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If all your are going to do is just pop in here, and give a link, and not give any origonal thought, then it was probably better if you didn't post at all.
and considering where the link led to...
Kent Hovind is an idiot who doesn't understand a thing about evolution. Still, that link gave me a good laugh.
If my original thought coincides with what it says inside the link, then why post any thought to the contrary? Is this not a debate forum, hence why the link, but honestly you were surprised as to where it lead?
From the link in the OP:
JesusIsComing, do you really think one process, "evolution", did all of this? I certainly don't! This is the most outrageous straw man argument ever.
$250,000 is cheap compared to Randi's offer of $1,000,000 for proof of anything supernatural.
Mind you, I suppose Hovind has to cut back a bit after being banged up for 10 years for 58 counts of tax evasion plus lying and obstruction.
Great role model, huh?
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
Plus Randi actually has $1,000,000 in the bank reserved for this challenge. Can Hovind say the same?
He's especially a great role model, because the link in the OP contains this: "it is not fair to force on the students in our public school system the teaching of one belief, at taxpayers’ expense." (Emphasis mine.)
Here is the proof Mr. Hovind (slips him proof between the bars).
Now, if you would be so kind, see if you can borrow some money from the warden as I really want my 1/4 million.
JesusIsComing: You're new to the forums so it's possible you don't know it's considered bad etiquette to just post a link. It would be nice if you could have added a line or two to the OP (original post) saying something to the effect that you think (and I'm simply assuming this so don't hold me to it!) that the site is offering $250,000 for proof of evolution and you don't think anyone will ever be able to claim it.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Thanks for the spam. The challenge you've referenced has been won by multiple scientists, however Kent never paid the money because...
1. He's a fraud
2. He put qualifiers on the challenge that show he doesn't understand evolution making the challenge technically impossible.
The owner of the challenge is now poor and in jail for over $800,000 of tax evasion.
How bout we do better, how bout we offer you a quadrillion dollars to prove that evolution doesn't occur. Go ahead prove it. It'll be worth a quadrillion dollars to the millions of scientists that operate as if it's a fact.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Most people who do so tend to just run away (Glad to see you didn't though).
LOL, Brian.
Kent has actually proved that evolution occurs himself.
Kent was an asshat a few years ago, then he starts Dinosaur Adventure land and he becomes a major asshat, then he gets convicted of tax fraud and he becomes someones prison bitch/ultimate asshat. That is three transistions in less than ten years.
Hovind is a complete moron. My 5 year old neice knows more about reality than he does. He's not even asking people to prove evolution. He doesn't know the meaning of the word.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Does Hovind have his checkbook in prison? The guy is a liar and a fraud who got a fake doctorate and doesn't know shit about evolution. So why should we take his offer seriously?
You do realize he's rotting away in prison right now right?
Because he's a convicted criminal.
Well hopefully, Dr. Dino will get his annual flu shot in jail.
Did I just get my $250,000?
Amazing how one flu shot doesn't vaccinate us against all forms of the flu isn't it.
Have you gotten a cold recently?
Shucks. That was sweet.
Let's go for the hat trick with smallpox which is a virus near extinction because it doesn't mutate like others proving natural selection.
YES!!!! Where's my money, baby?
[Edited for one word that could be considered profanity.]
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Call a spade a spade?
A hundred and forty years of research by legitimate scientists is no match for the caveman's rhetoric of a convicted felon.
Look at a poodle.
Give me my money.
Look at a Cavendish banana.
Give me my money.
Look at the latest flu.
Give me my money.
The currency symbol goes at the front.
I have to provide proof of a profound misunderstanding of a theory that exists only because of observable evidence?
The moment I saw the name Dr. Hovind, I had to roll my eyes. As for the $250,000 it is impossible to win, because his idea of evolution is fundamentally flawed. Here are the fours things that he says evolution is being taught as in school:
1. Brought time, space, and matter into existence from nothing.
2. Organized that matter into the galaxies, stars, and at least nine planets around the sun. (This process is often referred to as cosmic evolution.)
3. Created the life that exists on at least one of those planets from nonliving matter (chemical evolution).
4. Caused the living creatures to be capable of and interested in reproducing themselves.
5. Caused that first life form to spontaneously diversify into different forms of living things, such as the plants and animals on the earth today (biological evolution).
So let's see which points actual deal with evolution.
1. Evolution says nothing about the origins of the universe. Absolutely nothing.
2. Evolution doesn't talk about the "evolution" of the universive. That belongs to the fields of Physics and Cosmology. He simply using the term (The Theory of Evolution) out of its original context (Biological/Darwinian evolution).
3. Again, he is using the term for evolution out of its original context. Life forming from non-living material is called abiogenisis, it has nothing to do with evolution.
4. That part is true, however that is only one of the results of evolution, not what evolution itself is.
5. Spontaneously? This coming from a guy who thinks the life (as we see it) was created in 6 days instead of evolving over 3.8 billion years? There is nothing spontaneous about evolution. Biological evolution is a slow, gradual process that takes anyhere from thousands to billions of years. Heck, the first multi-cellular life doesn't even seem to appear for almost 2.8 billion years after life first appeared. In other words, for almost three quarters of the history of life on this planet, life barely did anything except cover the planet in blue-green algae.
So, in the 5 points that Dr. Hovind (and I use "Dr." very loosely) states evolution is being taught as, he only gets one right, and that one isn't even what evolution is, it is one of the results of evolution. Of course, that's not only the only part where he confuses what evolution is. Here's his list of known options for his "observed phonomena" are:
1. The universe was created by God.
2. The universe always existed.
3. The universe came into being by itself by purely natural processes (known as evolution) so that no appeal to the supernatural is needed.
Firstly, saying that there are only three options for how the universe is, is simply stupid. I'd love to put it more nicely then that, but I can't, it is just stupid. Even if we can only imagine the most minute amount of possibilities, I'm sure there are infinite amounts of possibilities. This is one of the most beautifull and humbling aspects of science. Science helps us see those possibilities, and to guide us to the truth. This is something that I doubt Dr. Hovind will understand. The second problem with this list, is that he says that evolution states that the universe came into being by itself. As I mentionend before, evolution does not deal with the origin of the universe, it doesn't even deal with the origin of life, it simply explains how life can go from a simple beginings (like bacteria) to greater more complex creatures (like us).
There is also the list that he says you have to disprove to collect the $250,000:
1. The earth is not billions of years old (thus destroying the possibility of evolution having happened as it is being taught).
2. No animal has ever been observed changing into any fundamentally different kind of animal.
3. No one has ever observed life spontaneously arising from nonliving matter.
4. Matter cannot make itself out of nothing.
My response:
1. Proving that the earth is billions of years old, thats easy. We have tons of radiometric dating to tell us how old the earth is, and we can look at the expansion of the universe to tell how old the universe is. There are more ways of course, but I want to get to some more of Hovind's nonsense.
2. And for good reason, there is no reason we should, as evolution doesn't work like that. Indeed, seeing something spontaneously change into something fundamentally different (either be itself, or in a single generation) would prove evolution false. Hovind is supporting evolution here, and he doesn't even know it!
3. Yet again, Hovind is suggesting that evolution states something it doesn't. Not only does evolution say nothing about the origin of life, modern theories about abiogenisis don't even state this.
4. I'm starting to get sick of repeating myself. Yet again, Hovind is suggesting that evolution states something it doesn't. Indeed, I can't think of any accepted theory in science that calls for this.
As I have said before, Hovind is an idiot. Hovind, like many anti/pseudo-scientists, say he can disprove evolution and that creationism is science, but Hovind can't do either because he doesn't understand the basics of evolution, or how science works. I'd laugh at him, but I'm too busy shaking my head at the fact that so many people actually listen to this criminal.