Questions for Atheists
Below are a few observations about atheists:
Atheists love to spend a lot of online time berating God, the Bible and believers in general. They never actually prove there is no God; they simply insist there isn't a God because they can't see or feel or touch Him, and therefore, He doesn't exist. Circular logic. And no matter what you say to an atheist, the pat response is always, "No, that isn't true," or "That's a myth," or "Well, prove it!"....And when you do provide proof, they again repeat the same mantra.
It has been our experience that most atheists know nothing about the Bible; they simply regurgitate the words and thoughts of other atheists. One atheist recently commented, "As Paul did not make mention of the life of Jesus, he could easily have been referring to perhaps an allegorical figure named Jesus Christ that was later put into the gospel stories we all know. The first accounts of Jesus' life weren't written until much later." What's that got to do with anything? WHOSE teachings was Paul teaching? He was JEW who "got saved"! How did he "get saved"? Because of his belief in Yeshua (Jesus - the Jewish Messiah) whose teachings he was promoting! Nobody else was teaching what Yeshua was teaching - in the whole, entire universe! Yeshua was the ONLY One who taught the concept of becoming a FINAL SIN SACRIFICE for mankind! So, who else could Paul possibly have been referring to?
Another atheist mantra: "There's no proof of Jesus' existence." Really? The fact that He changed the world and got millions of followers by showing us how to obtain eternal life isn't proof? The fact that a myriad "Christian" denominations based on His teachings erupted around the world - that isn't proof, either? We posit that there's more proof of Yeshua's existence than of the life of George Washington or Napoleon Bonaparte, or any of the Caesars, etc. All you have of them is what you've read in history books written by men. So, are they fake, too? They must be since, like Yeshua, there are no photos, videos, or voice recordings....But think about this: NONE of them impacted the world as much as did Yeshua...When was the last time people killed each other over George Washington or Napoleon, or turned their books into "best sellers" over the centuries, or clamored to believe what they taught?
Most atheists never bother to ask themselves (much less even try to find the answers to the following questions):
- How is it that the Bible is not a science book, yet it is scientifically accurate?
- If the Earth is here by accident or some anomaly, why is everything on Earth to human scale? Why is there just enough gravity on earth to keep us from being squashed like bugs? Is this really just "coincidence"?
- Why is it that water freezes differently from other fluids (it gets less dense), and that it is critical for our very survival?
- Why don't trees just become pulp, a sappy mess when we cut them down? Why do they remain intact as something we can use for fire, shelter, build houses, make paper, etc?
- Is it just "coincidence" that atoms stay together (the same charges)?
- How is it that the ancient Bible is consistent with astronomy? The Bible frequently refers to the great number of stars in the heavens.
- How is it that the ancient Bible describes the circulation of the atmosphere?
- How is it that the ancient Bible includes some principles of fluid dynamics?
- How is it that the ancient Bible includes reasonably complete descriptions of the hydrologic cycle?
(For answers to the above info about the above, please see Clarifying Christianity and Conversations with an Agnostic.)
More questions and comments for the atheists:
- Since more than 300 Bible prophecies have already come true, and are continuing to unfold before our very eyes (especially in the Middle East), what makes you think the last few won't? Whether people "believe" or not, there is every indication that we are living in the "end times" as outlined in the Bible, and it seems most people are blind to that fact. See End Times Questions and Messiah Prophecies.
- If you don't believe that all the above Bible prophecies have come true, we challenge the world's atheists to PROVE they didn't! Not with "opinions" or by insisting, "No, they didn't happen", but by absolute scientific PROOF! Show proof positive that Yeshua was never born and that He never fulfilled the first four of the seven Biblical feasts (there are three more to go and the next one will be the "rapture"
. Show that the Dead Sea Scrolls weren't discovered....
- Prove that Israel didn't become a nation again exactly as the Bible prophecied several thousand years ago. (History lesson: Israel became a nation again in 1948 when the world briefly felt sorry for the Jews after the Holocaust, and it happened in ONE DAY, exactly as the Bible prophecied.) PROVE it didn't happen! Show how tiny little Israel was able to win the 1967 seven-day war against several much bigger and richer countries with much bigger armies. How could that have happened? Magic?
- PROVE that the conflict between Israel and the Arabic Muslim countries IS NOT the result of the conflict/jealousy between the Biblical half-brothers, Isaac and Ishmael! If MAN is so smart, how come he hasn't been able to cause peace in the Middle East? In the whole history of the world, we've only had about 300 years worth of peace. Why was that? The Bible tells us why! It's all outlined in the Bible, and the Bible says that these things will NOT be resolved until Yeshua returns....
If you believe nothing else, then remember this: When you see a charismatic man (whom the world adores) making a seven year peace treaty with Israel, then you will have approximately seven years left on this earth as you know it (because after that, Christ will return to restore order). This charismatic man is the "Antichrist", and he will spread good will and peace for the first 3 1/2 years, and after that, he'll show his true colors and make your life a living hell. He will try to force everyone to take "the mark of the beast - and once you take it, your eternal life which God has offered you by simply "believing", will be null and void! REMEMBER: 7 year peace treaty.....It's coming soon. The BIBLE tells us so! It will happen around the same time when the whole world gets ready to destroy Israel (Isaiah 60:15; Joel 3:2; Ezekiel 36:8-10; Matthew 24:9).
ATHEISTS: Just as we have the right to believe in Christ, YOU have the God-given right to be atheists. So, we suggest, rather than to spend all your time on the Internet talking about God, you simply stop berating believers and use your time more constructively. With your constant attacks, you are only proving the Bible right: that man is inherently evil, bent on wars and destruction.
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Your responses are garbage. I thought this website was supposed to "cure" people of theism. LOL this place is a joke.
From Dr. William Lane Craig.
Is there Good Evidence for Atheism? (3:21)
Can A "Beginning-less Universe" Exist? (4:29)
When and How Did the Universe Begin? (4:05)
Can Good Come From Suffering and Evil? (3:53)
Can You Argue Against the Case for Atheism? (6:50)
Where do Objective Morals Originate in the Universe? (4:41)
Could the Universe Have Simply Popped into Being? (5:45)
Can the World Have Morals Without a God? (3:24)
Do Pain and Suffering Disprove God's Existence? (5:09) |
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![pariahjane's picture pariahjane's picture](
Evfimy, why don't you try making your own arguments instead of copying and pasting from other sources. If you can't be bothered to make thoughtful posts, then I don't see why we should be bothered to read them.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
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atoms stay together because the electrons can only exist in certain energy levels around the atom without falling into it.
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![D-cubed's picture D-cubed's picture](
Your responses are garbage. I thought this website was supposed to "cure" people of theism. LOL this place is a joke.
Considering you haven't made a case for theism yet no response by us is necessary. Somehow I don't think you are of the intellectual caliber to debate a tomato but you might appear to be brilliant among the likes of Ray Comfort, Matt Slick and Gene Cook. However, that still means a tomato is smarter.
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![Little Roller Up First's picture Little Roller Up First's picture](
Once again, I ask you to at least TRY to come up with original stuff, instead of links to people with whom you agree. Lee Strobel's apologetics hardly disprove atheism.
From teh wiki:
atheistsatheist (plural atheists)
- A person who does not believe that deities exist.
As long as there exists even one person who does not believe in the existence of any gods, atheism will exist.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
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![mindspread's picture mindspread's picture](
Your responses are garbage. I thought this website was supposed to "cure" people of theism. LOL this place is a joke.
Oh Shit! I didn't expect this many people to counter this bulletproof argument. Next time I'll find a better argument to copy and paste.
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![djneibarger's picture djneibarger's picture](
evfimy wrote:Oh Shit! I didn't expect this many people to counter this bulletproof argument. Next time I'll find a better argument to copy and paste.
you nailed it! "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
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![latincanuck's picture latincanuck's picture](
Ok i have been reading evfimy arguements and so far, he hasn't had an original statement, not an ounce of evidence or logical reasoning, not one valid arguement regarding his views of atheists. I mean atheists want war? no, just truth, reason, logic, peace and happiness, sometimes we have to fight/debate with others, but it is always better if it doesn't become a physical fight, as no side really wins then. That's me however and many of my so called war loving, hatred filled atheist friends.
Now evfimy you have used circular reasoning, so far your evidence that the bible is true because it says it's true doesn't make it true. It's scientific evidence is laughable. Saying that the world is circular? Greeks knew this, even Hindu's know this, and they have known for over 1000 years earlier than before the torah was even thought of. Now of course, if you use the church's teachings, yeah the earth was flat for centuries, if not a millenia. So yeah the bible says the world is circular, it also says it sits on pillars (which we know is SCIENTIFICALLY wrong) but hey, maybe it is just allegory right? i mean you need a way out of this little inaccuracy. After all god couldn't make a mistake like this right?
