Scam free bibles out of Christians contest

I want to suggest a new challenge like the Blasphemy Challenge. It's about going to Christians, talking about their faith and trying to get them to give you a free bible. In the end of the contest the participants have to send you all the free bibles they got from Christians and who sends you most will win something very cool.
Who asks me inappropiate questions also has to live with the answers I may give.
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How would this help promote the cause though? They would probably see our acceptance of so many bibles as a good thing.
Now if you were doing something contraversial with the Bibles to get media attention, then that would maybe be something. I like the idea of turning in old bibles in exchange for free porn. haha.
Are we doing anything with these bibles?
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
I already though of building a 'Memorial to Christian stupidity' with those bibles.
That could lead to another contest: Guess how tall this memorial will become.
But turning them into porn is also a nice idea. Someone would need to look up how to recycle paper.
Who asks me inappropiate questions also has to live with the answers I may give.
Bibles for Porn? Count me in!
I keep getting told about this after it happens...
Seriously though - I think all this would do would be to up the demand for bibles and therefore have more printed to be sold...
It would be funny though if we passed the bible out to Christians though - with all the passages highlighted that they really should read.
I think I could look past the fact that bible printers/sellers would make more money off this idea.
I've had an idea buzzing around for a while now about a concert with an anti-religious band (like Tool, or Slayer) where we would have a massive bondfire of bibles. It would be a great publicity stunt, and give the opportunity to tell the world the lies within that evil book. One bible donated upon entrance would get you 1 beer ticket!
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
Put those warning stickers on the Bibles and hand em back out. Ensure that the stickers can't be removed without damaging the Bible. They have two choices, throw the bible away or damage it trying to remove the sticker.
: Freedom - The opportunity to have responsibility.
: Liberty is about protecting the right of others to disagree with you.
Probably didn't state that clearly enough... I was trying to say that the *only* ones that would benefit from that would be publishers. The Christians would walk away thinking they accomplished spreading the word and we would all just have a ton of bibles without really getting any publicity or doing much with them...
I would live to see those "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics" stickers that come on CDs to be on bibles. I think people would recognize them from afar.
A warning like this?
P.S. That's not my design. I think it's based off of a photoshopping and I've seen better, more detailed ones but I can't find them at the moment.
Yes that's the one I was thinking of.
: Freedom - The opportunity to have responsibility.
: Liberty is about protecting the right of others to disagree with you.
How about the RRS collects as many bibles as possible and has a huge bonfire. Or maybe make it one massive religious texts bonfire. Scam all of these Christian Groups out of bible, The book of Mormon, The Qua'ran and have some kind of gigantic religious texts burning video.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website
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What if we combine it with a charity event? In the dead of winter, homeless or those without the money for heat are given a wood stove and a stack of bibles to go through?
If you do anything to get the Bibles dont refer to it as a "scam".
The christians will discover out what you did, that you lied to them and report it in the media that atheists are liars.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
I really, really like the idea of combining this with a charity event although I don't know how safe it would be to burn bibles in the home. That paper is so thin and subsequently has a lot of "fly aways"... Maybe we could refine it though. Personally I would love to find something productive to do with all my left over religious items - pins, rosaries, statues, etc...
I think they'd be safe as burning any other wood product in a wood stove (I was imagining something all enclosed-like.)
As far as the left over random things, it could be used as filler in concrete which is used to make playground equipment or benches?
You're probably right about that. I've never seen a wood stove - I was thinking of something like a fireplace. That and remembering my summers in WI where they burnt their trash regularly.
And now that I think about, perhaps they could be coated with some pine tar or something to make nice little firestarter bricks... hmm. Some experimentation is in order!
Yeah man good point, I don't know what else we could use to describe it, because it's not like we would be collecting these books for the purpose of education.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website
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Plus, I have to wonder if anything involving a bonfire wouldn't be spun in the media as censorship. I mean burning for heat/survial is one thing but the image of a bonfile be it bibles or dictionaries just conveys the idea of censorship to me and I think we would all be better off if people actually *read* the bible.