Amish school sceene of shooting.

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Amish school sceene of shooting.

Aperantly this morning a one room Amish schoolhouse was the unfortunate target of a nutcase. Dead and injured have occured. Details are still coming out on major media.

What's God's excuse this time? Fall of man? So these dead people are to blame for what Adam did? Part of God's plan?What did the dead do or not do to deserve God saying, "I wont prevent them from being murdered".

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This is pretty sad, the

This is pretty sad, the victims were all children, between the ages of 6 and 12. Too young, so young, why would you do that?

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I don't find anything funny about this crime at all. Is there a reason posting this website?

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That was the first thing

That was the first thing that popped up when I googled it. Did something really happen? I've watched the news and didn't hear anything on it.

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Voiderest wrote:That was the

Voiderest wrote:
That was the first thing that popped up when I googled it. Did something really happen? I've watched the news and didn't hear anything on it.

Yes, today a 32 year old milk tanker driver in PA who picked up milk from farmers in the Amish community according to reports took the students hostage and kept the girl students, let the boys go and when the police arrived he threatened to shoot them in 10 seconds if they didnt retreat, the police were on relay from 911 so they didnt hear his threat directly and as soon as it got to them he was already excuting the students. The police as soon as they heard the gunshots rushed the building. That is probibly why there were not more fatalities.

So far 3 girls and the shooter dead several others shot many in critical condition in area hospitals.

Current investigations have led them to his wife who reported a suicide note discribing a 20 year old grudge. By the time the wife found the suicide note he was already in the school and barackaded the doors with 2 by 4rs.

Investigations are still ongoing. But basically the guy went nuts which is quite obvious.

So to answer your question. YES this is a real event. Go to CNN or MSNBC and I am sure you'll find the story online there with more exact details.

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Well now I guess that means

Well now I guess that means I'm a real dick then... Sorry

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Voiderest wrote:Well now I

Voiderest wrote:
Well now I guess that means I'm a real dick then... Sorry

Look, dont get me wrong. Death is part of life and humans do poke fun at it. But time place and context. I am quite sure there will be more of what you posted in the near future.

But in the context of this thread I was being very serious. It is sad to me that these poor victims died and the believers do not see the fallacy of the claim "all loving".

Jokes about death are actually quite normal. But as long as they are done in the context of irony and not hate. I just was being serious about the claims believers make about their deities.

I dont find the acutaul death funny at all, but if one were to crack a joke about the irony of a given situation even death, that doesnt make the person hatefull or a dick.

I just guess I was reacting because I didn't know where that came from. Independant of this thread, I would find it funny.

I wasnt mad, I was just making sure it wasn't "Good, another dead theist" type remark as a serious hatefull thing.

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Honestly I thought you were

Honestly I thought you were making it up...

I mean when someone brings up a school shooting I think of it for the context of like a "inside job", it being done by a student. And then when I think of the Amish I think of rather nice people who probably wouldn't even own a gun let alone shoot people.

I thought it was some comment on the rise of shootings at schools in the past few weeks. Since I had the mind set that it wouldn't happen to the Amish because they want to separate themselves from others and don't even have a fist fight with someone.

Again I feel like a real ass about it now since stuff did happen. So I am really sorry about it and not for pissing someone off, but for being insensitive about death, even if I didn't realize the truth behind it. Really I don't care if I piss someone off about anything, but life is something to be valued. Although I do find the Darwin Awards funny so you could be mad at me about that if you like. I don't think the article was really a comment on this event though, if I got the dates right anyway.

Soon after I posted my third post I did see a blurb about it being on local news. I had just finished watching Headline News when I posted that link so if they did say something I missed it. But you don't hear about someone gunning down Amish everyday so I thought I couldn't have missed it and they probably would have said something about it.

The only question I have in all this would be why it wasn't on the news and why it happened. I mean their Amish what are they going to do pray someone to death? The only reason I think of someone doing something to the Amish, besides just being messed up, would be some sort of abuse or maybe a lover.

Although if the person was just messed up I guess he wasn't a complete dumb ass as I don't think Amish would defend themselves and couldn't really call anyone for help. Yeah kinda brutal to think about, but if you throw out everything else that’s the only reason I could see them as a target.

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Voiderest wrote:Honestly I

Voiderest wrote:
Honestly I thought you were making it up...

I mean when someone brings up a school shooting I think of it for the context of like a "inside job", it being done by a student. And then when I think of the Amish I think of rather nice people who probably wouldn't even own a gun let alone shoot people.

I thought it was some comment on the rise of shootings at schools in the past few weeks. Since I had the mind set that it wouldn't happen to the Amish because they want to separate themselves from others and don't even have a fist fight with someone.

Again I feel like a real ass about it now since stuff did happen. So I am really sorry about it and not for pissing someone off, but for being insensitive about death, even if I didn't realize the truth behind it. Really I don't care if I piss someone off about anything, but life is something to be valued. Although I do find the Darwin Awards funny so you could be mad at me about that if you like. I don't think the article was really a comment on this event though, if I got the dates right anyway.

