This is the
Kill Em
This is the
Kill Em
This is the
Kill Em
This is the
Kill Em
This is the
Kill Em
umm oooookk where did they do that in this specific forum? in the kill them with kindness? the rest sure, but I haven't seen it in this forum at all. So I say with magilum......QUE????
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Nope, no joke, spend some time reading the forums and you'll understand.
To the tune of "God Bless The U.S.A.":
I'm proud to be a real Doberman, so don't give me tasteless treats.
I won't forgive you if you try to take away my eats
And I will stand up and urinate all over your good shoes.
Yes, I'm proud to be a real Doberman!
Don't make me ruin your mood!
No, we are not like "fundies" we dont want a facist state. The fundies want us to be a Christian Iran here in America. They want to rip law out of the bible and make all non-Christians live by it.
And what is wrong with criticsim and blasphemy? You think people should blindly believe something without question?
Insted of jumping to conclusions about what this site is or who it's members are or what they believe, spend some time reading.
You will see that this community is just as diverse as any other community on any given topic. Some here are for "Hate crime" laws, while others here are against them. Some here are for more gun control while others here own guns and belong to the NRA. Some here watch the NFL while others here cant stand pro sports(at least not ludicrously rich atheletes who didnt earn their pay)
You will find that some here like more polite exchanges while others here dont mind taking off the verbal gloves.
Now let me dispell some myths for you:
4. We have family members, friends and co-workers who believe. We dont hate all religous people. We do find claims of deities to be not credible. We also see the harm religion causes to humanity because of it's refuseal to recognize it's dark side.
So, insted of lumping all atheists together, get to know us. You will find that you will like some here and you may not like others here. But you should come out of it with the understanding that atheists are not all the same.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Oh darn I thought this post was going to be about my highly annoying amazon ads in between every post.
Welcome aboard Isouard.
Out of curiousity, since you seem to understand the rules, can you count how many you've broken ¿
P.S. to the community of normal humans: the amazon ads will not be there for long. The amazon ads you are seeing include the best selling items from our site this year. Pick up a book for Christmas ¿ (only 2 letters away from Christ My Ass)
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
No joking from my end. I'll tell you what. Ask that question in another of the site's forums. I'll give you a...complete answer.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
There was when I joined. It was on the home page, promoting another atheist group. And it was really obvious!
¡¡Don`t make me laugh, Sapient!! You let RRS bigshots get away with profanity here, and personal attacks. And you call people "shitheads" in your own messages on the front page. You make up the rules, but you don`t live up to them yourself. Just like the parents in a screwed-up family.
And yeah, you guys are just like the fundies. Not surprising, since plenty of kids who grow up as rabid fundies turn into rabid atheists soon as they learn real science. But they don`t change as people. They just change polarity.
Funny thing is, you and the fundies have thought in stereotypes for so long, that you`ve wound up scaring yourselves. You guys have better reason to be scared of those zealots than they do of you, but it just keeps escalating, because neither of you can stop. It`d be funny, if the rest of us didn`t have to worry that one or the other of you will run our lives.
No one put a gun to your head and forced you to post at this site. RRS is not like mass media FORTUNATLY, they are not censor nazis. You want to play in Disneyland, go find another website.
We have had pleanty of theists who can handle the heat and blasphemy and DONT take it personally like you seem to want to.
If you ask us what an atheist thinks of a claim then you should be willing to listen to the answer.
Thomas Jefferson once equated the virgin birth and death of Jesus as being in the same catigory as Minerva being born out of the brain of Jupiter. Do you think he hated theists?
Get this through your head, READ, REREAD AND REPEAT untill it soaks in. Just because someone says, "|You are full of it" doesnt mean they hate you. It just means they are adressing the claim you make.
Lots of atheists here like a more tame exchange. There is a "Kill em with kindness" section where you can hang out if you dont like the more heated banter.
But, do not accuse all the atheists here of being all the same. As I said we are all different.
If you hate what RRS is doing here with this site so much, then why did you make a second post? Anyone is welcome to stay as, including you, as per the rules. But I think I can safely speek for RRS when I say:
They own the site, not me, not you. They get to decide what goes on here. If you dont like it, you dont have to come here. No one is forcing you to stay.
If you want to start a website where you get to decide what can and cannot be said or done, have at it. But you dont own this site.
I dont know you personally, other than these two posts. I cant judge you the person because I have never spent any face to face time with you. But if you talk about your deity claims, I am going to tell you exactly what I think. AGAIN, that is a seperate issue than you the person.
If you give yourself time here you will see that there will be people you like and people you dont, just like in life outside the net. If all you do is make hit and run posts, you wont learn a thing and the atheists here wont get to know you and you will be waisting your time and theirs.
Now, loose the attitude, and accept that we are not all devil worshipors out to get you.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
So because some people have a lower threshhold of tolerance for gratuitous ignorance and stupidity, and express it, that makes this site 'a joke'?
So you have seen no serious discussion of the issues here?
So anyone expressing annoyance or frustration should therefore be assumed to have nothing useful to contribute at all?
'Just like the fundies' ? Even assuming we do share some element of behaviour with them, that makes us virtually the same?
Seems you are ignoring the wide range of approaches demonstrated by people on this site.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
As the saying on the bathroom wall says, the joke's in your hands, man.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Please, tell me who exactly are "you guys".
That's true of some people, not all.
Look who's talking. You're the one painting "you guys" the same color with one broad stroke. Unless you only mean a few specific people by "you guys", then pot, meet kettle.
All I have to say is "Yawn..."
For somebody who basterdizes a "Broad brush" approach, thie OP is swimming in it.
No one here has judged him, it's just that we ask questions that take him out of his comfort zone.
"What if we are not the result of a magical being, but an ongoing random process|"
"What if everything you were told as a child was wrong?"
I know alot of things I was told by my parents that was wrong. I, like most theists, resistid. My freedom came when I relized that their baggage didnt have to become mine.
When I talk about "their baggage" I am not talking about theism or deity claims, I am talking about life in general. In laymen's terms, no one ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, has to automatically buy anything that comes down the pike.
An idiot will buy the car because of it's color. A wise person looks at it's age, milage and damage. Why should religion get a pass because people say it makes them feel good? I am sure all the recrutes of 9/11 thought they were doing "God's will".
The reality is that 3,000 people died on 9/11 because of a stupid conflict . The same reason Bush thought "God" told him to invade Iraq. When entities speak to you, dont grab a holly book, seek a shrink."
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
To get back to the topic of the thread. I don't think kill them with kindness is exactly what we need to do. IMO we should always remain unemotional in our replies to the believer no matter how soul satisfying it is to be sarastic or insult their beliefs.
If we do the above many if not most will actually listen and think about our opinions seriously. A few might change their own beliefs.
One small victory at a time.
No, we aren't all the same and neither are they. Remember the line in Lawrence of Arabia when the prince comments that "the young are passionate and must have their say"? Well, that's true and it is a shame that they so often must have their say in the most confrontational and smug manner. Honey catches more flies than vinegar.
I agree with you in part, however, not everyone is suited for every tactic and one tactic won`t work with everyone. So each should chose their path with what works best for them imho.
Morte alla tyrannus et dei
True, for the sake of winning a debate. My hope is always that I at least change the image people have of us.
It's a lot easier for me. At my age I no longer suffer from testerone poisoning.![Laughing Laughing](/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif)
Picking up sticks (on the sabbath) & stonings (for dozens of both stupid & minor offenses) will break my bones (as well as kill me) but amazingly profanity (or the word "shithead) has never caused me any grief or pain at all.
I'm always credulous when I see yet another poster desperately trying to draw a comparison of the RRS & their supposed "fundamentalism" w/ the religious (of whatever dogmatic degree) who simply follow their own texts. These texts claim "absolute, exclusive and definitive truth" & threaten death upon anyone who questions this supposed "truth".
Theists who believe and/or advocate the above are actually given a forum here to state their case, virtually free of threats to the lives of their children or the curse of a scorching case of leprosy. Can you believe that ? Why, it's almost as if those RRS folks are actually human.
I've searched this website and I still can't find where RRS demands, reccommends or even advocates:
- Impaling interracial couples
- killing your own children to please a non-existent deity.
- sending plagues down upon innocent people who refuse to obey.
- killing everyone who has a different religious belief than your own.
-"killing every living substance from the face of the earth".
- and of course eternal and agonizing torture for those who refuse to believe and "eternal" is a pretty long time...
So, in conclusion, your "Fundamentalism" comparison could use a whole shit load of work.... Ooops, sorry about that !
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Something more for Sapient to chew on
¡LOL, Sapient! ¿Because you know what somebody found following a link they read in this forum? You’re bragging and getting all cocky about being THE MAN because youtube put the RRS videos back on, but some of the evidence you gave youtube probably came from a theist who’s been telling people Hovind´s a liar and fraud for more than five years. ¿Want proof, the rest of you? Then go to ·· and search for all the times the word Hovind shows up in the posts.
Or if you don’t want to see how your “kind and respectful” RRS honchos acted like total jerks in that discussion while the people who supposedly monitor this forum did absolutely nothing, then here’s where those links lead to: It´s Carl Marychurch’s analysis of Hovind´s dishonesty and total incompetence. Just search for words like youtube and copyright and rationalresponders on the first 3 or four pages of the guest book, and you’ll have your proof.
Another thing, Sapient. You say this forum is heavily monitored to ensure politeness, etc. etc. etc., and I’m saying that’s a joke. The people you say are doing it must either be totally worthless, or totally nonexistent.
So now go ahead and ban me from this forum, Sapient. ¿And why not delete this whole discussion while you’re at it? That’ll just prove my point that you and Hovind both are loudmouthed, hypocritical hate junkies (and pushers).
LOL LOL LOL, all the way to an atheist group that actually has some class.
why do the nuts/crybabies always jump in here, say a bunch of ridiculous nonsense, and then demand to be banned, rather than just simply stop posting?
is this some new kind of geek-martyrdom? do they get a gold star on their xian report card if they succeed? "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
that should be an enlightening experience for you. good luck with that.
and if that's truly what you're looking for, we should expect you back, soon. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
What do you expect an atheist board which encourages debate with theists to be like? Yes, we all give our honest opinions and don't mince words, but we refrain, for the most part, from hurling abuse or using personal attacks. We discuss some pretty serious and very significant issues on this board that a lot of people are passionate about. Obviously, the discussions are going to be pretty heated. But all these forums usually remain relatively civil.
Honestly, I don't see how you have any ability to judge these boards. It would appear that you haven't explored it very thoroughly. What exactly are you mad about? You barely seem able to articulate your objection. Seems to me that you're just angry about the mere existence of this site. What do you want? A board full of people kissing your ass?
If you continue to request to be banned, you will be. We have established a history of honoring such requests on this forum.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
This is the most boring thread I've read in a long time.
Why, oh why, do we feed the trolls?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism