JESUS's BURIAL SITE FOUND? "Jesus wasn't resurrected" --> new documentary by Titanic's producer in the making!

Jesus: Tales from the Crypt
Brace yourself. James Cameron, the man who brought you 'The Titanic' is back with another blockbuster. This time, the ship he's sinking is Christianity.
In a new documentary, Producer Cameron and his director, Simcha Jacobovici, make the starting claim that Jesus wasn't resurrected --the cornerstone of Christian faith-- and that his burial cave was discovered near Jerusalem. And, get this, Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.
No, it's not a re-make of "The Da Vinci Codes'. It's supposed to be true.
Let's go back 27 years, when Israeli construction workers were gouging out the foundations for a new building in the industrial park in the Talpiyot, a Jerusalem suburb. of Jerusalem. The earth gave way, revealing a 2,000 year old cave with 10 stone caskets. Archologists were summoned, and the stone caskets carted away for examination. It took 20 years for experts to decipher the names on the ten tombs. They were: Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua.
Israel's prominent archeologist Professor Amos Kloner didn't associate the crypt with the New Testament Jesus. His father, after all, was a humble carpenter who couldn't afford a luxury crypt for his family. And all were common Jewish names.
There was also this little inconvenience that a few miles away, in the old city of Jerusalem, Christians for centuries had been worshipping the empty tomb of Christ at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christ's resurrection, after all, is the main foundation of the faith, proof that a boy born to a carpenter's wife in a manger is the Son of God.
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests, archeological evidence and Biblical studies, that the 10 coffins belong to Jesus and his family.
Ever the showman, (Why does this remind me of the impresario in another movie,"King Kong", whose hubris blinds him to the dangers of an angry and very large ape?) Cameron is holding a New York press conference on Monday at which he will reveal three coffins, supposedly those of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. News about the film, which will be shown soon on Discovery Channel, Britain's Channel 4, Canada's Vision, and Israel's Channel 8, has been a hot blog topic in the Middle East. Here in the Holy Land, Biblical Archeology is a dangerous profession. This 90-minute documentary is bound to outrage Christians and stir up a titanic debate between believers and skeptics. Stay tuned.
--Tim McGirk/Jerusalem
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Another article...
Jesus’ burial site found - film claims
New film documents discovery of Jerusalem cave containing ten caskets believed to hold remains of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene and others:,7340,L-3368731,00.htmlI can already hear the church war drums pounding....
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
It's gonna make millions.
So Jesus did exist? Then the Jesus Mythicist campaign is over...
I don't know why just because Jesus from the Bible has all those attributes from previous fairy-tales, it would mean that a man named Jesus didn't exist at all. It could just as easily be that when they decided to give the man Jesus godly status, they knowingly gave him also those attributes from previous stories.
Sucks, huh?
I dont think so because, this is the kind of proof we need to say "lol your GOD that you have believed in for the last 2000 years dosn't exist, 1 down and too many to go." I mean there whole belief system is ruined with just this kind of thing. Though i want to see the movie before i say anything Conclusive.
Well, I meant that if they had evidence that Jesus existed, then the Jesus Mythicist campaign is over. But who knows? I agree, we have to watch the movie first.
Atheist Books
Any actual "Yeshua Bar Joseph" couldn't match any of the significant details of the Mark/Matthew/Luke accounts.... so finding this 'Jesus' isn't finding a historical Jesus at all, finding such a Jesus would refute the Gospels.
Yet many Christians are fascinated with these stories.... the Davinci Code was very popular, and this story could be too... in a sense, people are always ready to believe that their heroes have feet of clay. So I think that Christians would actually welcome a Jesus who was merely buried...their faith would still allow them to hold to their beliefs...
Anyway, I'm not saying I'm buying any of this story, just - it wouldn't matter for many Christians...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Article is about half-way down the page titled Jesus: Tales from the crypt.
Jesus: Tales from the Crypt
Brace yourself. James Cameron, the man who brought you 'The Titanic' is back with another blockbuster. This time, the ship he's sinking is Christianity.
In a new documentary, Producer Cameron and his director, Simcha Jacobovici, make the starting claim that Jesus wasn't resurrected --the cornerstone of Christian faith-- and that his burial cave was discovered near Jerusalem. And, get this, Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.
No, it's not a re-make of "The Da Vinci Codes'. It's supposed to be true.