Soon after I posted my third post I did see a blurb about it being on local news. I had just finished watching Headline News when I posted that link so if they did say something I missed it. But you don't hear about someone gunning down Amish everyday so I thought I couldn't have missed it and they probably would have said something about it.

The only question I have in all this would be why it wasn't on the news and why it happened. I mean their Amish what are they going to do pray someone to death? The only reason I think of someone doing something to the Amish, besides just being messed up, would be some sort of abuse or maybe a lover.

Although if the person was just messed up I guess he wasn't a complete dumb ass as I don't think Amish would defend themselves and couldn't really call anyone for help. Yeah kinda brutal to think about, but if you throw out everything else that’s the only reason I could see them as a target.

The media have been playing this up as an epidemic. Bullcrap. As unfortunate as it is, mass shooting stake place other than at schools as well. Last year a prisioner in Atlanta shot and killed 3 or 4 people and raped a woman. Another guy shot his family and then went to a day trading center and shot stock market rivals. Lubies Cafiteria in Waco, McDonnalds in San Yesedro Ca 1984, back in the 60s a nut went to the top of a college campus clock tower with a riffle.

It isnt a recent problem or solely a school problem. It is a mental health problem.

It is never an excuse to do what these nuts do. But there is a simply explination. The men who do this are reacting to a lack of power and self esteem. It is completely unjustified but there are things that society can do to prevent things like this.

Men are taught to succed at all costs. They are taught to buck it up and hold it in. So when they do have problems or suffer from depression they are not taught that it is ok to get help. This lack of support structure isolates the affected and the tunnel vision kicks in.

In a sense society teaches men to be the MAN and anything less and they are losers. They dont have the same rights as women and cannot be finacialy or emotionally supported. So that lack of reasource combined with being called a whimp for showing emotion or needing help can lead to more depression and dispare.

There is no excuse for this type of thing. But society does need to teach men that it is ok to ask for help, be it financial or emotional. I dont think that society does that enough and it is because of the "buck it up" attitude that those surrounding these people miss the warning signs.

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Voiderest wrote:Honestly I

Voiderest wrote:
Honestly I thought you were making it up...

I mean when someone brings up a school shooting I think of it for the context of like a "inside job", it being done by a student. And then when I think of the Amish I think of rather nice people who probably wouldn't even own a gun let alone shoot people.

I thought it was some comment on the rise of shootings at schools in the past few weeks. Since I had the mind set that it wouldn't happen to the Amish because they want to separate themselves from others and don't even have a fist fight with someone.

Again I feel like a real ass about it now since stuff did happen. So I am really sorry about it and not for pissing someone off, but for being insensitive about death, even if I didn't realize the truth behind it. Really I don't care if I piss someone off about anything, but life is something to be valued. Although I do find the Darwin Awards funny so you could be mad at me about that if you like. I don't think the article was really a comment on this event though, if I got the dates right anyway.

Soon after I posted my third post I did see a blurb about it being on local news. I had just finished watching Headline News when I posted that link so if they did say something I missed it. But you don't hear about someone gunning down Amish everyday so I thought I couldn't have missed it and they probably would have said something about it.

The only question I have in all this would be why it wasn't on the news and why it happened. I mean their Amish what are they going to do pray someone to death? The only reason I think of someone doing something to the Amish, besides just being messed up, would be some sort of abuse or maybe a lover.

Although if the person was just messed up I guess he wasn't a complete dumb ass as I don't think Amish would defend themselves and couldn't really call anyone for help. Yeah kinda brutal to think about, but if you throw out everything else that’s the only reason I could see them as a target.

From what's come out in the news today, he apparently was just looking for young girls, he let the boys in the class and a couple adults leave, and the Amish school was merely convenient. His motivation didn't appear to have anything to do with the fact that they're Amish.

He told his wife over cell from the school that he had molested 3 or 4 year old family members 20 years ago, and he had recently started wanting to molest children again. Apparently that really screwed up his head. Plus, he said he was pissed at God for the death of their premature baby 9 years ago.

From what the police said, the crime scene was pretty awful. He had the girls tied up and lined against the blackboard, had KY jelly so he was possibly planning to sexual assault them first, but the police arrived so he walked down the line shooting them in the back of the head one by one before killing himself.

cnn story

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They said he was "angry at

They said he was "angry at God." I wonder if that was true, or were they just saying that (as they do about us.)

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MattShizzle wrote:They said

MattShizzle wrote:
They said he was "angry at God." I wonder if that was true, or were they just saying that (as they do about us.)

That's what he told his wife, or at least that's what she said, over the phone from the school. They had a premature baby die 9 years ago, and he, as Christians rightfully should, apparently blamed God.

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song