so...and the passion of the christ hits italian tv

My aunt calls me from italy today to wish me a happy easter. She proceeds to tell me that she just finished watching Mel Gibson's passion of the christ and that I should go to church.
It's amazing how that movie made so much money on the fact that the audiences both got a hard on and a guilt trip at the same time about watching a guy getting beaten to a bloody pulp and hung from a cross. I think xtians in a sense have a very sadistic outlook on life in order to enjoy a movie such as that. Of course, Mel, being the righteous xtian he is..has capitalized on this guilt-driven sadism and made mucho dollars. I guess people love gore. THe thing that kinda bothered me though was the church groups that took their young kids to see this horror, they teach young kids that death, pain and suffering is ok. Imagine being 10 years old and having to watch a movie such as the passion of the christ. I remember being young, and being terrified to death of jesus christ, because the catholic church likes to present jesus as this bloody figure. But that's how they try to get you, fear...guilt....I still have that "catholic guilt" mia they say in Italy.... it sticks with ya it really does.
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I think Flemming summed it up nicely with "The Smashin' of the Christ". I was very tempted to redo the cover art and make it say that, and then go put them on all of the DVDs I could find in blockbuster and best buy.
It's funny though, because my parents claim that they aren't religious in any way, just "Spiritual". But yet, they went out and bought that movie, and told me that it was the greatest thing they've ever seen. I'm sorry but if I wanted to see that much violence, there better be some bullet time effects and female nudity to mix in. I really don't care to see a helpless man be tortured for an hour and a half.
The Passion hitting Italy... I wonder what Luigi would say about the movie if he saw it...
It's a gorey movie, and I don't think children should see it... I wouldn't want my children seeing it.
I haven't seen it myself, but from what I hear it didn't even have that much of the story in it, it just focused on the pain he went through. You could confine that a bit, and use all the rest of that time to show more of Jesus' life, his relations with his friends, miricles, famous moments and quotes and stuff... But no, what Christians want to see if the horror of it. Think about it. They want to see it. They want to see it.
They pay to see it. It's huge.
They see it more than once.
They take their children to see it.
They literally want to see it.
What kind of person would want to see that? What kind of monster would pay for and enjoy seeing that? And then pass it onto their kids? What sort of sick twisted freak would?
Not really that many people. It's just the Christian inside them. It's the religion that wants to see it. It's their mental virus.
Still think religion is a postivie thing? Of course they do. The religion tells them so. Such a horrible mind virus.
It's just theism gone blockbuster...for hundreds of years..the church has used, the pain and suffering of christ to guilt followers into beliving such crap. They play on human emotions...we all know this...Mel Gibson decided to make money off of it much like the churches ahve done for hundreds of years.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.