Believing in Scripture but Playing by Science's Rules?
A University of Rhode Island geosciences doctoral graduate (paleontology) believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible. How can a scientist, who writes papers on creatures that lived millions of years ago, believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years old? He supposedly keeps the two paradigms separate. WHA???
Some of the comments to the article in the left column are interesting...
Homo sapiens sapiens? How about homo insipiens sapiens: the foolish, wise human.
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Along with the same dumbass things Christians always post.
Matt, I am unclear what you are responding to exactly. What thing is "along with the same dumbass things Christians always post"?
Homo sapiens sapiens? How about homo insipiens sapiens: the foolish, wise human.
The things that always come up when atheists debate theists - "Well where did the universe come from", "evolution is only a theory", "I know it by faith", etc, etc. Look in the "numbering theist arguments" thread in the freethinkers forum.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Ah! Thanks! I'll look at those.