Rational Response Squad: Mission 3, War on Easter!
First of all, if it wasn't clear that I cared about Christians before, it is (at least to me) now. This morning, after about 5 hours of sleep waking up at 7:00 am was brutal. I'm not so sure why it was so brutal, maybe because I've only been getting 3-5 hours of sleep per night this week. It's not like I haven't been up that early before on even less sleep, but I seriously felt like crap. Even now, I'm almost dozing off as I down yet another coffee. But my fellow man is worth it, what has happened to them is so sad and horrible that I will fight the rest of my life, helping them out of their mental crutch. Again, on this mission we didn't take all the pictures we could've. We visited several churches and talked to quite a few Church employees today, but we thought the camera was a red flag. So we kept it out of view when speaking to Church workers. I never realized, that Churches had bouncers! That was new for me.
Almost every Church we went to had a doorman asking if "they could help us." We found one pastor in his lobby about an hour before service. We asked if we could place copies of the DVD. It was a burned copy, that didn't give away the tapes true nature, it stated "the greatest Jesus story never told." However he didn't even look at the title, before he told us he doesn't want us to give it to his followers because he hasn't seen it yet. We then asked if he wanted a copy, and he said "no." LOL! We then asked if we could get a picture with him, he said "wha wha wha what's it for?" We said "our website" he said "no." After that conversation we targeted his preschool playground, and posted these:
Throughout our drive around Philadelphia we had the gospel music blasting, I even managed to find "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West on the hip hop station. This music really charged us up and lead others to think we were Jesusy. At one red light, my window down, convulsing about Jesus, screaming amen, I handed a man a flyer waiting for the bus. The flyer was one we created ourselves, it mentions some passages about Jesus that most followers would rather not know about. He said he was on his way to Church as we drove away! Yah! We are too!!!
St. Jude's Christian Store normally open on the sabbath against the Commandments, today they were closed. Pictured above and below
We saw so many churches today, I don't remember the name of this one. But we hit it first and posted the warning that the DVD's were placed in the Church because it has lied to it's followers, for long enough! The warning picture is below... shhhh... they were in service at the time.
This is the Grace Bible Church. I feel bad for these guys, they have really crappy chairs. But they were perfect for slipping copies of the movie into (behind the bible). Those DVD's pictured are the ones I donated, Razorcade gave a few other gifts elsewhere. We also posted the picture, warning that the Church is lying to it's followers. The pastor was the only one there, Razorcade said their eyes met at one point.
The Grace Bible Church sign.
I don't remember the name of this Church either, however Razorcade walked in and placed a few DVD's
The picture above is yet another Church, also don't remember the name. These DVD's were left in the lobby about 30 minutes before service starts.
This Church also had a bouncer. We asked if we could give some DVD gifts out and he said we'd have to ask the Pastor. We asked, "Can we just leave them on the table?" "Yeah, that's fine." Then I told him I had to take a picture for my ministry to see that I'm giving the DVD's out.
This is what the service looked like in the above Church with the bouncer and the baked goods table. See the pastor up there on the right, in his dress? I thought he looked pretty in the white dress, Razorcade just laughed.
On the way out we flyered some cars. We put about 100 flyers on cars all day. The flyer is a challenge to Christians to make up a better God. I'll post the entire text of Razorcades' challenge in the next post.
The above picture and the following 5 are of the largest Roman Catholic Church in our area, St. Matthews. At this location we gave out about 20 DVD's to people as they came out of service. Razorcade noted two interesting moments. Once when a 13 yr old zipped ahead of his parents to grab a DVD from us, as the kid could see it from 25 feet away. The second unique moment was when a wife was handed a DVD, and her husband brought the DVD back as they stepped forward a few feet. He asked "who made this" and Razor said "we did, on our computer." The guy gave it back and said "No way."
The picture above and the two below are Saint Dominic.
Razorcade isn't the greatest photographer, if you're wondering why it's usually me holding the camera. Here I am sneaking a prayer before moving on. I tell ya, I felt nothing, although it did kind of bring me back to my childhood.
Two teenagers kept coming out of the Church. Why? I don't know. Maybe they we're trying to cut, because mass was in session. The kid on the right was wearing a "HIM" shirt, aren't they satanic? I have a feeling these two kids are gonna love their new gift! I bet they're sick of their parents forcing their fairy tale on them.
The outside of another Church we hit.
This was a great place to stop. Razorcade showed this Flower girl "The Challenge" flyer, which is folded up in thirds, and says "Happy Easter" on the outside. Here's how the conversation went: Razordcade: Would you give these flyers (stack of 30 of them) to people? Flowergirl: To everyone who buys a flower? Razorcade: Yeah. Flowergirl: SURE!!! Razorcade: Wow, thanks! Here's a free DVD about Jesus for helping us out. Flowergirl: Awww, thanks so much, that's great. She then kept the flyers folded, never reading one, and put them next to her bags.
Pictured above and below are the same Church. Razor said that there was a beautiful Jesus wishing well inside and the DVD's were posted on that. (5 of them, all around it)
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Here is the challenge on the flyer that we posted in many places:
A Challenge
It is time to confront a practice that has surreptitiously confused the minds of all peoples, and worse, children; namely religion.
It is a virus of the mind, an epidemic, in need of an antidote.
Its dogma should be questioned at every instance, and nothing but valid reasons should be offered.
At this time of the season, people should be made aware, that this religion has deliberately adopted a Pagan rite of spring, namely Eostere, with its fertility symbol, the rabbit. How else to promote your new religion than to concatenate its practices with established pagan religions.
Jesus himself is a myth, a man, a symbol, told many times before in other religions. His contemporary, Mithras, a god-son, born on the same day, and died a similar fate, was deified by all his followers. Sound familiar?
Nothing good can come from a divisive attitude, as is adopted by religion. It has given authority to racial intolerance, wholesale murder, and sexual molestation.
Deny organized religions and their so-called omni-benevolent god.
Surely you can think up a better supreme creator, or at least apply a little reason and scientific method to your existence.
I challenge all to do so.
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I want to get in on this next year... I do hope it becomes annual
It's actually going to become perpetual, look for details in the upcoming weeks. We're working out exactly how we want to do that now.
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Seriously good idea. Hell, forget annual...I hope this kind of action becomes DAILY.
Church going christians spend at least 1 hour a week clouding their minds...we atheists can at least match their efforts with our counter-intelligence.
I'm thinking of making a copy of the God Movie on DVD-R once a week and mailing it to a person randomly chosen from the phone book. People in my area are so religious that I'm almost guaranteed to get it to a believer.
Going to be a War on Christmas?
Yes I agree we need action every day BUT on holidays we get the twice a year christians that are more likely to come over...
Yes, there will be a specific "War on Christmas"
The rest of the year we will have actions taken, however we wont call it "war," we're looking to revamp our methodology for year round action.
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I'll get in on that and any other things I can... We need this now... We need to fight back or it's going to get worse
well, you've made the news:
Thanks Silky, that was actually one of the first stories to come out.
I have this thread outlining as much of the mainstream media as I can find: http://www.rationalresponders.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=267&start=0
That thread includes two appearances by Brian Flemming on the radio, he was on a Fox affiliate that I didn't record, and will be on another tommorrow (KVI) at 7am pst. I'll record the segment and post it in that thread.
There are also about 100 major blogs talking about this story now as well.
Wikipedia also has War on Easter entries (that the Christians are trying to get deleted) and insertions into the regular "Easter" entry on wiki about "War on Easter."
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You guys are my freakin' heroes. I seriously wish I had the time to help with the War on Easter in my area (South Side Chicago). The Catholics have so encompassingly spread in my area its disgusting. I've been threatened with violence multiple times for voicing the truth in this area.
I will definately be buying The God Who Wasn't There. Perhaps you guys can send me the flyer template and I can go flyer-posting on some cars at the local churches (7 within a mile radius of my house).
Keep rockin'... keep spreading the truth!
"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race." -
Wait til tonight, it's going on sale on this site, and then buy it from us. I'll have the price adjusted within an hour or two. It'll be on sale, right here.
Those are available at www.waroneaster.org
You too man. Let me know if anyone ever lays a hand on you, we'll tear them a new asshole, LEGALLY.
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next year aim for the nightly news... I say this needs to be done again next Easter
LOL, we we're aiming for nightly news! That damn Bill O'Reilly was told about our war every day this week, some days more than once. Meanwhile he covered the War on Easter at least 3 times, and each time it was the fake war, he didn't dare show our war. Bill O'Reilly is a lying coward.
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You guys make much better flyers
It was great working with Sapient on this project. He is a great guy, funny and extremely intelligent.
