Pat Robertson makes death threat?
Man Claims Pat Robertson Threatened Him
By Associated Press
Fri Feb 9, 11:02 PM
NORFOLK, Va. - A Texas bodybuilder suing Pat Robertson contends the religious broadcaster walked into federal court for a legal proceeding and told him: "I am going to kill you and your family."
According to a complaint Phillip Busch filed with the Norfolk police, Robertson made the threat when he entered a room in the courthouse Wednesday to be questioned for a deposition.
"There was no such threat," said Robertson's attorney, Glen Huff.
Busch is suing Robertson for what he says is misappropriation of his image to promote Robertson's protein diet shake.
Robertson has been touting his "age-defying" weight-loss shake for five years on his Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network talk show "The 700 Club," offering the recipe free to any viewer who requested it.
Busch contacted the show in 2005, saying he had slimmed down from 400 to 200 pounds by drinking the shake. CBN showed his before-and-after photos 20 times in a promotional spot and flew Busch to Virginia Beach for a live TV interview with Robertson.
Busch says he didn't know when he contacted CBN that Robertson recently had licensed his shake for commercial distribution by a nationwide health-food chain. He sued Robertson in September 2005, alleging that the broadcaster used his image for a commercial purpose without compensating him.
The case is set for trial in April. Robertson's spokesmen have accused Busch of extortion, and Busch has posted disparaging comments about Robertson on his personal Web site.
Busch has dismissed his attorneys and is litigating the case himself.
This is not the first time Robertson has been accused of threatening an adversary.
After the failure of an earlier Robertson commercial venture featuring Bible study courses and discount coupon books, the broadcaster fired Mark Peterson, the venture's top executive.
The two feuded publicly, blaming each other for the failure. Peterson sued Robertson in 1995, alleging that Robertson made a veiled death threat in a telephone conversation with Peterson's sister.
Robertson said he did not make a threat. Peterson dropped the lawsuit in 1997, saying he had forgiven Robertson.
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Too bad Busch didn't get it on tape.
It's amazing that anyone still even listens to Robertson after all the weird stuff he has come up with. I've read a few things where even the xians have asked him to be quiet!
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I believe that if Christianity ever loses its stranglehold in the US, it will be in part due to the excesses of televangelists.
I agree with that. I think we are starting to see how all these religious nuts are finally showing their true colors. I, for one, can not stand evangelicals for my own reasons. The day I heard about Ted Haggard's 'activities' was one of the best days I'd had in years.
I think people should be more active in showing that these evangelists and 'televangelists' are nothing more than con artists selling an invisible product to millions of already mentally defunct people.
Edit: sorry that may have been a little harsh, but these people are the reasons for most of the world's problems.
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I don't think you need to apologize, Unlucky13. If most Christians were more reasonable, like the mainline protestant denominations are, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal. The religious right, evangelical mega-church crowd is a sickness in our country.
I grew up in Virginia Beach and during High School we took quite a few field trips to the studio to watch some of the television programs being filmed. I still have a "Big Brother Jake" tshirt around here someplace. Those field trips are partly responsible for me becoming an Atheist.
Pat Robertson practically owns Virginia Beach. It's a wonder the people don't kick his twisted ass out of there already. Every time I see one of these signs:
I wanna take a shit right in front of it.
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I still think it was funny when he predicted a hurricane to hit Ft Lauderdale because they had a "gay day" and it wound up hitting Virginia Beach. I'd like to get some "Fuck You" stickers and put them on those signs.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I should be in Virginia Beach this saturday, if you can find some and send them to be by then I'll be more than happy to
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