Why would I worship a god(s)?

This has been a question I've always wondered but was never really able to get a good answer on. Why should anyone worship a god(s)? Here is where I stand on it and I want to see someone provide some reasons as to why you should worship anyone/thing.
1. If God loves everything, then why would me worshipping him have any effect on anything? If he loves everything, then I'll get some reward in the afterlife anyway.
2. If God hates everything, then why would me worshipping him have any effect on anything? If he hates everything, then I won't get any reward in the afterlife anyway.
3. If God is wishy-washy on it, then he isn't worth worshipping.
I'll also word it like this.
1. If I love my girlfriend then her rubbing my feet won't change anything.
2. If I hate my girlfriend then her rubbing my feet won't change anything.
3. It might change something if I'm wishy-washy on it, however, requesting my feet being rubbed to make a decision is so petty that my feet aren't worth being rubbed.
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1. It would have the affect of you loving him. Part II. You're right.
2. It would have the affect of you loving him. Part II. You're right.
3. Perhaps right.
You're wording:
One loves because one wants to love, not because of what one gets out of it. The better question is, if God needs something in order for him to love you, is it really love? or, do you give something to God so that he will give something back?
In the same way you can apply that to the situation with a girlfriend. If the love you gave you girlfriend was premised on her rubbing your feet, what is your love worth? And if she rubbed your feet so that you would love, or in some other way "reward" her, then what sort of love is there?
Love is love.. as the hippies say.
Maybe it's different with you, but making one of my girlfriends feel good makes me feel good too (although I'm not really a fan of footrubbing). Of course, things with my God are totally different, as It is incapable of feeling, and therefore incapable of feeling good. But I think you get the point anyways: if you're rubbing feet to get something out of it from someone else, then you are rubbing feet for the wrong reasons.
I don't usually see theists argue toward the all loving or all hating god. Usually there's some sort of condition. Though the all-knowing god presents similar problems, because you'd assume you were made to do/think exactly what this being intended... so loving or hating that being would be irrelevant, since you're doing exactly what you were supposed to do either way.
Well, God isn't all-loving. It's a paradox, because if he was, there wouldn't be a hell. Besides Jesus said that most people will go to hell and he also endorsed slavery. So if God exists, he isn't all-loving. If he did exist, I would rather die and have my soul vanished for all eternity than go to heaven.
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
Think you misunderstand what most religious mean with all loving.
Its more of a potential. god has the potential to love all.
But there is a prerequisite, you have to worship him.
It all boils down to god is powerful. and worshiping said god makes him happy. and its smart to be on the good side of something powerful.
If you look at the origins of religion and see that god(s) are just unexplained power, its all very easy to understand.
God: "Me smash"
Cave man: "I Worship"
God: "ok then"
Its all very undemocratic and infantile. god is the king, and I didnt wote for him.
"Everyone knows that God drives a Plymouth: "And He drove Adam And Eve from the Garden of Eden in His Fury."
And that Moses liked British cars: "The roar of Moses' Triumph was heard throughout the hills."
On the other hand, Jesus humbly drove a Honda but didn't brag about it, because in his own words: "I did not speak of my own Accord." "
A couple of additions, if I may.
God: "Me smash"
Cave man: "I Worship"
God: "ok then"
<God smashes anyway>
Cave man: "Why you smash? Me worship"
God: "Me God"
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin