I hate it when people say they are going to pray for me.

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I hate it when people say they are going to pray for me.

Bleh. Apparently a woman I know doesn't approve of the fact that I have read the Harry Potter books. I should rest assured, however, knowing that she is personally asking God not to hold it against me.

Some people...

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If only they felt that way

If only they felt that way about their own rubbish, right?

I wonder if J.K. Rowling feels that way about her for reading the bible? 

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LosingStreak06 wrote:

Bleh. Apparently a woman I know doesn't approve of the fact that I have read the Harry Potter books. I should rest assured, however, knowing that she is personally asking God not to hold it against me.

Some people...

Sounds like she needs a trip to the Rubber Room Hilton. 


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I hate it when people say

I hate it when people say there's a god.

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The standard reply I learned

The standard reply I learned here is "I'll think for you."

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While I normally don't have

While I normally don't have a problem of people saying "I'll pray for you", I would get mad if it was over Harry Potter.  (Besides, how often do you think they actually follow through?)

I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.

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AiiA wrote: I hate it when

AiiA wrote:
I hate it when people say there's a god.

That's hardly a rational reaction. 

Jarem Asyder
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When someone says they'll

When someone says they'll pray for me, I usually try to suggest a different hobby they can take up instead.

Jacob Cordingley
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I find it weird when people

I find it weird when people pray for me.

What did people make of the latest Harry Potter book? I thoroughly enjoyed it! The latest film however was shit.

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When I am told I am being

When I am told I am being prayed for I always just ask that they play the lottery for me. They have a better chance of accomplishing something that way.

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I absolutely cannot believe

I absolutely cannot believe that people make a fuss about the Harry Potter books.  It's fucking fiction!!!  I am always astounded when religious groups gang up on works of fiction.

If god takes life he's an indian giver

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It's even worse when they

It's even worse when they pray over you. The damn demon just woudn't leave and ... well ...


Never mind. 

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jmm wrote:
