church and state issues. Clergy is challengin IRS,

Ohio Churches' Political Activities Challenged
Clergy Members Are Pressing the IRS to Investigate Whether Partisan Support Violated Tax-Exempt Status
By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 25, 2006; Page A03
In a challenge to the ethics of conservative Ohio religious leaders and the fairness of the Internal Revenue Service, a group of 56 clergy members contends that two churches have gone too far in supporting a Republican candidate for governor.
Two complaints filed with the tax agency say that the large Columbus area churches, active in President Bush's narrow Ohio win in 2004, violated their tax-exempt status by pushing the candidacy of J. Kenneth Blackwell, who is the secretary of state and the favored candidate of Ohio's religious right.
The clergy members said the churches improperly held political activities and allowed Republican organizations to use their facilities.
The goal of the challenge is "for these churches to stop acting like electioneering organizations," said the Rev. Eric Williams, pastor of North Congregational United Church of Christ. "I don't want to harm or demonize these churches. I want these churches to act legally."
When three months passed without public evidence that the IRS had acted on a January complaint, the clergy members filed a second document, expanding the allegations.
"You have flagrant intervention continuing and no indication of IRS activity," said Marcus Owens, a lawyer for the group and former director of the IRS office that regulates tax-exempt organizations. He considers the evidence of wrongdoing "pretty overwhelming" and suspects favoritism, which tax agency officials deny.
Lois Lerner, director of the agency's exempt organizations division, said: "The IRS is interested in enforcing the rules equally against all organizations regardless of whatever political stripe they are. Political appointees are not at all involved in deciding which cases we are going to do."
The role of the clergy, churches and affiliated institutions in elective politics is a sensitive issue in religious and political circles alike. The growing activism and influence of religious conservatives in recent years owes much to the mobilization of churches large and small. The Republican Party and the Bush White House have courted them.
Earlier this year, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said improper political intervention had increased during the 2004 election cycle. He told a Cleveland audience that nearly 75 percent of 82 investigations resulted in a finding that churches or charities had engaged in prohibited political behavior.
A dozen of those cases involved religious leaders who used the pulpit to endorse or oppose a candidate.
In Ohio, a perennial battleground that is again coveted territory in this year's midterm elections, the targets of the tax complaint -- World Harvest Church and Fairfield Christian Church -- attribute the filing to philosophical disagreements and partisan politics. One spokesman called it "a campaign of harassment" before the May 2 primary.
"Spiritual warfare," the Rev. Russell Johnson, Fairfield's pastor and chairman of the Ohio Restoration Project, said at a recent news conference. "There's still freedom of speech in this country and it should apply to Christians, as well. People need to get out of their pews, out from behind stained-glass windows, and shine a light for what is good and right."
Among the project's objectives is to recruit "Patriot Pastors" to become politically active in their counties and their congressional districts, according to the organization's Web site. Each should be ready to register voters "able to shine a light for Godly candidates in the 2006 election cycle."
The January complaint seeking an IRS investigation -- signed by 31 Christian and Jewish clergy members -- charged that the churches and their affiliates improperly allowed Republican organizations to use their facilities and illegally promoted the candidacy of Blackwell, who won considerable backing from Ohio conservatives while leading a 2004 effort to ban same-sex marriage.
An April complaint, signed by 56 clergy members, said that Blackwell appeared more than two dozen times at meetings and rallies held by the churches, their leaders or affiliates. Other candidates were not invited or did not attend, according to the complaint.
In addition, the document said that Blackwell, in his fourth year as secretary of state, took three flights to events opposing same-sex marriage in 2004 aboard World Harvest Church's private plane. He reimbursed the church $1,000. The complaint also said Blackwell would be featured in "Ohio for Jesus" radio advertisements. World Harvest officials later confirmed that Blackwell once flew aboard the World Harvest plane to Texas, which the statement described as "not exactly a popular campaign stop for Ohio candidates." A church statement branded the complaint the work of "left-leaning clergy," a characterization the clergy members dispute.
Meanwhile, in a letter to the Columbus Dispatch, a World Harvest Church member called the criticism a "smear tactic" and dismissed media attention as "a desperate attempt to destroy men of God."
Representatives of the churches declined to comment. Executives and spokesmen have said in the past that World Harvest and Fairfield Christian and their partners are careful to honor federal law.
Blackwell, who also declined to be interviewed for this article, told an audience of conservative religious leaders: "You tell those 31 bullies that you aren't about to be whupped." He added that "political and social and cultural forces are trying to run God out of the public square."
IRS rules specify that charities that are granted a tax exemption because they serve the public may not "participate in or intervene in . . . any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
Enforcement does not infringe on First Amendment rights to free speech, the Supreme Court has ruled, because the issue is not whether an organization's members can speak freely, but whether the government will subsidize its activities through a tax exemption.
"That's what our ancestors were trying to prevent, having too close a relationship between a government or a government official and a particular religious group so that the government policy and the activities of a particular religious group become intermingled," said Rabbi Harold J. Berman, who signed the complaints.
Describing himself as a centrist, he said his worries also apply to churches that endorse Democratic candidates and invite them into the pulpit. He said: "I think that's problematic, as well. That's something people shouldn't do."
The Columbus complainants point to IRS investigations of a liberal California church and the NAACP in asking whether the tax agency is being sufficiently aggressive in the Ohio case. Lerner, the IRS official, said she could not confirm or deny that the agency has begun an Ohio investigation.
In Pasadena, Calif., the IRS is examining the tax-exempt status of All Saints Church because its former pastor delivered a sermon that criticized Bush on the Iraq war and Republican conservatives on social policy two days before the 2004 election.
The NAACP recently said it would challenge in court an IRS threat to revoke its tax-exempt status. The case centers on a 2004 speech critical of Bush administration policies by Chairman Julian Bond. The group's president, Bruce S. Gordon, said he was concerned that the IRS audit "was motivated by politics."
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Personally, while this would probably screw things up a bit, I wouldn't mind seeing religion lose it's tax exempt status outright.
I know of far too many churches where the pastor is better off than most of his followers, and he's supporting himself primarily on the money of his followers.
Religion is a business and should be treated as one.
As much as some would love to see churches lose tax-exempt status altogether, I'm trying to imagine a future where taxing churches becomes a matter of standard rather than penal action.
Supposing the loss of tax exemption, wouldn't this effectively buy us a seat in the table of discussion in matters of public policy? Imagine millions of adherents to religious institutions suddenly losing fear of any impending threat should they decide to become outspoken on matters of political import.
While many liberals decry whatever impact a few recalcitrant religious organizations have had in the political arena, I'm imagining a future where churches across the board all began exercising their newly purchased rights to enlist the full force of their potential influence, perhaps even resulting in a total reversal to removing tax-exemption (though I doubt it).
Considering most Americans are open to expanding certain artificial restrictions on school curricula, this kind of result wouldn't seem to bode well for secularists in the long run.
But perhaps I'm underestimating the impact such a measure would have. It may well be that as much as half the churches in America would shut their doors due to sudden financial hardship, but I'm not certain this need be the case. Christians have had a long history of meeting in people's homes and... heh.. well, I guess full access to other public facilities now become fair game too!
Even if churches do get taxed (personally, I can care less if they do or not) government would still not be able to support churches, and church groups would not be able to meet in government buildings etc.., creationism in schools would still be unconstitional well as the ten commandments on public places due to a constitutional clause that separates church from state. The constition would have to be ammended in order for that to happen...and that, I think will never (hopefully) happen.
The Establishment Clause states that, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." I take this as FOR or AGAINST religion. This is also held up on local and state governments by a Supreme Court decision regarding the 14th ammendment.
Thomas Jefferson uses the term "Wall of separation between church and state" in a letter to a group called the Danbury Baptists.
James Madison said in the early 1800's "Strongly guarded . . . is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States."
Ulysses S. Grant said "Keep the church and state forever separate."
The only thing that churches would be allowed to do if taxed, is lobby or engage in political campaigns, which they do already. Churches as it stands under IRS rules can also start other businesses which are taxed and have lobbying or campaining powers...Robertson, Fallwell, etc.. all do this already. So, by having a church tax exempt they have less costs but more profits so that the mega churches make mega millions for the preachers who then turn that money into other business ventures...Universities, TV firms...etc...etc..and THAT is where they lobby etc..etc... and MAKE millions while more efficiently brainwash the ignorant sheepish populace.
The constition, IS the constitution. And that cannot change. It has been upheld by the Supreme court numerous times...and it was set up by the deist founding fathers to protect religions from being controlled by government, AND by government being controlled by religions. It was a fair, two way street. And it makes sense considering many pilgrims came to this country to escape government religious prosecution. Now, we have these right wing fundies who are trying to revert back and take over government to form a xtian value based government where all citizens under a free democracy would be forced to abide by biblical laws or morals. This is antithetical to a free democracy because you do not see secularists FORCING churches to abide by secular laws. It's just that a church cannot proseletyze in government and public buildings. Imagine if muslims want to place verses of the Qu'ran on public would only be fair if the xtians want the 10 commandments placed on public squares. would it not? Imagine if muslims want to make laws that are islamic laws, this is what we're trying to get rid of in the middle east isn't it? So why then, have the same fundametalim here at home? As a theist it is your wet dream to see a country run by a theocratic careful what you ask for though, because with every action comes a reaction ESPECIALLY in a FREE democracy.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
They should be arrested as conmen.
There are hundreds of billions of dollars collected by churches. They are businesses and should pay taxes plain and simple. Obviously even if you believe in a god it does not need any money. So when churches collect money what is it for? Well if you trace how it is used you would learn that most of the money goes to Israel. And the next largest chunck is invested in defense industries.
wow thats a pretty far cry from helping the poor. They help the poor alright, they help them to die.
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