Great NEWS!!

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Great NEWS!!

Atheist Leader Larry Darby Gets More than 160,000 Votes in Attorney General Race, Plans Future Congressional Race.

From Campaign 2006 -- Larry Darby is an atheist who questions just how many people were actually killed in the Holocaust, yet he won more votes than gubernatorial candidate Roy Moore in Tuesday's primaries.
Darby took his first swing at state politics running as a Democrat in the race for attorney general. While he didn't beat his Democratic opponent John Tyson, Jr., he still commanded enough votes to encourage him to prepare for a future political run.

Now Darby plans his next race. "I plan to run as the Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress in two years. I plan to run against Terry Everett," he said. Everett is the long-time U.S. Representative of Alabama's second district.

The votes Darby received Tuesday come despite critical editorials in many of Alabama's newspapers just before the primary. The Montgomery Advertiser said Darby's vision of society is a scary one. The Decatur Daily called him a "right-wing fruitcake."

After the votes were counted, Darby carried 33 of Alabama's 67 counties over Tyson, who's the Mobile County District Attorney.

"I had a very strong message that reached out to conservative voters, blue collar voters -- a lot of support from law enforcement," Darby told CBS 8 News. "I think that shows the Alabama voter has matured and what religious ferver can do as far as dividing a nation. I represent neutrality in religion," he said.

Some question if the voters just marked Darby's name because his was the first name on the ballot in the attorney general's race, appearing above Tyson's name. Alabama Secretary of State Nancy Worley says that may have given Darby a slight edge. "I've always heard that if your name is first on the ballot, it gives you a four to five percentage point advantage," Worley told CBS 8 News.

Darby disputes that. "That's ridiculous. There were plenty of candidates at the bottom who won their races," he said. Laughing out loud

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Re: Great NEWS!!

This is just "OK" news. Honestly if I named ten people who I wouldn't want representing atheists in this country, Larry Darby would be in the top ten.

This is only part of the reason why:

kemod7 wrote:

From Campaign 2006 -- Larry Darby is an atheist who questions just how many people were actually killed in the Holocaust

Larry actually is in violation of an irrational precept, by denying the scope of the holocaust. We we're contemplating having him appear on our show when dealing with the holocaust precept, however I'm still unsure if I want him to have the platform.

I had a personal interaction with him a few years back in which he required me to give him my real last name so that I could be in his email list for atheist activists. Considering the amount of time I spend on activism and my dedication, I consider it awfully fucking irrational to deny my involvement without my real last name. RED FLAG! I was referred to him by a friend and an activist that got results for him on several occasions, a star in the field of speaking up... Janice (EverlastingGodStopper). Yes, yes, yes... even with the referral, he still needed my last name. I'll ask Janice if she wants to weigh in.

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Hmm... That's very Interesting. I didn't know that. I forgot to do some research on Larry. Thanks for the reply on this.

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Great NEWS!!

I can just see it now, "All atheists deny the holocaust because they hate the jewish religion! Hitler was an atheist."

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.

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Great NEWS!!

HealingBlight wrote:
I can just see it now, "All atheists deny the holocaust because they hate the jewish religion! Hitler was an atheist."

I know you're being sarcastic to make a point, and it's very well made- but wasn't Hitler a confirmed Roman Catholic who was never excommunicated, virtually had Pope Pius XII in his pocket and with the exception of exceptional individuals such as Bonhoeffer, the Lutherans as well?

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Great NEWS!!

Atheist_Scathe wrote:
HealingBlight wrote:
I can just see it now, "All atheists deny the holocaust because they hate the jewish religion! Hitler was an atheist."

I know you're being sarcastic to make a point, and it's very well made- but wasn't Hitler a confirmed Roman Catholic who was never excommunicated, virtually had Pope Pius XII in his pocket and with the exception of exceptional individuals such as Bonhoeffer, the Lutherans as well?

Yes. That's his point, Hitler wasn't atheist, he was Catholic.

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Hitler seems to be the historical hot potato.
Bar the nazis, any other type of association he had, people of that association do thier best to play such a fact down. Smiling

Anyway, this guy seems either vote hungry or stupid to deny the holocaust and its so great to hear that 1)He is an atheist activist and 2)160,000 people go for him, I don't know which one is more distrubing, but you have to say, nothing rational is going on.... o.o;

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.