Ghostbusters on Sci-fi Channel
I don't have cable TV, but heard some radio DJs the other day talking about how they watched this prgm as skeptics, the prgm hosts on the Sci-fi channel were skeptics, BUT, the end result after tons of research was--the hosts were not as skeptical.
Has anyone seen this or any thoughts? I'm intrigued by this stuff and keep going back & forth. "No way, not real!" to, "Well, maybe. Shit, I dunno." Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
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I have seen the program. It is mostly two fellows sitting in a room with an infrared camera saying, "If there is a presence here, reveal yourself." Eventually, a cat runs through the room or a furnace kicks on. Then, the hosts flip out and run like nancy girls out of the room.
My kid sister produced more ghosts with her Ouijia board at sleep overs than these guys do.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Ha ha!
Yeah, I've just heard sooooo many stories over the years that sound so convincing, but then...well, it's round & round we go.
Yes way, no way ad nauseum.
I've seen the show many times. I'm echo what Penn & Teller Bullshit had to say about ghost hunting. Even if they can find temperature or EMF spikes in a room, what does this data mean? They haven't established a connection between the phenomena they observe and the concepts they want to support. The only reason we're barking up this tree is that some people, who claim to see ghosts, associate them with cold spots in the room. Not a good basis for research, and not science.
I used to work for a ghost tour company. It was kind of freaky how halfway through the tour everybody--even the skeptics--had some kind of memory of an unexplainable event.
Paramnesia is the most likely scientific explanation. Still, there are people who want really a lot to believe.
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert