Atheism Club @ School?

So I know if I wanted I could start an Atheist Club in school. There's already a Bible Club that goes by the name "Truth Seekers" and I was thinking I might want to.
Good idea? Bad idea? I'm thinking of titles for it. Like "Truth Seekers 2.0" lol.
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Good idea.
Go for it. You'll need something to do though. You can't sit around all day quoting the bible after all.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Haha yeah that'd be gay. I would just try and focus it on What Atheism Is, What Theism Is, The Dangers of Religion, Arguments Against Theism, Different Belief Systems, etc.
And I would obviously have alot of Theist visitors since the club would be announced to the whole school during announcements, so we'd have to have some discussions/debates. Probablly watch 'The God Who Wasn't There' and whatnot. Maybe listen to some RRS shows and discuss afterwards.
I'm also considering waiting until next year (11th Grade for me) to start this whole thing just so I can read a little more and get some more understanding of things ya know. But at the same time I really wanna start it baddddd....
How about calling it "Fact Seekers"?
I like that.
We'll get crap for it I'm sure, b/c it's saying that Truth Seekers/Christianity is bull. But at the same time Atheism as a whole is saying the same thing. And so is Christianity towards Atheism, so we have just as much of a right to our title as they do to their's.
I hope that's a good counter argument for them. They might not listen though....
I am wondering how many atheists do you know are at your school and how they are treated.
Well I could never give a complete number becuase most Atheists are tight lipped about it. But I personally know about 5. I think there's more than that in the entire school though. I think there's even more Agnostics. And once it starts up, I'm sure we'll have at least a couple people convert to Atheism. As far as Agnostics go I think they'll all most likely become Atheist anyway. Once you REALLY question it's hard to see how Theism works.
But obviously some shitty friends aren't so close anymore, people give nasty looks, etc. Keep in mind, I've just recently decided to be completely open about me being an Atheist, and I'm sure I haven't gotten the worst of all the shit. But like I said, they're pretty tolerant up here. Even in Bible Club everyone was extremely tolerant of my opinion and even went to the length to make sure I didn't feel like I was being verbally attacked during discussions. But not everyone's like that. It's mixed I guess.
Just be careful which RRS shows you listen to. Some are a tad NSFW (not safe for work) or, in this case, NSFS.
Yeah some have a little swearing in it but I'll figure it out I guess. I guess what I would have to do is let people know they can listen to the shows on their own time or w/e. Give them a link to the site and all.
2 things
where is your school? statewise
and if you are anywhere near NJ maybe your group and ours could do something, like some charity thing or whatever
try something with aliteration for a name
I'm actually in Rochester, New York. I haven't started the group yet though. I just need to read up a little more so I know for sure I'm armed.
I actually had the same idea for an atheist club but seeing as how I don't attend school any more...
This guy on MySpace always posts videos from a guy named Brett Keane. His videos are great and I think you should use them.
The guy's MySpace URL:
Go check him out. ^_^
I have had that idea before too, but everyone around here is either a christian, or if they are an atheist they are too lazy to do anything.