Existence is uncaused

Isn't it?
We can state that god being uncaused is an absurdity, but what of existence as a whole? Is there any reasonable cosmology that doesn't imply some uncaused state of existence. Don't we run into the same problem of infinite regress whether or not the uncaused is a concious entity or a mindless mass/energy state?
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It's sort of a trap for either side. The honest answer is we don't really have the exact answer for anything prior to where they've tracked the initial expansion back to. We're happy with "unknown" for now until better information comes along instead of arbitrarily filling the gap.
The other problem for the person that claims that a complex universe had to a product of a god, is that would also seem to need to account for where the being comes from that is complicated/smart/powerful enough to produce a universe. (Galactus maybe?)
And, if I'm understanding correctly, the nature of the strangeness that would have occured in the teeny moments right before the singularity (if it hit that point at all) may prevent us from _ever_ knowing anything about what happened before that. (If "before" even has any meaning in this context.)
Why not pick up a book on cosmology and see what a cosmologist says, rather than ask some anonymous stranger on a chat board?
Yes. But why ask me? Why not 'ask' someone like Alan Guth, Andre Linde, Brian Greene, Tim Ferris, Alex Vilenkin, Edward Tryon, Victor Stenger, Stephen Hawkings or Gabriele Veneziano? Cosmologists who have worked on this very question and have given real answers.
I've read them all and do not consider myself an expert on cosmology. Have you read them? Can you quote or cite any of them other than Hawkings? If not, time to hit the books.
No. Again, something you can find out for yourself:
This is an mp3 I made to cover the basics.
(Hint: scientific ex nihilo does not violate physics)
I've never met a theist postulating over the existence of the universe who has EVER actually READ what a cosmologist has to say. So be different. Don't ask strangers to tell you what cosmology says, read it for yourself.
You'll see that every 'internet-theist' conjecture about cosmology s refuted within the first chapter of any of their books.
[MOD EDIT - fixed link]
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
No, it is not. Please don't join in on the ignorance parade. Please don't pretend you know what you do not know. Unless you can cite what cosmologists actually say, please remain silent. The 'actual' honest answer is that YOU don't know, so you should consult what cosmology has to say.
Non theistic Ex nihilo is a concept allowable within physics, it does not violate the laws of physics:
There is no symmetry here between theistic and non theistic ex nihilo, the first idea violates physics, the latter does not. One idea is not workable, the other is mathematically demonstratable. In fact, it is beginning to appear, as per Alan Guth, that it is perpetual nothingness, and not existence, is impossible!
It would be helpful if theists and atheists alike would respond to these questions by referring to what physicists and cosmologist say, and refrain from speaking from ignorance. If I see a post on cosmology without a reference to a physicist, I see no reason to take it seriously.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
My personal problem with ex nilho is the question of where did the laws of physics that made it possible come from?
I much prefer the budding multiverse theory.
I haven't read all of these, but I'm not completely ignorant either. I posed it as a question rather than a statement because I wanted to know what people that post HERE think about it. Sorry that I took up your time.
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Depends on how willing you are to snub time.
It is. There are laws that govern the way the universe runs, and rules which explain these rules, rules to explain those rules, and so on. However, there is a few factors that decide the universe that are uncaused - they just are. The universe, in other words, just is.
Why would that be?
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
I'm rather happy in the ignorance parade when it comes to quantum physics. I get a float and everything, right next to Santa Claus.
I think existence came from Nothing and Nothing cannot cause anything. The laws of physics simply are and need no determiner.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Oh, I'm going to postulate here and say that the laws of physics came from the fact that masses have gravity and always have had gravity.
This makes no sense.
How so? Gravity is one of the major forces behind physics. Matter and gravity go hand in hand.
No, mass and gravity go hand in hand.
Anyway, what does this have to do with the orgin of the laws of physics?
Quantum tunneling. Your question is not an unponderable mystery, your question is answerable if you just open a book.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
And I answered your question, yet you prefer to make it personal rather than just READ what I cited for you
I'm not out to attack you, in fact, I'm out to help.