Let's go back 27 years, when Israeli construction workers were gouging out the foundations for a new building in the industrial park in the Talpiyot, a Jerusalem suburb. of Jerusalem. The earth gave way, revealing a 2,000 year old cave with 10 stone caskets. Archologists were summoned, and the stone caskets carted away for examination. It took 20 years for experts to decipher the names on the ten tombs. They were: Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua.
Israel's prominent archeologist Professor Amos Kloner didn't associate the crypt with the New Testament Jesus. His father, after all, was a humble carpenter who couldn't afford a luxury crypt for his family. And all were common Jewish names.
There was also this little inconvenience that a few miles away, in the old city of Jerusalem, Christians for centuries had been worshipping the empty tomb of Christ at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christ's resurrection, after all, is the main foundation of the faith, proof that a boy born to a carpenter's wife in a manger is the Son of God.
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests, archeological evidence and Biblical studies, that the 10 coffins belong to Jesus and his family.
Ever the showman, (Why does this remind me of the impresario in another movie,"King Kong", whose hubris blinds him to the dangers of an angry and very large ape?) Cameron is holding a New York press conference on Monday at which he will reveal three coffins, supposedly those of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. News about the film, which will be shown soon on Discovery Channel, Britain's Channel 4, Canada's Vision, and Israel's Channel 8, has been a hot blog topic in the Middle East (check out a personal favorite: Israelity Bites) Here in the Holy Land, Biblical Archeology is a dangerous profession. This 90-minute documentary is bound to outrage Christians and stir up a titanic debate between believers and skeptics. Stay tuned.
--Tim McGirk/Jerusalem
I saw this story on the Today show this morning. The docmentary is going to be on Discovery this Sunday (03/04/07) at 9pm/8pm Central. I'm curious as to how this is all going to play out too since I am also a Jesus Mythisist.
The interview on the Today show did point out that neither Cameron or Jacobovici are archaeologists and neither are very credible when it comes to this area.
Anyway Now I have to make sure I have my DVR set up for Sunday.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan
He's done a biblical documentary before:
The Exodus Decoded
I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it.
DNA tests? Why didn't someone tell me they had a DNA sample of Jesus to test against?
Yeah, interesting, hehe.
We'll have to wait for the documentary to see what they mean by that.
Anyway, here's a few links:
Jacobivici talks about why they started taking the graves seriously: Video clips
Claims about Jesus’ ‘lost tomb’ stir up tempest
Reconstructing the tomb of Christ
The Lost Tomb of Christ - on Discovery Channel
The Lost Tomb of Jesus - official site --> TRAILER FOR THE DOCUMENTARY!
It's good and bad news for christians. The good news is that it proves that Jesus existed. The bad news is, he didn't resurrect. The resurrection is the cornerstone of the religion. May they not suffer long in their disillusionment.
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
Most Biblical Scholars think the miracles of Jesus were greatly exagerated but the man himself probably existed. So this finding doesn't surprise me. I believe he was a man but thats about it. I think as time passed his myths were created.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website
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Well, if StMichael were still around, he could start talking about the Lanciano thing again (originally brought up here).
If the DNA is the same in both, then it might appear as if the Lanciano miracle may hold some weight. On the other hand it would invalidate the resurrection. So, it would mean some guy who died with a family and was buried in his crypt during the first century somehow had his body/blood appear from a cracker/wine in the 1400's.
If the DNA is different, then all the Church needs to say is that the crypt is of some other Jesus.
But I'll second the question anyway; how would a DNA test help here? Unless the Romans were keeping record of DNA of their subjects on file....
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
How about they used DNA just to prove that the people in the coffins are really related like it's written on the coffins (son of Joseph & son of Jesus)?
BTW, I watched a documentary a long time ago, where they showed the robe in which Jesus was supposedly crucified - maybe they could use that?
A story on the subject on FOX NEWS:
I didnt catch the whole thing but afterwards they had a discussion which I watched. In it the one guy said he was an unbeliever. That's the first time I have heard an atheist use that term. It kinda takes the edge off the word atheist and might be wise for someone like a polition to use.
I heard a good idea on the Non-Prophets podcast on how to scientifically test if this is actually Jesus in there - take any communion wafer and compare the DNA to that with the body! LOL!!!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Hehehe, good idea, I'll post that on another forum where I opened the same topic!
You know I don't know why a lot of Christians would be fascinated by this story; it goes directly against the actual beliefs of what it means to be a Christian. Just like Davinci Code, this is all media hype.
For one of those rare moments, you and I are in total agreement.
What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason. - Voltaire