How exactly is God merciful?
How exactly is the God of the Bible merciful when he created hell in the first place? As far as most sane people are concerned, eternal torture is excessive even for Hitler, let alone for everyone. Wouldn't true mercy involve forgiving unconditionally rather than "sacraficing himself to himself in order to save us from rules he created?"
This is a no bullshit zone by the way.
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Sniff .... You brought a tear to my eye. Your logic is a thing of beauty
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I wouldn't normally be this blunt, but this is a "no bullshit zone."
God is merciful in that he allows you to continue to post ancient "conundrums" without fear of divine reprisal.
On second thought, watch out for lightning.
Details of my timeout are posted here.
if god is all-knowing, then he knows everything that will happen.
how does the concept of free will work when all destiny is pre-determined?
It's called the Principle of Uncertain Incoherence.
The more precisely you define omniscient, the less you can know about free will. The more precisely you define free will, the less you can know about omniscient.
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I like this. Anytime a new principle is invented, I'm happy, but I like this one because if you make it into an acronym, you get PUI. Doesn't seem like much until you pronounce it...
(Now imagine me holding my nose and making a sour face...)
"Pee... Ewww... Eeeeee...."
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
You're better at making up shit than any of the fundies that come to this site.
You said this would "stir the pot" long do I keep it on the burner?
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drəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh-nuhn-druh
m] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
I see no conundrum.
The answer has always been obvious to anyone who bothers to think.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus
See? Even the ancients knew the answer.
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The greatest gift God gave man was free will. God does not desire to force belief by appearing to everyone, because that would violate our free will to chose Him. Hell is the consequence of man abusing his free will by rejecting God. Men create Hell.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
To me free would imply it doens't have a cost, clearly using our free will to reject god has a cost (hell).
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
Till it boils over and contaminates the kitchen.
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Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
the reason people reject god is because we see no proof for his existence. i fully believe if legitimate proof was given, many of these people that reject god would choose believe in him. appearing to everyone would not violate the free will to choose him. you can still chose not to follow him if he appeared.
The argument that "there was no proof" will not hold any validity to God when you stand before Him. God has given sufficient evidence for belief, but He orchistrated things in such a way that there would be no direct proof. If there was proof, there would be no need for faith. The author of Hebrews tells us "without faith it is impossible to please Him." God wants us to respond to the evidence and knowledge we do have. We all know within our heart of hearts that God exists. God wants us to nurture that knowledge so He can give more knowledge. We must chose to listen and respond to the voice within us. Paul tells us in Romans that men supress the knowledge of God within themselves, and on judgement day they will be without excuse.
As for other religions, you must follow your own conscience and do what you believe is right. God rewards people based on their response to the measure of light they have received. If you respond to the light, more light will be given. Lasty, Hell is nothing but the mercy of God giving the atheist and sinner what they so desire: a world without God. God is actually being merciful by granting the atheist what they want. They want a world without theism? God says: so be it. Its your choice not His.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
Pascals wager - see lengthy discussion of this elsewhere.
Such as?
All the 'evidence' we have is a collection of ancient myths that contradict eachother and the rantings of people (who would be deemed insane in a culture without religion) telling us how to interpret those myths.
If the bible is evidence of god then Lord of the rings is evidence of elves.
how convenient. IT lets him exist while giving the impression of exactly the opposite.
Why does god like gullible people? Wouldn't he like it more is we came to believe though research and logic, rather than just fluke being conned by the right preacher.
once again, what evidence? what knowledge?
Atheists are responding to the evidence and knowledge we have, unfortunately for you and your god, that evidence and logic points to the absence of god.
Proove it. You know only that you yourself 'know' within your 'heart of hearts' that god exists. how can you claim that anyone else has this in born 'knowledge'? You cannot generalise based on a sample of 1.
You have a rather lax definition of 'knowledge', blind acceptance of something you want to be true is not knowledge.
I Know that any action has an equal and opposite reaction. You believe that god exists. there's a difference.
Knowledge is based on proof. It is attained through effort. Belief exists within the absence of proof, or even in spite of contradictory proof, and requires no effort.
1) I'm interested in the way matter behaves
2) I'll run a lot of tests, collect data and interpret the result, or study the results of others' research
3) Hmm, All the data shows that every action has an equal and opposite reaction
1) I really like the Idea that there's life after death and that I'll be rewarded and everyone I dislike punished so god exists.
If you're hearing voices please see a psychiatrist before they tell you to hurt yourself or someone else.
Who says we want a world without god? Our lack of belief is not based on desire, it's based on the lack of evidence. I personally would like there to be a benevolent all powerful being who would let me live forever and enforce true justice, rewarding the good and punishing the bad. I just dont see any evidence for it.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
But the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves god does exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, he doesn’t. QED.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
lol Funny responses. I don't hear voices (plural). I hear my conscience. We all (I hope) have a conscience. God speaks through the conscience--the small still voice. The evidence is everywhere, but we have been brainwashed into believing there isn't. Also, God is everywhere, but we are too impure to perceive Him. The more we become pure of heart, the more our thoughts will change. All thoughts proceed from the heart. Jesus said the pure in heart shall see God. Atoms are everwhere, but we do not have the vision to perceive them. The blind man cannot see the Sun, but it exists nevertheless no matter how much he denies it.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
If that is god speaking then why does he say different things to different people. Why does he tell one person that it's right to defend a woman's right to have an abortion while telling another person that it's right to defend an embryo's right to be born? Why did he tell a group of muslim fundamentalists that they should fly airliners into a couple of skyscrapers, killing themselves and thousands of others while he tells most of the rest of us to not kill even one person.
God sure is fickle.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Women who have abortions know they are doing wrong. No one needs to tell them that. Therefore, they are ignoring the voice (conscience) within. God does not tell people to kill babies. The Muslim terrorists are so sick and spiritually depraved that they are possibly not even capable of recognizing their conscience. But if they can, they probably know what they are doing is wrong, but they are taught/brainwashed through their religion that these actions please Allah. Some people can be so evil that God simply turns them over to the devil. They have no hope of salvation. The more one supresses the conscience and light within, the more God removes His presents from their lives. This can eventually result in demonic posession. Where the demons actually do the thinking for them.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
I'm wasn't talking about the women who have abortions. I'm sure some of them find it a very difficult decision. Maybe some have the luxury of absolute conviction that is is the right thing to to but in many cases I think there would be conflicting emotions.
I'm talking about those who's conscience tells them that it is the woman's right to choose whether or not she has an abortion. They are definitely listening to their consciences and their consciences are telling them that not only should we let women have abortions but we should defend that right from those who would take it away. They are not ignoring their conscience, they are acting on it.
But (if the conscience is him speaking to us) he does tell some people that before a certain point in the pregnancy an embyro/fetus does not qualify as a baby and that it is opressing women to tell them what they can and cannot do with a part of their bodies.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
The ancient Fathers of Orthodoxy, the Church I belong, taught that man is born with a demon in the heart. This is known as the sin nature. We inherited this problem from our ancesters, Adam and Eve. This demon entices us to sin and to turn from God. The more we listen to him, the more power he is given. He darkens the mind. The purpose of the Christian life is to engage in virtuous living. Jesus came and taught us how to live so we can be delivered from the demon and the power of Satan. Baptism in the Church drives the demon out of the inner reccesses of the heart to the outside of the heart, so he is given less power and control over the person. The more we serve God through the exercise of virtue, prayer, good deeds, the sacramental life in general, the more Grace from God is given, and the weaker the demon becomes untill he is eventually expelled. The mind returns to the heart and the heart becomes purified. This is called passionlessess, where a person is freed from the passions (sins and carnal appetites of the flesh) of the fallen human nature. When a man achieves this state, he is deified and has attained the state of "theosis". He has overcome himself and the inclinations of the lower nature. In this state, he can see God and receive revelations. He is clairvoyant and can know the future. He becomes one with God and participates in His divine "energies," not the "essence" of God. We actually become a god within God, a christ within Christ. St. Athanasius said: "God became man so that man might become God." This is what God calls us to, but in order to achieve "theosis" (few achieve it), a great struggle over oneself is required. The human ego must be crushed. We must become empty of our selves, so God can fill us with Himself. Not all achieve this level of sanctity, and God does not require it of all, but we all are called to salvation. So when the atheist gets angry that he can't see God, the answer is that God is everywhere, but He is so pure and holy that only the pure of heart can perceive Him. In our current state, we are sick and not capable of seeing the divine energy of God. The saints saw Him and conversed with Him. God does, however, on some occassions reveal Himself to certain people for special purposes. By the way, we are not alone with a demon. God also granted us our own personal guradian angel to help us along and to encourage us in our pursuit of God. There is a war for every soul. The demons pull on one side and the angels on the other. God is also with us in addition to our angels. Satan wants to take as many souls with him to hell before the end of time. He hates God and he hates us, because he knows and is jealous of what we can become in God. And He wants to destroy God's creation. He's doing a good job to because many people today are cooperating with him. Satan makes sin enticing and attractive. He wants to keep our mind and will in slavery and bondage. We have a great struggle ahead of us, but God is with us and infinately stronger then any demon.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
This is all wonderful but this is a debate, not a sermon. Debates require facts and logic, your post contains none.
But since you brought it up...
I hate to break it to you but your church is ripping off buddhism. They call your 'theosis' 'nirvana'.
Ok, I take some of it back, sorry buddhists everywhere. I don't think buddhists believe you get magical powers after attaining nirvana.
Ah, but this is definitely zen buddhism
Oh maybe not.
So let me get this straight... God gives us individual identities so that we can give them up and let him posess us? Why didn't he just make an army of mindless clones in the first place? This seems like a very round about way of getting things done.
So there is evidence but it is invisible to those who don't beleive. Only those who don't need the evidence get to see the evidence? You know, this sounds a lot like the new agers who make stupid claims about spirits and crystal energies but when you ask them to demonstrate and they fail, they insist that it's your negative energy that stops it from working.
The problem I see with your logic here is that it is very easy to convince yourself that you're seen/heard something when you already believe passionately in it. If you accept all of the halucinations as fact then you need to accept the evdence that every other religion is just as true as your own. It's not just christians that have religious visions.
Ok you've got to be joking here. Are you just an atheist doing a parody of the christian position. I cannot believe that you are serious.
ou mean to tell me that those cartoons where you see the little angel on one shoulder of a character and the little demon on the other arguing about a moral dilemma, that some people actually literally believe that is happening?
God make sin enticing and attractive by designing us to like certain activities and then declaring that they are sins.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Just heard a great counter to the argument that God giving actually evidence would violate free will - According to the BuyBull, Satan was absolutely sure God existed, but still chose to rebel. So even if there was proof, that wouldn't force people to worship.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
LoL matt...
good call, dude.
However, I should point out that there are those who believe angels/demons don't have free will.
There's always an escape hatch...
(Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense, but here's the logic:
1: Man was god's greatest creation because of the gift of free will
2: Man was created higher than the angels
3: Therefore, angels cannot have free will
4: Therefore, satan... um... actually, let's not think about it much past here, ok?)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Your logic is flawed. Satan is a fallen angel, not a human. So his certainty of god's existence and subsequent actions are not relevant to humans.
Before everybody jumps on me for "defending" christianity, maybe you should recognize what I just did. A sharp christian can easily counter his statement and end up looking good for it, at least to his friends. By me pointing out the flaw, it saves Matt the trouble of using it and having it thrown back at him.
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I can't agree more!!!! By the way where was/is god (No capital "G".. shows reverence) when millions upon millions of people were being killed during world war II and throughout history? Maybe he gets his jollies by watching people suffer or seeing innocent babies being killed??? What a guy! And, I just wonder what the point of all this is with Free Will? After all he knows all, doesen't he? To me this would be pretty boring. I would want to be surprised! And, just how many times can god put up with "praise the lord" before he would want to kill somebody....Maybe that is why there is so much killing in the world! OR this guy's ego must be huge coupled with very low self esteem
... Sooooo he needs contant praise for all eternality. Just my opinion of this nutty belief in a god.
That's kind of where I was going. Of course, if you go where you did, you have to explain the next contradiction, namely, do angels have free will?
If they do, then how exactly are humans better than angels? Because we get to choose to believe in him or not? How is that better? Angels know that he exists for certain, so they have a perfect shot at making an informed decision. Us? Not so great. Hard to see the mercy in that.
If they don't, then, um... god forced satan to rebel, and we're right back where we started with god being responsible for the original sin.
It's an escape hatch, but the tunnel leads right back into the depths of contradiction.
(Unless you see a way out of that... I'd like to know it if you see it.)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Nope. It's a quagmire. Without completely rewriting christian theology it is a hopeless cause. And the re-write would still have problems.
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I don't know what religion you practice, but I will bet that there are fundamentalists in your church. Those who believe that god tells them to kill abortion doctors, those who believe that it is all right to kill in the name of god and kill those who are non-believers (Let's not forget the Crusaders), those who believe that it is Ok to put non-believers to the sword (Let's not forget the Inca's), those who believe that god is on their side in a time of war (Boy, he must have been really confused during WWII. Who side should I be on? The Germans 99% Christian or the allies... maybe 75% christian?). I just want to know how is it possible that if protestants and catholics accept jesus which side is he on when they kill each other? You are firm in your belief, but so are people of other faiths... So, how do you know, for sure, you are in the right religion? Because the bible tells you so? Which bible is the right one? You know for sure…because you have been told by someone?! Another thing. There have been people who have never been exposed to the teaching of jesus, lived a saintly life and worshiped whatever. When they died, did they go to hell? My neighbor thinks so. Do you (Keep in mind you have to be “born again” to go to paradise? Don’t want any of “those” people praising god! If so, how is god merciful to let the innocent burn forever in the mythical place called hell?
Another example - in the Old Testicle, God ROUTINELY communicated directly with the Jews, yet they often fell back to worshipping Baal, etc. That also seems to blow the "Free Will" arguement out of the water. Besides, requiring someone under threat of torture, to believe something (when there are competing arguments also threating torture) is by know means kind, loving or merciful. A best it's head games and mental abuse.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
how do i delete this. admin plz delete this for me, sry am new to the forum.
1. Yes, we were created in his image
2. In the Old Testament, Psalm 8:4-5: "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man, that Thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels; with glory and honour hast Thou crowned him, and Thou hast set him over the works of Thy hands."
3. Actually, the bible doesnt declare anything about angels having no free will. On the contrary, the rebellionn of the angels and Satan does show that they can act on their own.
I doubt it is the Muslims' "God" that tells them to do those things, more like the terrorists leaders and their political regime along with all the propaganda that influence them to "fly airliners into a couple skyscrapers" or blow themselves up for "Allah". Believe it or not they have television shows teaching little kids as young as 5 or 6 to hate the Americans and the Jews.
I was responding the claim that the conscience (our internal judge of right and wrong) is the voice of God. I'm positive that the muslims who strap on explosive vests and detonate them in crouded restaurants are pretty sure that it's the right thing to do. I would have to be more sure about it than I've ever been about anything in my life before I even contemplated something like that.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Dammit... that's what I get for doing things out of my head. It's been way too long since I read the bible, I guess. I kind of pulled this off the top of my head. I'll shove it back where it came from.
You're correct about that. I'm just quoting a bunch of pastors I've heard in my life. A lot of people really get hung up on the free will thing, and some people feel the need to take it away from angels for one theological reason or another. Not really my business, but thanks for setting the record straight.
Just for shits and giggles, go to a bible search site and type in "free will" in a search engine. You might be surprised at the results.
(You gotta do it in quotes, or it will return all the verses with both words, regardless of whether they're used together.) Point is, it's never even mentioned in the bible, at least according to Lots of "freewill offerings" but that's about it.
Sorry if I got you in a tizzy about this. I was basically just picking fun at matt and wavefreak. I don't do arguments about angels because they're made up characters from a fictional book. I'd rather argue about something with real life consequences, like whether or not elves should have their constitution scores lowered if dungeons and dragons releases a fourth edition.
Actually, in all seriousness, Joseph, if you know of a verse that specifically mentions god's "gift of free will," even if it doesn't use the exact words, I'd like to know it. Don't bust your gut over it, but if you know off the top of your head, it would be helpful.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Wave, I disgress with your statement on hell. Hell is not just a state of mind. It is a real place like heaven. The Fathers and saints of the Church (some of whom actually visited heaven and hell) teach that hell has a real location. It's probably located in the center of the earth, but in the spiritual dimension, so if we drill down there we probably wouldn't see anything.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
You're right, no where in the bible can you find anything that specifically mention "free will" as a gift from God or anything, similar to that of the doctrine of Trinity. Both are just beliefs that Christians and others concluded based on their interpretation of the bible.
On the free will thing, it can be said that that these verses show that man does have free will according to God, wether it is a gift or not is for interpretation. For instance, some atheists believe that man's "free will" is an evolutionary product, while theists like Christians would argue that it was given by God.
Genesis 2:16. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.
2 Nephi 2:27. Wherefore, men are afree according to the bflesh; and call things are dgiven them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose fliberty and eternal glife, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself.
Deuteronomy 30:19. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and acursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
I didnt remember this the top of my head btw, just took 2 minutes of googling.
I beg your pardon? If you mean my "Hell is a non-place" and "superposition of souls" thingy then you missed the tongue-in-cheek part. It was sort of off the top of my head crapola.
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All I have to say is........RIGHT ON!!