1) Take a look at the resources I posted.
2) Find a book and start reading. The best way to learn is to read, not to post a question on a chat board.
3) This isn't to say that you can't post such questions, my point to you, the one you avoided, is why you'd want to post a question when you can just go read?
Why do you post the question and then just enter into the typical sort of face saving internet bullshit? You say you want to know something, well then investigate it. I can help you.
Or you can just act as if all my post did was call you stupid, when what it really did was point out a better way for us to proceed.
Your choice: just admit that you don't really give a shit about this question, and that the topic is immaterial, you just want one more pointless web argument.
OR you can actually read my links and start a learned discussion on cosmology. I'm not calling you stupid, just uninformed, and asking if you'd really like to be informed.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I'd like to see matter that doesn't have mass. But this is besides the point and you knew what I meant.
What you're asking is the origin of the universe, where these laws came from. Which is what I was saying.
People. Theist and atheist.
Is there any reason why you have to wildly conjecture rather than just read what cosmologists have to say?
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Quantum tunneling according to what laws?
You do every second of your life that your eyes are open. Photons are held to have no resting mass.
Once again, theist and atheist: can we learn first and speak second?
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Parade joke aside... the story you linked me to concludes with:
" One thing that struck me immediately is the notion that the BB was the "start" of the universe. This is not the case. BB is transition, not creation. The symmetry breaking, brane collision, false vacuum fluctuation etc is the creation, BB is a transitional event that occured 10^-43 seconds after the birth of the universe called the Planck Era. Nothing is known about the prior state, and by the reckoning of some cosmologists, nothing can be known of this state. But BB is a transition event, the genesis of matter and energy, not the universe. Of all the things that sealed my belief in the finite universe, none did more so than when I was shown Smoot's historic picture from the WMAP probe."
From my understanding of the story, (and also some of what I've read at: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/mark_vuletic/vacuum.html (was trying to better grasp vacuum fluctuations)) it seems what we have an account for is how an initial singularity could break through the vacuum, emerge and then expand forward into the current state of the universe. (all making sense with the laws of physics) Is this correct? If this is a transition from a state in which we have no understanding... wouldn't this be consistant with the term "unknown" when referring to a pre BB state?
If you want an explanation of how quantum tunneling works from a zero dimensional state, listen to the mp3 above or read the links.
I want to AGAIN stress that it would help us ALL - myself included, to first know what the fuck we are talking about, before we type a word. There isn't a post in this thread that illustrates the ability or desire to do this, and this problem goes beyond the typical atheist/theist war.
Yes, call me an asshole for saying this, but it woudl be nice if someone could first know what they were talking about before they made a grand pronouncment or a universal rule out. I mean, at least cite a name to go along with your claim.
I am NO expert in cosmology, but even I can see that the wild conjectures here have no basis in reality.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
What does resting mass have to do with it? Photons only exist in movement, therefor having mass.
The parade joke response you gave was a good way to go, my call here was for more learned discussion, not to insult anyone. Everyone in here could well be smarter than me, my point is that there is no reason for wild conjectures from a position of ignorance, yet that pretty much typifies 99% of cosmology discussions on theological chat boards.
I believe so, you seem to have Vilenken's idea in mind.
It is important to point out that this statement:
"Nothing is known about the prior state, and by the reckoning of some cosmologists, nothing can be known of this state"
Can be misread. First, while it is true that nothing is KNOWN about this prior state, we can still come up with valid mathematical conjectures. Second, the fact that some cosmologists hold we can never know is simply rooting against the home team in my estimation.
We have to parse out what could be meant by 'unknown'
Unknown could mean we presently have no direct evidence. This is true. It is certainly unknown at present.
Unknown could mean unknowable: that there isn't even a potential way to find evidence for the claim. I'm not sure if this is the case.
But these senses of 'unknown' do not rule out valid hypothetical explanations that are likely.... We might not ever "know" but we can surmise a likelihood based on valid mathematical models...
