Sharia law in the UK?

This sounds like a really bad idea, imo.
If you're living in a country whose laws are incompatible with your faith, then move. Or adapt. There is no reason why a group of people should be excused from the laws of the lands only to be governed by their own cultural laws.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
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Thanks for bringing this up, this is one thing that has often left me flabberghasted(sp?). I've heard many times saying the world is becoming more global, interracial, interreligious. They use this as an excuse to say women in europe should start wearing burkas etc due to this.
What I don't get is why should other societies already established ways and laws should make way for new religions coming through? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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For the life of me, I don't know why the good Archbishop of Canterbury (sp?) can't see where aimless "respect" and "tolerance" will lead. Doesn't he know what goes on in Muslim countries? Suppose any one of us, doing nothing more antisocial than walking down the street, were to be accosted by a gang of Muslims who want to beat us senseless...for having failed to pay the zakat tax which unbelievers (i.e., non-Muslims) are supposed to pay according to the tenets of Islam. Please note that this--and other things like it--actually happens in Islamic countries. This is the very antithesis of freedom, respect and tolerance.
Some things just cannot be tolerated, no matter how deep our affection for Western principles. The Archbishop should have frankly told the immigrants to adapt.
"Faith does not fear reason."--Pope Pius XII
"But it should!"--Me
This same attitude is what pisses me off about both the left and right in America. "Tollerance" is the idea that the established majority should never expect competition from the minority.
If the "free market of ideas" is to exist and freedom of speech is to be upheld, then it is not about "tollerance". It is about accepting that your neighbor will not be a clone of you. It is about the personal responsibility of NOT projecting yourself on your neighbor.
"Tollerance" is a mantra of the majority, much like "Let them eat cake". Kings fall often because their egos "tollerate" others.
In the age of reason it isnt about "tollerating" anything. It is about looking for the best answers. It is about the ability to accept that your neighbor wont be a clone of you. It is about if you have a case to make, dont dictate, lead, provide evidence for the case you make.
Pollitically correct leftist in America want you to be "tollerant" as much as the right wing theocrats say, " I will let you live here as long as you know Jesus owns our Constitution". It is the same shit, "My way or the highway".
How about this, no one has to "tollerate" a damned thing exept that we are all individuals. Other than that, lets bitch and whine and complain about each other and know that we all want to bitch about each other.
All of us, both theist and atheist want to bitch, so why do we need to tollerate anything? Lets all bitch and simply have the human empathy that no one has to die over it? Lack of death over theism is something I could definately tollerate.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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