We had a ball riding around the neighborhood, listening to Jeezy music, passing out flyers and planting Dvd's.
My goal for this mission was to hear a reply, good or bad, from at least 3 believers. As of this post I have received none.
As I told Sapient today, it has been my dream for sometime to eradicate this scourge on our society. I can only hope that these small bits of reason spreading throughout our country will effect a change.
See ya' all for the WAR ON XMAS.
Btw, as for being a bad photographer, Sapient neglected to tell you he only showed me how to zoom and snap the picture. As it is his camera, and I had no idea how or if it needed to be focused, should I be responsible for bad results? Just a thought.
It was great working with you too!
LOL, I was just playing. Yes yes, it was my camera, you still didn't know how to use it. Blah blah... you rock.... no biggie.
Equil, yes... Razorcade's flyers are excellent. Razor, if you have the script to the Jesus quotes flyer, could you post it here. We may use it in the perpetual activity, along with others you might make.
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If you have it in a PDF or image, can you send it to me or host it somewhere?
Hey maybe all your atheist groups could try holding flyer-making contest.
I think it would bring more arguments and the ways in which they are presented to the table. For a lot of people the idea that their flyer could be used all over the country would be enough of a reward.
Excellent idea and maybe rewards could be offered anyway.
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I put this together, on a 4x6 photo card, for my family last Christmas to show the Catholic freaks that Jesus was not all warm and fuzzy like they are told. Most of them wouldn't read it, and my own brother Mark refused to even touch it. More on my family at another time.
I'm sure this question is an obvious one, but is this a pressed DVD (not DVD-R) in the 'official' dvd case?
Yes, this is a pressed dvd with the full length special features that are not on the DVR's and hacks out there. I'll even sign it if you want, even though my autograph takes away value.
Still wrapped in plastic, brand spanking new.
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you're welcome - I'll listen to that after I have dsl again.
How long is that sale going to be? I won't have money to buy a copy for a while, but I still don't have one.
please visit www.SilkyShrewGoddess.com, www.FreeThoughtMedia.com, hillbillyatheist.com and
Silky, you've been a big help in the past, it'll be my pleasure to just hook you up. PM me your address and I'll send you one.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I guess I'm not as special as I thought... lol
I always thought that if you want to change the world then you have to start with yourself. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves. - Anti-Flag
Sapient, careful with the charity, someone's gonna think you're a saint or something...
Of course you are
... as my dad used to say, "you done good, kid."
please visit www.SilkyShrewGoddess.com, www.FreeThoughtMedia.com, hillbillyatheist.com and
Guys...I REALLY love what you did, except for one thing....it was wrong to trick the flower girl into giving out fliers. It could have gotten her hurt.
We make the choice to put ourselves at risk...I've gotten my share of death threats and I catch crap ALL the time down here in fundy-land, but we do what we do because we feel we need to stand up and be heard. You know as well as I do that it can be dangerous. What if she handed out a flier to an extremist nutjob who came back and shot her or something? That's not cool.
Everything else you did was awesome, but we really should not trick people into handing out fliers because it could actually get someone hurt.
You're right, thanks for pointing that out. *points at razorcade*
Hopefully if anything bad happened she was able to blame it on us.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
The Flower Girl is proof of how gullible people are. She didn't even look at the flyers.
I was baptized at St. Dominic's. Good work guys!
the real fundamentalist or literalist christians can be violent, i have witnessed it - mainly because they do not believe the pacifist god myth, they know what the bible says very well. they understand that their god used violence against transgressors and that he condones the use of violence. example - "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB) i have been threatened and harrassed for wearing shirts that have atheist messages, it is important to stay on guard if you are an activist and be prepared. theo van gogh was a victim of religious violence...he spoke out about the oppressive nature of islam and he was killed. dont let this stop us from speaking out though, we all must have courage if we want to end these divisive and destructive beliefs, in this age of nuclear weapons the world as we know it truly is at stake. i am in solidarity with RR on their posting of the mohammed cartoon, it is time to take a stand against islam. islam deserves as much derision as christianity - esp since the age of enlightenment has obviously skipped over the areas of the world where the belief is most rampant, and old testament style executions and brutality still occur in the streets.
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My
idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own,
so both of them together is certain death.
- George Carlin
no "war on christmas" yet guys?
Oh, the war on Xmas is coming, a bit warm for it right now though