We can't know what happened to Amelia Earhart, but we can work out that she probably crashed, and we can be fairly certain she is dead.
Oh, and of course it may turn out that something akin to brane theory is true, and that our universe was caused - by a megaverse. Meaning that the model works, but is not actually explanatory of our universe.
THANK YOU for actually reading and actually CITING what someone who ACTUALLY HAS A CLUE (i.e. reference to a physicist) to what he's talking about has to say on these matters. We are not experts. We can only reproduce what we have learned elsewhere. If we havent' read what cosmologist actually say, we can only speculate from our pool of ignorance.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
You asked for matter without mass. Photons have no resting mass.
Are you sure about this? Who are you citing? Unless you've turned your bedroom into a physics lab, lemme see you cite someone who holds that the fact that photons have no resting mass is immaterial to our discussion. A photon as a virtual particle that only comes into existence only for an 'instant', might be said to be "standing still" in space-time. If this is a case then we would have matter without mass ,for brief instants, throughout the cosmos.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
What I'm getting at is laws determine the consequences of action. For example I drop a pen it falls. Laws of gravity.
Now, my point was what determines the consequence of quantum tunneling? That was my problem, since laws of physics seem interlinked with space. That is why I prefer the mutliverse budding theory. That's all I was saying.
Then how do they travel at the speed of light?
I think I'd agree, I don't think we should ever rule out "knowable." I was just trying to point out, with admittedly inefficient detail, that it is ok to admit ignorance on a topic.
This is exactly why I don't believe it helps anyone to fill in currently open gaps with a deity. It's sorta like people driving around in a car with ducktape instead of a window. It fills the hole, but it's not the answer.
Understood. If you like to my explanation of Guth's points you'll see that in their understanding, zero dimensional nothingness is unstable - 'no laws' = no stability. They explain it better, of course, so I lead you to the mp3 or the essays.
That's a pretty fine question. My sense is that the expansion of the fourth dimension requires that all photons move at C in a vacuum (but of course, photons can move much slower than this).... other dimensions impart movement
But I'd prefer more than this half of a memory of a conjecture...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
That was a rhetorical question for CrimsonEdge. I know the answer of course, I was pointing out that nothing with mass can travel at light speed.
What you're asking me to cite is irrelevant and impossible. Not impossible because I'm wrong, but impossible because it can't be found. It's also a cop out so you don't have to do any work to cite a source that says the opposite.
It makes more sense now that I've applied it to p=mv, however, I challenge you to find a source that says that the resting mass of a photon is relevant because they are always moving. You won't find it.
As for what my source was? Newton's Second Law.
{edit:fixed formula}
The limiting of motion is what causes mass. This is the principal of the Higgs mechanism. It limits the range of the W bosons (10^-17m) giving them mass. It does not limit the range of the photon. Photons have infinite range.
What the fuck are you blathering about? In the time it took you to upbraid me for my lack of preparation you could have given me an answer that illuminated what YOU thought about the question. I will very likely never have the opportunity to interact directly with the likes of Guth or Hawkings and this forum is not often graced with their presence so I am content with their writings. And it doesn't matter whether your string theory has 9 dimensions or 21. Nor if branes are a valid construct or universes budding out via some sort of quantum fluctation. The problem still remains about existence itself being uncaused. That and the problem of your condescension. Is there is a quantum tunnel between your brain and your ass or are you capable of having a civil conversation?
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But seriously, I agree with you wave. The question is, what does this fact lead you to believe?
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Not sure. It's just a piece of the puzzle. For me, thinking about anything beyond the space/time of this unverse is completely mind bending. Our notion of cause is deeply imbedded in the way this universe behaves and I can't see how we can extend that in any fashion to what is outside (for lack of a better word) of space/time. Regardless of what cosmology you favor, there is always something "beyond", and by extension something always was/is or whatever. But even out notioin of is and was is tied to our space/time. So we can easily pose a question, which came first, conciousness or the material matrix that supports conciousness. And the obvious answer is the material - but ONLY based on our experience within THIS space time. We can't say anything about conciousness other than what we have observed and learned by the examples we have before us. Now before somebody jumps to a conclusion and says "That doesn't prove the existence of god" let me say DUH! It isn't meant to prove anything. It is only an observation about what we can know. It is something I am integrating into my thinking. If you want a proof then read Aquinas (didn't say a valid proof, now did I?).
