Joel & Angela on behalf of RRS conduct attacks on Easter

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Joel & Angela on behalf of RRS conduct attacks on Easter

1 - The Mission:

April 14, 2006. We have been planning going down to do this for a couple weeks now. Angela printed up the flyers at work and we had the digital camera to take pictures. We went down to Valley Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. Joel used to attend this church before he became an Atheist. So for Joel, doing this would be a good "In Your Face to all of the Non-Thinkers" to try to actually get them to think about what they so strongly beLIEve.

We didn't want to get caught, so we waited till a majority of the church staff had left for the day. It was a clean operation. Get In, Place the flyers, take the pictures, and then Get-Out without being detected. WooHoo! We made it, with time to spare.

We have done stuff like this before at the same church, but it was mostly focused to the High School and College groups. But this was the first War on The Church and not just a specific Department. This feels GREAT!!!! Will people know that it was us....? Well seeing we are the only vocal Neighborhood Atheists, I would say it is a possibility. Do we care...? No! -- We are proud, educated Atheists in the San Fransisco - East Bay.

2. Pictures: [Joel] [Angela]

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Joel & Angela on behalf of RRS conduct attacks on Easter

I am happy to have participated