lies from Satan and put them at risk for damnation.
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I know if I was god, and existed I would write a book about creation that is bullshit. Pull off a few miricles so the sheep believe it. Why? Easy, to keep the dumb ones away from me forever. To know who I should throw into hell, for believing bullshit, once the bullshit has a real explanation.
It would be genious I tell you, genious. Except my earth would of been created when a giant mutant pet purple bunny with rainbow eyes was kicked to hard by me, hit a basketball somehow got sucked into the hole, the basketball explodes leaving a round dead purple bunny. So distrot I hanged the bunny on nothing. That is right folks, we live on a giant purple dead bunny, deal with it.
"When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it." ~H.L. Mencken
Thank god i'm a atheist!
I think believing in god is an insult to god. God likes ONLY doubters, since he is ethically required to give us nothing to go on. Beliving in god is an insult to intelligence itself. Intelligence presumably being a property that god has, insulting intelligence is insulting properties of god.
In other words, what appears to be Pineapple's attempt to suck up to atheists makes no sense at all to me.
I'm not sucking up to anyone. If anything, this also shows that Big Bang, evolution etc don't disprove God.
Of course they don't disprove god. But failing to disprove god does not support the case for god. It remains a bald speculation. Or maybe god has a comb-over. I don't know.
You seem to assume that there are only two camps in this discussion.
1) Atheists
2) Fundamentalists
This is wrong. Many (I would suggest most) theists in developed countries are not fundamentalists or creationists. Cpt_pineapple is not sucking up to atheists (how arrogant are you to assume we are in a position that warrants sucking up to) he is expressing an opinion that I know many believers share - that the fundamentalists, especially the creationists are an embarrasment.
Infact theists have more reason to want the fundies to shup up than we do. Fundies are damaging to religion. They drive many away from faith by setting up a situation where you need to choose between a literal interpretation of the bible and accepting a godless worldview (they don't allow a middle ground, much like you don't) they force many to become atheists because, in the face of the evidence, they cannot bring themselves to believe that the world was created in 6 days 6000 years ago.
Bush's use of "If you're not with us, you're against us." should be warning enough about the stupidity of this attitude.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!