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After accepting the Big Bang theory...
The ability to do science relies upon causality. If an event in the reality we witness and experiment in appears to be uncaused this means that from our perspective the effect was spontaneous.
The validity of such a statement relies on the scope of our knowledge on physical qualities and forces. To ask for sober insights on the constancy of existence, that is whether an action ex nihilo bore the universe, is currently irresolvable.
When we imagine an event it is from the position of a fictitious outside observer. This is ordinarily reliable but causes issues when our invented vantage point is necessarily outside of the universe. Proposals of outside realities lesson the problem as they insist upon some structure, perhaps similar to a fractal.
I would expect resolution of this issue would come from precise physical theories that match reality consistently and also predict the nature of existence (including past and future) rather than by means of supposition.
"Objective reality is and does not happen. Only by consciousness does the world come to be as an image in space continuously changing in time" Einstein
[EDIT] - Speculation is fun, thought provoking and is absolutely sufficiently worthwhile to continue doing so
I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.
I'm asking you to back up what you say, yet you seem to have no interest in doing that.
I see you can safely be ignored on this topic.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I already did.
Thanks for making it clear that you have absolutely no interest whatsoever in reading what a cosmologist has to say about cosmology. You're here to rant from your pool of ignorance.
Like most everyone else.
You have NO interest in responding to the essays, but you will write yet more angry responses to me, because the alternative is to admit to yourself that you're incapable of actually learning cosmology.
Again, you have a choice: read what cosmologists have to say, start with my linked essays
And post another rant.
I can 't believe I have had to explain this twice.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
That is all the OP actually wants. If he wanted to actually learn cosmolgy, he'd hit a library. There's no point of discussing a topic with someone who goes out of their way to remain ignorant.
The fact that he calls this 'blathering' says it all... a projection of his own desire to blather on without facts getting in the way.
You don't need to meet Alan Guth to learn what he says... there are things called 'books' where people such as he record their thoughts.... 'libraries' store them.
I can only look forward to more nonsense like "I'm citing Newton's second law', i.e. dodges of actually reading cosmology and citing cosmologists in a discussion of cosmology.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Only after you first verse yourself in the basic knowledge of the field that you're speculating upon...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Cite a source that supports your claim.
Guys, you each know that you exist. Why fight over so minute details?
I don't want to talk about cosmology. I want to talk about the limits of our perceptions and the origins of conciousness. If you weren't so fucking pendantic you might have figured that out. Why don't you go hang out in the Free Thinkers Anonymous forum and learn to think freely? I'd hate for us closed minded, uptight theists to cramp your style.
My Artwork
Right. Because it would require that you actually take the time to read a book, rather than allow you to do what you really want: to just argue over things, damn the facts.
There's an actual answer to your question, it's not an unponderable mystery, it's not a matter of conjecture or philosophy. It's sitting in the first chapters of most books on cosmology available in your library. We can answer your question.
You can answer it for yourself by reading the links.
But I could store my bank account number there, safely, couldn't I?
There's a clear limit in your perception: your steadfast refusal to read what cosmologists say about cosmology.
Why not actually learn about the topics you wish to debate?
Call that 'being pedantic' if you like, I call avoiding looking fucking ridiculous.
Again, you have a choice:
learn what you're talking about - actually study the answers to your own question that YOU POSTED.
Or just remain ignorant and keep on postin'!
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
So, todangst, why not inform us of this knowledge? Since you apparently have the cause of the universe so readily known, why not share it instead of feeding a fire which you started?
Check his links - in his first post! - one of them is an mp3 that is both deep and accessible.
I will concede that without adequate knowledge speculations may be only diverting.
I used to have the goal of knowing a little bit about everything, then I discovered 'God'.
I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.