Well evfimy, your really not worth the time, but i'll give it to you, I will wait for a proper response from you, but i won't hold my breath, so far you haven't responded with an original thought of yours yet. Oh and for one person who says atheists plagerize from others, hey you use the bible, we use past knowledge, eh, what can you do right?
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![BGH's picture BGH's picture](
Let's have some fun! I am going to remove all of the useless parts of this post and replace them with "......blah, blah.....". We will see what is left.
Below are a few observations about atheists:
Atheists love ......blah, blah...... there is no God;......blah, blah..... there isn't a God because ......blah, blah..... He doesn't exist. ......blah, blah..... no matter what you say to an atheist, the ......blah, blah.....response is ......blah, blah....."Well, prove it!".........blah, blah.....
It has been our experience that most atheists know ......blah, blah..... the Bible; ......blah, blah.....Jesus,......blah, blah..... an allegorical figure named Jesus Christ ......blah, blah..... " What's that got to do with anything? ......blah, blah.....belief in Yeshua (Jesus - the Jewish Messiah) ......blah, blah..... was ......blah, blah.....Nobody ......blah, blah.....! Yeshua was the ......blah, blah.....concept of ......blah, blah..... Paul ......blah, blah.....
Another atheist ......blah, blah..... fact that ......blah, blah..... a myriad "Christian" denominations ......blah, blah..... around the world......blah, blah..... killed each other over ......blah, blah.....their books ......blah, blah..... to believe what they taught?
Most atheists ......blah, blah.....ask themselves ......blah, blah..... try to find the answers ......blah, blah.....:
Now in this section I will replace the glaring errors with " explains.....", or useless parts with "......blah, blah....".
* ......blah, blah.... the Bible is not a science book......blah, blah....
* explains..... the Earth is here explains..... gravity explains..... bugs.....blah, blah.......
* explains.....Why is it that water freezes differently from other fluids (it gets less dense), and explains.....that it is critical for our very survival
* explains.....Why don't trees just become pulp, a sappy mess when we cut them down? explains.....Why do they remain intact as something we can use for fire, shelter, build houses, make paper, etc?
* explains..... that atoms stay together.....blah, blah.........
* explains..... explains..... the great number of stars......blah,blah..........
* explains..... circulation of the atmosphere
* explains..... principles of fluid dynamics
* explains..... the hydrologic cycle
This section we will continue replacing the useless parts with "........blah, blah........".
More questions and comments for the atheists:
* Since more than 300.......blah, blah........people "believe" .......blah, blah........ in the Bible.......blah, blah........people are blind.......blah, blah........
* If you don't believe .......blah, blah........ Bible prophecies have come true.......blah, blah........ the world's atheists to PROVE they didn't! Not with "opinions" or by insisting, "No, they didn't happen", but by absolute scientific PROOF! .......blah, blah........proof positive that Yeshua was never born .......blah, blah........the Dead Sea Scrolls weren't discovered....
* Prove that .......blah, blah........the Bible .......blah, blah........ thousand years ago.......blah, blah........ it didn't happen.......blah, blah........How could that have happened? Magic?
* PROVE that the conflict between.......blah, blah........ the Bible, and the Bible says .......blah, blah........ will NOT be resolved .......blah, blah........
If you believe nothing.......blah, blah........ you see .......blah, blah........ the world .......blah, blah........ earth as you know it .......blah, blah........ will spread good will and peace .......blah, blah........ and make your life .......blah, blah........ peace .......blah, blah........ the whole world .......blah, blah........
ATHEISTS: .......blah, blah........YOU have the .......blah, blah........ right to be atheists. So, we suggest, .......blah, blah........ spend all your time on the Internet talking about God, .......blah, blah........berating believers .......blah, blah........more constructively. With your constant attacks, you are .......blah, blah........ right.......blah, blah........
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![pariahjane's picture pariahjane's picture](
Let's have some fun! I am going to remove all of the useless parts of this post and replace them with "......blah, blah.....". We will see what is left.evfimy wrote:
Below are a few observations about atheists:
Atheists love ......blah, blah...... there is no God;......blah, blah..... there isn't a God because ......blah, blah..... He doesn't exist. ......blah, blah..... no matter what you say to an atheist, the ......blah, blah.....response is ......blah, blah....."Well, prove it!".........blah, blah.....
It has been our experience that most atheists know ......blah, blah..... the Bible; ......blah, blah.....Jesus,......blah, blah..... an allegorical figure named Jesus Christ ......blah, blah..... " What's that got to do with anything? ......blah, blah.....belief in Yeshua (Jesus - the Jewish Messiah) ......blah, blah..... was ......blah, blah.....Nobody ......blah, blah.....! Yeshua was the ......blah, blah.....concept of ......blah, blah..... Paul ......blah, blah.....
Another atheist ......blah, blah..... fact that ......blah, blah..... a myriad "Christian" denominations ......blah, blah..... around the world......blah, blah..... killed each other over ......blah, blah.....their books ......blah, blah..... to believe what they taught?
Most atheists ......blah, blah.....ask themselves ......blah, blah..... try to find the answers ......blah, blah.....:
Now in this section I will replace the glaring errors with " explains.....", or useless parts with "......blah, blah....".evfimy wrote:
* ......blah, blah.... the Bible is not a science book......blah, blah....
* explains..... the Earth is here explains..... gravity explains..... bugs.....blah, blah.......
* explains.....Why is it that water freezes differently from other fluids (it gets less dense), and explains.....that it is critical for our very survival
* explains.....Why don't trees just become pulp, a sappy mess when we cut them down? explains.....Why do they remain intact as something we can use for fire, shelter, build houses, make paper, etc?
* explains..... that atoms stay together.....blah, blah.........
* explains..... explains..... the great number of stars......blah,blah..........
* explains..... circulation of the atmosphere
* explains..... principles of fluid dynamics
* explains..... the hydrologic cycle
This section we will continue replacing the useless parts with "........blah, blah........".evfimy wrote:More questions and comments for the atheists:
* Since more than 300.......blah, blah........people "believe" .......blah, blah........ in the Bible.......blah, blah........people are blind.......blah, blah........
* If you don't believe .......blah, blah........ Bible prophecies have come true.......blah, blah........ the world's atheists to PROVE they didn't! Not with "opinions" or by insisting, "No, they didn't happen", but by absolute scientific PROOF! .......blah, blah........proof positive that Yeshua was never born .......blah, blah........the Dead Sea Scrolls weren't discovered....
* Prove that .......blah, blah........the Bible .......blah, blah........ thousand years ago.......blah, blah........ it didn't happen.......blah, blah........How could that have happened? Magic?
* PROVE that the conflict between.......blah, blah........ the Bible, and the Bible says .......blah, blah........ will NOT be resolved .......blah, blah........
If you believe nothing.......blah, blah........ you see .......blah, blah........ the world .......blah, blah........ earth as you know it .......blah, blah........ will spread good will and peace .......blah, blah........ and make your life .......blah, blah........ peace .......blah, blah........ the whole world .......blah, blah........
ATHEISTS: .......blah, blah........YOU have the .......blah, blah........ right to be atheists. So, we suggest, .......blah, blah........ spend all your time on the Internet talking about God, .......blah, blah........berating believers .......blah, blah........more constructively. With your constant attacks, you are .......blah, blah........ right.......blah, blah........
LMAO!!!! It's a good thing the seat I'm sitting on is plastic because I just peed myself laughing so hard!!!!
If god takes life he's an indian giver
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![BGH's picture BGH's picture](
LMAO!!!! It's a good thing the seat I'm sitting on is plastic because I just peed myself laughing so hard!!!!
Wow! Thanks!
You peed yourself?
....... well my work here is done, time to move on, I don't think I can top that.....
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![latincanuck's picture latincanuck's picture](
Yes you can, make them pee themselves AND have milk come out of their nose as well, then your work will be done.....and the apocolypse can start.
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![djneibarger's picture djneibarger's picture](
whoohoo! bring on the apocolypse, baby!
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![neptewn's picture neptewn's picture](
ATHEISTS: Just as we have the right to believe in Christ, YOU have the God-given right to be atheists. So, we suggest, rather than to spend all your time on the Internet talking about God, you simply stop berating believers and use your time more constructively. With your constant attacks, you are only proving the Bible right: that man is inherently evil, bent on wars and destruction.
Hypocrite:a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs
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Question for evfimy: Why have you run away from all the other threads you've created?
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Question for evfimy: Why have you run away from all the other threads you've created?
Let me see...
1) He's admitted to being a geocentrist.
2) He believes that the gospels pre-date Paul's work despite historical evidence.
3) He believes that there are undecomposed dead people who leak tree sap.
Why should he stick around after those glowing examples?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
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It's impossible to prove or disprove god. Nobody can disprove god.
You state the incomplete sentence "Circular logic" but you haven't shown any that the atheists use.
Where's your proof? I see a lot of special pleading.
Nope, it's not proof to say that a lot of people believe in something. Now you know.
Even if Jesus did exist, there's no reason to believe that he had anything novel to contribute. (read: thousands of similar deities/martyrs making the same claims)
How is it that the bible is a history book, yet it is historically inaccurate?
What does this have to do with anything?
the moleculecular bonds in wood don't disconnect due to metal hitting the wood at any particular point.
Why didn't Jesus produce the first hydraulic pump to prove his knowledge of fluid dynamics?
anybody can plainly observe the "great number of stars" in the heavens.
Why is the bible nearly perfectly consistent with antiquated astrology?
The law of astronomical amounts of chance: you take enough chances, no matter the probability of winning, eventually you will win.
are you impervious to your own ideas?
This is the worst special-pleading I've seen yet today.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell.
Its good that you said where you got it, but do you think you could come up with some of your own content?
Jesus Mythicist Campaign
Do you think something would develop outside its "scale" or in an environment it couldn't live? No? Ok, then what makes this question relevant to any side? If we weren't here we couldn't question why we weren't here. If anyone takes this as proof of a creator they are simply counting the hit and not the misses on a grand scale.
Last Answer.
Are you honestly asking me something like this? Ok why can't I use my lawn clippings to fuel my house for 10,000 years? Why can't this wood stand up to tornadoes or hurricanes? Why are their termites that can eat that wood people make their houses out of?
Again if it wasn't so people wouldn't be around to ask a similar questions.
See the reply to the first bit about science in the bible.
Thats all the work you get with copy and paste.
A lot of claims were made by the poster but I don't see him actually supporting the claims. Let's try his technique. I disproved the existence of god, prove me wrong.
Hmmmm, wouldn't it have been nice if I actually supported my claim rather than just stating it? It looks like we have another example of intellectual laziness by a fundy.
Moving on....
We don't need to prove God doesn't exist any more than you have to prove that Allah, Zeus and Thor don't exist. Don't shift the burden of proof. Prove that God, as described in the Bible, exists; note that you cannot use the Bible to prove the Bible, as that is circular logic.
I'm sure that a good number of the atheists on this site were Christians until they read the Bible. I am among them. Once again, "the Bible is true because the Bible says so" is not a valid aruement.
I don't think I need to point out the bandwagon fallacy here. As for the whole "more proof of Yeshua's existence than of the life of George Washington or Napoleon Bonaparte, or any of the Caesars, etc." bit, we've got contemporary accounts, writings by Washington and Napoleon, etc. Plus, Washinton signed the Decleration of Independence and the Constitution, among other documents.
I'm not even gonna get into the last line in this - let's just say that the second-best selling book of all time was written by Mao Zedong.
Prosyletizing us, using scare tactics, telling us the world will end after Israel's destruction....
Really, if what you say turns out to be true, I'll just go with Plan B - a lifetime of fun (sin) followed by deathbed repentance. I'll just live my life as I would if you were wrong, only with a slight change at the (literal) last minute.
One last thing, regarding our "God-given right to be atheists" - where in the Bible does God ive people the right to not worship him?
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
Please assume I disagree with or have no opinion on anything you say if it is not addressed here, but there are a few points I'd like to discuss.
It is my experience that self-identified Christians know little about the Bible, save a bit of doctrine here and there. I'm not talking about the Christians who go to all the trouble to post on the Internet. I just mean your average run-of-the-mill Christian. Most atheists, on the other hand, have at least enough experience with the Bible to know why they reject it. I am by no means a Bible scholar, but I have read enough of it to be tentatively convinced that it is not inspired by an intelligence great enough to have created the universe. It is simply too full of error, too poorly written, too vague, too contradictory, too pointless, and too illogical to have been inspired by a force capable of designing a paramecium. I will grant you that I cannot come up with a single absurdity, contradiction, or falsehood that Christianity assembled cannot rationalize around. But a book that needs that much stretching and explaining not to be rejected as complete nonsense does not seem to bear the mark of an intelligent designer.
