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----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Kristinas World Date: Sep 17, 2007 9:28 PM Thanks to:
Date: Sep 17, 2007 8:15 PM
..Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,' takes on Darwinism, and uses Hitler's concentration camps to push ..intelligent design' and build a movement countering evolution
Five years ago, in the days before Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction during halftime of Super Bowl XXXVIII set the FCC and the television networks off into a cleansing frenzy, Ben Stein, the television game-show host and pitchman who was once a speechwriter for President Richard Nixon, gave Arianna Huffington the finger during a live CNN talk show.
Now, Stein intends to give the vast majority of the scientific community the finger by attacking evolution and touting intelligent design in a new film due out early next year.
And, Stein, who's co-hosting the upcoming VH-1 reality show "America's Most Smartest Model," is movie-making in the name of "battling anti-religious dogmatism."
Move over Michael Moore, here comes Stein's pro-intelligent design documentary
Come next February, be on the lookout for "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed."
At his new blog, Stein introduces himself to what he hopes will become a core of intelligent design volunteers and supporters:
According to Stein, his documentary - produced by Premise Media and marketed by the Westlake Village, California-based Motive Entertainment -- "chronicles" Stein's "confrontation with the widespread suppression and entrenched discrimination that is spreading in our institutions, laboratories and most importantly, in our classrooms, and that is doing irreparable harm to some of the world's top scientists, educators, and thinkers."
Stein hysterically points out that
According to Stein, "In today's world, at least in America, an Einstein or a Newton or a Galileo would probably not be allowed to receive grants to study or to publish his research."
The trailer for the movie - using George Thorogood's rebel anthem "Bad to the Bone" as background music - portrays Stein as the courageous "rebel" fighting against the storm troopers of Darwinism. "I'm not going to let it stop me from investigating or speaking about it [intelligent design]," Stein says during a speaking engagement.
Building Michael Moore-like buzz
Stein's collaborators intend to use the months leading up to the film's release to drum up Michael Moore-like buzz and directly appeal to anti-evolution evangelical Christian pastors and religious school teachers. In mid-August, a Beliefnetreporter "attended a presentation to drum up advance support for the film. It was led by Paul Lauer -- a Christian marketing maven best known for helping make [Mel Gibson's] ..Passion of the Christ' the blockbuster it was -- and one of the film's co-producers ..."
Beliefnet reported that the film "presents a world of ... "the new scientific movement" (Intelligent Design) ... vs. the tired, old ..theory' of evolution. Relying on news-clip montages, interviews, even cut-away shots of concentration camps, ..Expelled' talks of faithful scientists and other believers losing jobs, losing grants, even losing friends in defense of ID. And, relying on footage of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and other atheists du jure, it sets up a worldview of ID vs. atheism, with no gray areas in between.
According to Motive Marketing's website, the organization was founded by Lauer, "who has pioneered the development, production, sales, marketing, and distribution of media, entertainment, and consumer products worldwide for the last 20 years." The site points out that "Lauer is also one of the most well connected entrepreneurs in the Faith and Family Market ..."
Lauer's resume includes serving as president for three media companies: Veritas Communications, Publishing Services, and Lauer & Associates. He was also the founder and publisher of YOU! Magazine, published worldwide in six languages (3,700,000 copies distributed), and Youth Beat, a syndicated youth page with 1,000,000 circulation.
Huffington wins Ben Stein's finger
In his intro, Stein doesn't mention perhaps his most historic television appearance. On January 11, 2002, he was one of the guests - along with Arianna Huffington, comedian Kate Clinton and Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and Queen of Weight Watchers -- on CNN's "TalkBack Live: America Speaks Out." Stein, incensed by Huffington's comments, actually flipped her the bird on live tee vee.
Here's what I wrote at the time in a column posted at WorkingForChange:
Meanwhile, taking a break from "battling anti-religious dogmatism," Stein is co-hosting -- along with celebrity fashion expert Mary Alice Stephenson -- a new VH-1 series called "America's Most Smartest Model." According to Starpulse News Blog, the "reality competition series brings together fourteen models, (7 men, 7 women) all of whom think they are the perfect combination of beauty and brains. In the end, only one model will prove that they are more than just another pretty face and take home a $100,000 prize and the coveted title of ..America's Most Smartest Model.'"

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