There are some atheists who are ridiculously knowledgeable about the Bible. They have gone the extra mile to learn the Biblical languages, study history and archaeology, and otherwise prepare themselves to debunk the Bible from a standpoint of knowledge. Apparently it is perfectly sufficient to accept the Bible without the slightest education in ancient languages or history, but to debunk it requires a Ph.D.
I suspect, but cannot by any means prove, that the average self-identified atheist knows more scripture than the average self-identified Christian. It is hard to imagine how to structure an experiment to evaluate this. What I'd like to see is a study to evaluate general knowledge of scripture from the population at large, and compare the results by many factors, including but not limited to religious belief. One of us would be surprised, and I suspect it is not me.
Few atheists undertake to prove the non-existence of God, or unicorns, or pixies, or leprechauns, or any one of the innumerable fictional beings the mind of humankind has imagined. Instead, they take the position that they will believe in nothing without evidence that the existence of that thing is more likely than not. The lawyerly "burden of proof" is on the one asserting the proposition. The proposition is that there is a God. The proposition cannot be that there is not one. We could fill encyclopedias with invented things that do not exist. Here the proposition is that there is a "god." There is no way to disprove the existence of every conceivable "god." A few, like Vic Stenger, undertake to prove the non-existence of particular Gods as described by particular traditions. Stenger does a very good job of this in God: The Failed Hypothesis. I'm far too lazy to do this, and I think the likelihood of the existence of a God is small enough that there is no real reason to devote the time and effort required to disprove the hypothesis.
Some atheists deny the existence of Jesus of Nazareth as a man. In other words, the evidence is seen as too flimsy to affirm that such a man existed. I think that is a minority among atheists, but who knows how the numbers would come out. For instance, famous atheist Richard Dawkins is open to the possibility that there was a man Jesus of Nazareth who existed as a man, but not a deity. See, The God Delusion, p. 97 [U.S. hardback ed]. Obviously no atheist believes Jesus was actually a god. What most atheists would agree on is that there wasn't a Jesus of Nazareth who healed people, fed crowds with a basket of food, walked on water, chatted with Satan, Moses, and Elijah, directed storms, and rose from the dead. There may have been a wandering preacher/magician called Jesus around whom the miracle stories coalesced a few decades after he died and stayed dead.
Of all the absurd accusations you make, this is the most absurd. Nobody asks more questions than atheists.
Any book of the length and structure of the Bible would have to be correct sometimes. Picking and choosing, the Bible is occasionally consistent with reality--especially if vague clauses are interpreted liberally in favor of being correct. Even so, the Bible is wrong more often than it is right about science, and frequently it is magnificiently wrong. Sure, occasionally the Bible and the Qu'ran appear to be right about science unknown at the time they were written, but those occasions are few. The Bible is less often scientifically accurate than would be predicted by chance.
The earth is not to human scale. Humans evolved to fit to Earth scale, or at least part of it.
There's a good chemical reason that this is so, but again, water did not conform itself to our needs. We evolved in an environment in which water was a component. The physical properties of water say nothing about the existence of a deity.
Why is it that the vast majority of the universe is utterly hostile to life?
The Bible is generally inconsistent with astronomy. The authors of the Bible clearly believed in a tiered universe with a flat earth between heaven and hell. We cannot be surprised that even the Bible authors correctly noticed that there are a lot of stars, but the Bible authors had no idea what a star was.
You must understand that most of those who reject the existence of God do so not out of base motives but only after a sincere but futile search for God.
[email protected]
We don't have to.
That and the concept is utterly, blatantly man made.
You wouldn't know logic if it fucked you in the ear.
Probably because your "proof" is bunk.
The second part of your sentence is unrelated to the first.
Yeshua's good teachings, such as the golden rule, predated him. His supposedly good teachings, such as "love your enemy" and "leave your family and come putz around the desert with me", are despicable.
And that's a good thing because.........?
Who gives a shit? It's a deplorable concept.
Is there anything you like more than question begging?
If anything, the perforation of Christianity - with all its various denominations and schisms - is proof that it's man made.
None of whom had extraordinary claims about their lives, and so do not beg extraordinary evidence. Not that it matters because your statement is bunk anyway.
Written in times contemporary with their subject. What a concept, huh?
If you're convinced by that line of non-reason, you're welcome to it.
Actually, we do. But for my own bemusement:
It doesn't. Is this supposed to be hard?
Careful you don't strain your back shifting that burden of proof there, buddy.
When he comes back, we'll just crucify him again.
I appreciate your concern, but don't worry, I have plenty of time to berate you and still get along.
I'll provide commentary, if you don't mind. Actually, I'll provide it even if you do mind, but everything always sounds more polite when you say "if you don't mind." You would do well to learn about politeness, as apparently your Jesus didn't teach you any manners.
Actually, most of the atheist I know are either Buddhists or Taoists. Funny, huh?
Russell's teapot.
You clearly missed a few of your classes at logic college. Do you even know what circular logic is, or are you just throwing terms around to try and make yourself seem smart?
You oughtn't blame your inability to convince anyone (the atheists here aren't the only ones who think you're a crock) on the people you are trying to convince. As a saying I recently saw reminds me, "the only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you."
Our? What are you, your own trinity?
As opposed to the guy who shows up and starts throwing links around like nobody's business?
He could have been referring to no one at all. You see, the word "allegorical" means that it was referring to symbolic or abstract ideas or figures. Meaning, the Jesus Paul referred to may have been allegorical (i.e. not real). Understand?
Well, if no shoe fits...
Really really.
Not as such, no. After all, Santa has changed the lives of millions of children. I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist. Then again, I did get coal in my stocking last year (although to be fair I did ask my uncle for some).
What about all the other religions that have blossomed? I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Christ wasn't the only one sowing his holy oats back in the day.
Yeah, but the men who wrote the history books about your "messiah" are few and far between. He is a footnote on the books of his contemporaries. Not as such with the other figures you listed.
Well, Washington's teeth were, I think. As for the rest of him...
What can I say? The dude's followers had some mad PR skills.
And you remember this: always eat your vegetables. They make you strong, and smart and tall!
The people here (most of them anyway) are merely trying to gain some political power; enough to fend for themselves in the world. Is that so much to ask?
One part of the Bible being right doesn't mean that any other part of it is right.
And at the end of the meaningless rant, we find out that it was a copy-and-paste routine. The irony is almost too much.
I also noticed that it was copypasta, even before seeing the link. I almost wish evfimy would come up with something original.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
Back in my basic reasoning class my professor put an argument on the board (as he was getting fed-up with statements like, "this is a well-stated argument" or "the points were well-laid out"
p1) a^2+b^2=c^2
p2) Every triangle has three angles.
c) God exists.
not exactly the same point is being made, but oh well.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell.
Below are a few observations about atheists:
Atheists love to spend a lot of online time berating God, the Bible and believers in general.
Given the medium you've chosen to post on, I assume this statement is meant as irony. But I assure you not nearly as much time in the week as Theists devote to the worship of fairytale characters.
Atheists can no more disprove your fictional god than you can disprove anyone else's fictional god, Superman, Harry Potter, or The Pants Pixies of the G-String Nebula. But I do believe you are ignoring the mountrains of scientific findings that fundamentally oppose the claims of The Bible. I suggest you read Victor Stenger's book "God: The Failed Hypothesis." I surmise you are being dishonest here, because almost anyone here can give a better argument than simply "God doesn't exist because I can't see, feel, or touch him." This is a straw man argument.
No, circular logic is when you use the content of a text alone as proof of the validy of the text, such as saying The Matrix is real because Morpheus said it's real in the movie "The Matrix" or when one says The Bible is the word of God because The Bible says it is the word of God. You obviously haven't met any atheists if you think they don't back up their statements. Again, you're either ignorant or plain dishonest. Which is it?
You didn't prove this atheist was merely plagerizing someone else here, which I believe was the argument you were making. And the contemporaneousness of the writings if crucial to proving if a historical Jesus did exist. The earliest mention of Jesus was in 70 CE, many decades after his alleged miracles. That's more than a tad fishy.
Fact--you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means. None of the above examples are facts. And all the historical figures you mention have 1000 times more evidence proving their existence than Jesus. For instance, let's take Julius Caesar, because he's most often used for this argument by Theists who merely plagerize the bad arguments of others to avoid thinking for themselves. We have some of Caesar's own writings, coins w/ his likeness, statues & busts w/ his likeness, loads of contemporaneous writings about him, enemy attestation (Cicero), named sources, detailed info. of his life & family lineage, archaeological evidence, not to mention that the history makes no sense if Caesar didn't cross the Rubicon. Jesus has none of these things, including archaeological evidence which is the most important kind.
It's not remotely scientifically accurate.